BUILD Chair| Thuan Doan
What will Build be doing? Learning how to design, build, program, and test a competitive robot CAD Machining Working with motors, pneumatics, machines, electrical components, programming code *NOTE* Experience is NOT necessary
Build Overview Dues are $250 for each member Competitions: VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) FIRST Robotics Challenge (FRC)
VEX Robotics Competition Teams of 6-10 students to create small robots Robots are created using the VEX Robotics Design System CAMS 687 runs 8 teams Teams compete at least twice Teams can qualify for World Championships in Dallas
FIRST Robotics Competition Build sub-teams: Articulation Drive Electrical Programming Six weeks to design, build, program, and test a large-sized robot Compete in two regional World Championships in St. Louis
DRIVE Leader l Lauren Froschauer and Michelle Gonzalez
Drive Team Drive Team is responsible for the drive system of the FRC Robot We work closely with all other sub-teams A drive system is the maneuverable platform on which the articulation is built
What do we do? Learn about the different types of drive systems Design, CAD, machine, and build Calculate proper gear ratios
ARTICULATION Leader l Vincent Kee
What is an Articulation System? Whatever manipulates the game pieces or lifts the entire robot Everything on the bot besides drive base, electronics Arms, claws, kickers, intake rollers, vacuum, elevators, baskets, hangers, etc.
What does Articulation do? Sketch + CAD Designs on Autodesk Inventor Prototype and Machine Parts Work with Pneumatics + other cool stuff Mentored by professional engineers (Northrop Grumman, Raytheon)
ELECTRICAL Leader l Isabel Lally
What does electrical do? Provides power to all robot’s components Learn about and use electrical components Learn electrical skills Cutting and Stripping Wire Crimping Soldering Design and create an electrical board for the FRC robot
PROGRAMMING Leader l Mathew Francis-Landau
What do we do? Sub-team on FRC Main Platform: LabVIEW Program robot control system Works w/ electrical to use sensors for input Provide programming support at competition
ADMINISTRATION TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS Chair l Jon Mitsui Leaders l Jessica Chiv and Josie Ma
Admin Overview Business & Financial Sub team Organizers Editors Presenters Two sub-teams Admin Media Dues: $150 for each Admin member
What do we do? Fundraisers Halloween Night Movie Nights See’s Candy Documents Business Plan Guides Brochures Awards
What do we do? Communication Presentations Networking Sponsors Competition Preparations Account management Order Materials
MEDIA Leader l Victoria Kim
Media Overview The media team’s primary purpose is to promote the Nerd Herd image through design and social networking.
What do we design? NerdHerd T-shirts CAMS Robotics’ website Also managing our Facebook and Twitter accounts Buttons for competitions Business cards Display boards Banners and flyers Chairman’s Video Other promotional items
OUTREACH Director l Eugene Lee
What do we do? Record student community service Coordinate Outreach events Summer VEX Workshops Middle School Mentoring Bots by the Bay Scout Tours This Year’s Goals Establish/mentor FLL/FTC teams Mentor a rookie FRC team
Member Dues Build Members: $250 Admin Members: $150 What Student Fees cover All Robotics materials (VEX, FTC, FRC) Competition Registrations Traveling Costs Experience :)
Benefits of Robotics Unique high school experience Machining Room Business Plan & Professional networking Outreach Opportunities Traveling Opportunities
Benefits of Robotics Scholarships Dean’s List Universities & Colleges Harvard University Massachusetts Institute of Technology California Institute of Technology Franklin W. Olin School of Engineering
Mr. Harder