Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 1 Workshop on Statistical Organization and Management for SADC Member States Luanda, 2-6 December by Awa Thiongane UNECA/ACS
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 2 Contents Types of Statistical Databases Micro level Statistical Databases The ECA Statistical Database Features of the ECA Statistical Database Important features Other similar databases
Slide: 3 Types of Statistical Databases Database dealing with micro level data management Huge data size Highly sensitive Storage intensive Row data Database dealing with aggregated data Less sensitivity Dissemination Processed data Important for decision making
Slide: 4 Statistical Databases DevInfo CountryStat World Bank Live Database CRIS/UNAIDS StatBase Several Agencies have their own statistical systems
Slide: 5 Important features FeatureDevInfoLive Database CountryStatCRISStatBase Web enable XXXX√ User-friendliness and learning curve √√√√√ Multi-user functionalityXXX√√ Document management featureXX?√√ ScopeunlimitedUnlimitedLimited Unlimited Import/Export√√√√ √
Slide: 6 The ECA Statistical Database Creating a central database system to manage all macro time-series To create a corporate platform for ECA statistical data management To support SROs, countries in statistical data management Provide easy access to statistical information/data to end users
Slide: 7 The ECA Statistical Database Developed using the latest technologies, SQL, HTML, Dotnet framework Requires readily available software Runs on windows 2000 (professional/server), XP professional, Internet explorer, SQL server (MSDE/ SQL server express/SQL server 2000) – server side Runs on windows 9x and later, any standard browser – client side Installation/update is made only once and at a central location Access to the application is through a browser (URL)
Slide: 8 Important features of StatBase Production/Development environment Web enabled User-friendliness and learning curve Multi-user functionality Document management feature Scope Import/Export
Slide: 9 StatBase Features All types of macro-level time-series data Define main sectors, sectors Includes a generic structure that allows management of any type of indicators Allows storage, retrieval and dissemination of national, sub national (up to four levels in addition to cities/town) and periodicity (annual, quarterly and monthly) Parameter driven application Define metadata (countries, admin zones, year, partners, units,…)
Slide: 10 StatBase Features (contd.) A centralized database system Uses latest relational database technology Complete scalability for any size of data and number of users facilitate textual data management Web-based application
Slide: 11 StatBase (Development and piloting) Development started in June 2004 Several seminars and consultations meetings conducted The application has been piloted in two locations outside ECA: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) where the database has been installed, customized and staff trained ECA SRO – EA - DRC NSO Training workshop of NSOs’ staff EA countries (Bujumbura, May 2006) ECOWAS (Togo, July 2006) –
Slide: 12 StatBase Components: Data management Online/Public access
Slide: 13 Data management component Administration Metadata Searching Report production Data manager Compile, approve
Slide: 14 StatBase Online Access/Public use component Features: Metadata Browse Search Export Interactivity One stop-shop Time-series data and related information and services
Slide: 15 StatBase demo
Slide: 16 Login
Slide: 17 Administration Security (users, roles, access levels)
Slide: 18 Metadata Metadata definitions
Slide: 19 Data manager Data entry, approval…
Slide: 20 Online Access opening page
Slide: 21 Metadata
Slide: 22 Browse
Slide: 23 Searching
Slide: 24 Reporting
Slide: 25 Documents and resources
Slide: 26 Thank you