07-Apr-2014-cesg-1 Chris Taylor (AD) Stuart Fowell (DAD) SPACECRAFT ONBOARD INTERFACES SERVICES (SOIS) AREA
07-Apr-2014-cesg-2 1. Application Support Services WG 2. Wireless WG 3. Subnetwork Services WG SOIS Area Report - Current Working Groups The SOIS area covers onboard communication services with the intention of standardising H/W and S/W interfaces between avionics elements & devices. Wireless activities cover intra-spacecraft, proximity, AIV and RFID Our work is aligned with the European SAVOIR initiative and the WG includes representatives from the US SUMO initiative
07-Apr-2014-cesg-3 SOIS Area Report B. Meeting Demographics WirelessApp Suppt Svcs ASI CNES1 CNSA1 CSA1 DLR ESA22 INPE JAXA NASA45 RFSA21 UKSA 2 Other TOTAL1110 *2 via telecon; CSA & 1 NASA Meeting Duration55 Agency Diversity64
07-Apr-2014-cesg-4 Application Support Services Working Group Goal: Develop SOIS Application Support layer services and if appropriate protocols; develop supporting electronic data sheet schema and dictionary of terms Working Group Status Device Enumeration Service Magenta Book published Electronic Data Sheets Red Book & associated XML Schema - Draft Red book final WG editing Progressing Common Dictionary of Terms Red Book & associated ontology – Draft red book available Draft green Book initiated Status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Comment: Resources affecting schedules SOIS Area Report
07-Apr-2014-cesg-5 Application Support Services WG (cont.) Progress Red book on Schema being finalised after merge and working group review Still need to add conformance proforma but have way forward Dictionary of terms Red book reviewed complete and ready to submit SANA entries – would like to establish mechanism for input of OWL files Green book started but behind schedule Several presentations providing implementation feedback JSC AES on Schema Bright ascension on SOIS based Cubesat ESA on implementation by European primes Scisys on new ESA study Sumo – EDS to continue within NASA RapidIO SOIS mapping proposal Acknowledged that we have an iterative process where feedback from implementations is necessary to progress – chicken and egg and lengthening of BB development Several issues discussed on extensions and constraints of present schema Baselined approach for “interoperability testing” SOIS Area Report
07-Apr-2014-cesg-6 Application Support Services WG (cont.) Planning Process Agency reviews of initial Red books Develop the new green book on EDS Develop infrastructure and device specs for interoperability testing (JSC) Develop a series of example EDS in association with suppliers Update Schema to incorporate MTS Improve liaison with SM&C and SEA areas for Continue interaction with Savoir and US groups Incorporate feedback from implementers into 2nd version of Red book (this is a lot of work) As part of subnet services 5 year review, perform SOIS Subnet mapping to other datalink protocols (Ethernet, Rapidio, raw 1553, TTtech) Explore US proposal to release a Orange book on Cfs mapping to SOIS along with a publicly available implementation and accompanying tool-set SOIS Area Report
07-Apr-2014-cesg-7 Application Support Services WG Planning (estimate) SOIS Area Report ActivityMilestonePlanned end date XML Specification for Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Devices Blue book + SANA Agency review RB 1 Complete Spring 2015 Common Dictionary of Terms for Onboard Devices Blue book + SANA Agency review RB 1 Complete Spring 2015 EDS Green bookDraft v1Spring 2015 XML and DOT + SANA Agency review RB2 complete 2016 XML and DOT + SANA BB 1 Publication Green Book Publication year Subnet review BB Publication 2017 XML and DOT + SANABB 2 Publication2020
07-Apr-2014-cesg-8 SOIS Area Report Goal : Develop wireless recommendations for space applications Working Group Status : RFID encoding Redbook Green book issue 2 under publication Wireless Local Area Network Blue Book delayed The SSIART (joint test-bench) MOU Signed. Status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Comment: New interest and support Wireless Working Group
07-Apr-2014-cesg-9 Wireless WG Goal : Develop wireless recommendations for onboard space applications Working Group Progress : The Green Book update to integrate high-speed wireless communication technologies and use-cases has faced image copyright issues; these were resolved during the meeting and an updated GB version (with copyright information) will be provided again to the CCSDS editor after the technical meeting. The work on the “RFID Tag Encoding Blue Book”, with a lead from NASA & FSA and with ESA & CSA as participants, has been started in Spring and the first draft version has been completed and internally reviewed at this meeting. This reviewed draft will be reviewed by Agency stakeholders (e.g. Mission Integration and Operations Office, FSA, ESA), where the feedback will be incorporated into a second draft which will then be reviewed by the WG before being released to AD. Planning for the development of the “Wireless Local Area Network Blue Book”, with a lead from NASA & FSA and with ESA & CSA as participants, has started. The schedule for the production of this book has been updated to reflect the recent official acceptance by both NASA and FSA, and actual start date (Spring 2015) The SSIART (Smart-Sensor Inter-Agency Reference Testbench ) MOU has finally been signed by all parties Proposal to form a BoF to investigate the need for standardization in the area of Time triggered networks including the interfacing and bridging to Wireless SOIS Area Report
07-Apr-2014-cesg-10 Planning Green Book Spring 2015: Issue 2 Published WWG RFID Encoding Blue Book: Fall 2014:Draft#1 RFID Encoding Blue Book Spring 2015:Final draft#2 RFID Encoding Blue Book Spring 2016:Final Agency review completion Fall 2016:CMC approval WWG Wireless Local Area Network Blue Book: Fall 2016:Final draft#1 WLAN Blue Book Spring 2018:Final draft#2 WLAN Blue Book Spring 2019:Final Agency review completion Fall 2020:CMC approval Deterministic Networks BOF: Fall 2016Initial Feedback ………… SOIS Area Report
07-Apr-2014-cesg-11 Proposal for new BOF Current human rated vehicles e.g. the ISS use a relatively ad-hoc mix of Time triggered (Milbus), wired asynchronous (Ethernet) and Wireless (802.11) communications technologies to support a variety of applications: Command and control, Science date, Audio and Video, Crew health monitoring, Robotic control Such a mix of services serves to indicate the types of applications that now need to be supported and will required in future exploration missions. There is a clear trend to support these services by use of a single bus able to handle multiple traffic types at high rate. This reduces the number of interfaces necessary for each end-item. Several emerging technologies look promising and able to fulfill a mix of synchronous and asynchronous traffic including Time-Triggered Ethernet (TTE), Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) and SpaceFibre (SpF). Wireless technology providing all capabilities is in its infancy but seamless communication between wired and wireless networks is highly desirable. The wireless group has proposed a BOF to evaluate these new technologies with a view to standardising their use in space
07-Apr-2014-cesg-12 APP WG (available for 2015 ~1.5FT) Electronic data sheets and Dictionary of terms Red books soon ready for submission to CESG for subsequent Agency review EDS Green book slow start Implementation feedback arriving and will require some updates More Resource would be appreciated otherwise schedules will extend Wireless WG (available for 2015 ~1.5FT) Redbook on RFIF encoding solid progress Green book V2 issues with copyright resolved High speed wireless Lan Red book initiated after delay New resources from CNSA and FSA SSIART test-bed agreements finally cleared New BOF proposed to work on Time triggered Lans and wireless interconnect Subnet WG (available for 2015 ~0.1FT) Need to start a 5 year review and introduce feedback Will be difficult unless more resources become available The SOIS Area Director will retire next year, ESA will submit a replacement candidate for consideration SOIS Area Report: Summary
SOIS response to CMC Appl. Support WGs has no activities identified as part of FP beyond Is it anticipated that all goals will then be achieved and the group has no further activity ? – SOIS has been careful to obtain resources before pushing forwards with new work items and this may give a false impression to the CMC on what is planned – If required we can list a series of extensions and future work to take us way beyond the present near term vision – As a heads up we can state that the SOIS services must evolve in response to implementation feedback and development of electronic data sheets will take many years to mature and for the full potential to be realised – Example work items: Synchronous service interfaces Data Streaming services Mapping to new subnets Simplified MTS protocol Network management 5 year review
The SOIS Area has only one WG (Wireless) and no activities identified as part of FP beyond Is it anticipated that all goals will then be achieved and the group has no further activity ? – The RFID encoding Blue book should be finalised in 2016 but the WLAN will not be completed before 2020 – A new SIG has been proposed to evaluate the use of deterministic networks required for future exploration missions, this is likely to lead to significant new work Should the group be disbanded earlier and the WG activities be re-allocated to another area (Wireless SLS?)? – The rational behind this question is not understood as it could also be applied to other groups – There seems to be no technical reason to do this? – the SLS area is anyway overloaded, and it may be more appropriate to move any relevant SLS groups to SOIS and thus even the load on the SLS area director SOIS response to CMC
More globally, only short term ( ) workplan defined. Is this area required beyond 2015? Should CCSDS maintain a role in onboard interface standards? – The updated work plan take us well beyond 2020, so yes we need this area after 2015 – The CCSDS has undertaken this area of activity and we now have many users and implementations, it is therefore incumbent on CCSDS to maintain these standards and evolve them according to Industry and Agency feedback SOIS response to CMC
Future developments for onboard “Standard Avionics Architectures” were mentioned in the 2014 CMC spring meeting (SUMO). Is this a viable direction; should CCSDS get involved in standardising onboard architectures? – A “STANDARD Avionics architecture” is not foreseen by SOIS but a ‘REFERENCE communications architecture’ was developed to locate the SOIS services and then apply the electronic data sheets – Within the CCSDS we need a “Reference architecture” which is able to locate ALL CCSDS books and this will need to cover ground, the space-link and the onboard system (This is anyway a CMC request) SOIS response to CMC