MY TIME Lesson 3 – Home entertainment
Lesson objectives components and features of home entertainment systems on-demand entertainment services factors affecting the nature of the ‘user experience’
Learning outcomes explain what a home entertainment system is and what it is used for identify components/features of a home entertainment system and explain their purpose select devices/features of home entertainment systems to meet specified needs
Starter The Smiths have decided to get rid of their old analogue TV and replace it with a complete home entertainment system. Define these Key words: high definition - digital - 3D - surround sound -
What kit will they need? The Home Entertainment Requirements.ppt shows the Smith family’s home entertainment wish list. List what devices/peripherals the Smith family will need to hook up to their TV if it is to meet all their requirements ? How will the TV communicate with the router? Wired or wireless connection? If wireless, then a wireless LAN adaptor will be needed.
Features of digital TV Complete the TV Buying Guide for the Smiths using Buying Guide Template.doc. How is surround sound is achieved? What methods are there of delivering TV programmes into the living room?
On demand Define the term ‘on demand’ : Suggest ways in which the Smiths can watch TV programmes and films ‘on demand’
On demand Think of other types of digital content the Smith family might want to view/listen to/play on the home entertainment system?
Homework Complete Internet TV Services.doc.