Special Education Legislative Summit July 13, 2015
Tips for the Day Wear comfortable shoes. You may be doing a lot of walking! Be prepared to go through metal detectors and security lines. The schedule is unpredictable. You may have to wait through no fault of the Member of Congress or their staff. Keep the contact information for the offices you are visiting with you. Should you be delayed, call the office and let them know. If in a large group – identify speakers for your group. Be prepared to give your business card to the assistant at the front desk and the person you are meeting with. 2
Things that May Surprise You Youthful Staffers Meeting Location Meeting space is limited Nontraditional locations (hallway, cafeteria) Meeting Length Approx. 30 minutes Important to be clear and concise 3
Meeting Pointers Introductions Introduce yourself – your professional role, overview of children you work with, etc. Key Legislative Issues Choose 2-3 issues to discuss, you will not be able to cover all eight Conclusion Thank them for their time Ask them what would be the best way to follow up with them 4
Meeting Pointers Avoid special/gifted education jargon or acronyms Congressional staff have multiple responsibilities Familiarity with our issues may vary Be an honest broker Your credibility is EVERYTHING It’s okay if you don’t know the answer; Tell them you will get back to them; Relay the question to CEC staff and we will be sure to get back to them. 5
Meeting Pointers Advocacy Packets Serve as a framework for your meetings Hand staff the information from the packets Discuss 2-3 issues included & reference other issues of concern are included. 6
Taking your message to Capitol Hill Make it personal YOU are special/gifted education’s best advocate Connect with your legislators Where are you from? Where do you teach/work with children/research? Why did you become a special /gifted educator? Convey the link between policy and children & youth with exceptionalities and their families You are their constituents 7
Meeting Pointers Be respectful of the staffers time Offer yourself as a resource Leave your packet with the staff Ask when and how to follow up with them Ask them for business card for follow up Ask to take a photo with them – then share it with CEC! 8
What else is going on? Ask your members of Congress for a pass to sit in the Senate and House Gallery to watch the action on the floor! 9
Do your Homework Take 15 minutes to learn a little bit about the offices you are visiting. Use the Legislative Action Center to do some researchLegislative Action Center 1. Are they already a cosponsor of the legislation? Then thank them! 2. Visit their website to see if they highlight issues that can be related back to special/gifted education or to establish common ground. Using a Smartphone? Download the “Congress” app from the Sunlight Foundation or the Captiol Visitor Center app:
Most Importantly… YOU are the EXPERT Convey your passion for children with exceptionalities Express your concerns Have FUN! 11
Getting Around Minute walk from Union Station to Senate Office Buildings 2-5 Minute walk from Capitol South Metro to House Office Buildings 15 Minute walk from Senate Office Buildings to House Office Buildings 12
13 What NOT to do!
Dirksen Senate Office Building 15
You Are the Heroes! 17