MIND MAPS English Literature and Epic Poem The Context – pag 10 – 11 – 12 – 14. By Alice Romano
Anglo - Saxons Oral tradition Christian art: Devotional wall painting and manuscripts Oral tradition Built of Churches, monasteries, abbeys (for exeple Westminster abbey) Christianity writing; moral values of that religion Schools for sons of prominent families and for those who devoted their life to priesthood Alfred the Great the Anglo Saxons Chronicle Universities of Oxford and Cambridge - 12th century
LANGUAGE MEDIEVAL BOOKS Old English Written by hand in monasteries Norman conquest (1066) Monastic life copying manuscript In England were spoken: French (nobilty) Latin (clergy, members of legal profession) English (ordinary people) Italian (thanks to trade)
OLD ENGLISH POETRY EPIC POEM Beowulf Legends Voyage Oral Verse Mythical hero Supernatural creatures Scops Memory Brave actions, fights Rhythm Bloody texts Alliteration, repetition
BEOWULF Written in Old English mixture of German dialects The protagonist is Beowulf, a mythical hero from Scandinavia The story is set in Scandinavia, in particoular in Denmark, Geatland and Sweden The hero: Kill a dragon but he dies Kill Grendel’s mother Kill the monster Grendel