Nadia Casarotto / Cheryl Bartolo 18 September 2014 THE Certificates in General Education for Adults
BACKGROUND CGEA accredited for 5 years from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2018 Curriculum available : Under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia License From the Training Support Network website at
PURPOSE Provide skill development in: Reading Writing Numeracy to meet personal needs and facilitate community participation, or workplace and further education and training options
22234VIC Course in General Education for Adults ACSF Level 1 Provides learners who have low literacy and numeracy skills the opportunity to: build confidence re-engage with learning pathway into AQF qualifications
22235VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory) ACSF Level 2 Develops: literacy skills to create and interpret simple, personally relevant texts mathematical knowledge to apply numeracy skills in everyday familiar activities
22236VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults ACSF Level 3 Develops: literacy skills to read, interpret, evaluate and create a range of texts application of knowledge of familiar and less familiar informal and formal numeracy in a range of contexts
22237VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults ACSF Level 4 Develops: literacy skills to read, interpret, evaluate and create a range of texts knowledge of everyday and formal numeracy in a range of contexts to extract and evaluate mathematical information
22238VIC Certificate IIII in General Education for Adults ACSF Level 5 Develops: literacy skills to read, interpret, critically analyse and create complex texts numeracy skills to perform a range of complex mathematical tasks
USING THE CGEA Integrating delivery and assessment Contextualising delivery and assessment to reflect the interests and needs of learners Incorporating digital literacy
RESOURCES CGEA Implementation Guide: CGEA Sample Assessment Tools (for previous iteration): Australian Core Skills Framework: nloads.aspx nloads.aspx Adult Learning Australia (ALA) video introducing the reaccredited CGEA: CGEA PD Wiki: CGEA Champions Network: contact CMM for network details
Nadia Casarotto: Cheryl Bartolo: CMM CONTACT DETAILS