Data management software: SLims Web based Server within UZ Gent netwerk Outside UZ network available through with UZ login and eID reader Login with (LDAP) username and password Personalised view 2
Options for using SLims 1) Read-only account in BB instance Main goal: Overview of your samples stored in the Biobank facility 2) Write account in BB instance Main goal: Overview of your samples stored in the Biobank facility and adding more data to these samples 3) Setup of your own SLims instance Main goal: Use SLims for complete sample management of all your samples (stored in the Biobank facility and/or your own facility) 3
Option 1: Read-only account in BB instance Read-only account in BB instance Main goal Overview of your samples stored in the Biobank facility Access rightsRead only access Access to data fields Access to fixed set of data fields All users see the same fields 3 types of user roles: 1.No access to identifying data 2.No access to identifying data, except adremanumber 3.Access to identifying data Add your own customized data fieldsNo, a few data fields are available to store your study specific data f.e. reference id, purpose, remark 4
Visible fields (~ 45) BB specific fields Sample type (blood, serum, urine, …) Sample ID (unique ID number) BB status (reserved, transported, removed, …) Study specific fields Reference ID Remark MDS fields Consent state (informed consent, residual material, unknown) Collection date SPREC fields Centrifugation (speed, time, temperature, …) Type of collection (f.e. autopsy, biopsy, punction, …) 5
Option 1: Read-only account in BB instance Read-only account in BB instance Access to content management moduleYes Search samplesYes Save filtersYes Export data to excelYes Access to ELN moduleNo Access to setup modulesNo Add custom connectionsNo Customize your own structureNo Add samples stored in your own facility (not BB)No 6
Option 1: Read-only account in BB instance 7
8 Derivation tree: Parent – child relations
Option 1: Read-only account in BB instance 9
10 Extensive filter- en search options Save filters and reapply quickly
Option 1: Read-only account in BB instance Export to excel 11
Option 1: Read-only account in BB instance Read-only account in BB instance Pricing* Server license (normal price €15 900) € 0 Server & storage ICT (incl. backups) € 0 Customization by Bimetra admin (/hour)nvt User license (/user/year)€ 0 Update fee (/year)€ 0 12 * Pricing to be confirmed by Management Committee
Option 2: Write account in BB instance Read-only account in BB instanceWrite account in BB instance Main goal Overview of your samples stored in the Biobank facility Overview of your samples stored in the Biobank facility and adding more data to these samples Access rightsRead only accessWrite access + read-only access 13
Option 2: Write account in BB instance Read-only account in BB instance Write account in BB instance Access to data fields Access to fixed set of data fields All users see the same fields 3 types of user roles: 1.No access to identifying data 2.No access to identifying data, except adremanumber 3.Access to identifying data Access to fixed set of data fields + Extra data fields can be added by Bimetra admin (at cost) Extra user roles can be added by Bimetra admin (at cost) Add your own customized data fields No, a few data fields are available to store your study specific data f.e. reference id, purpose, remark Yes, extra data fields can be added by Bimetra admin (at cost, max. 50) 14
Option 2: Write account in BB instance Read-only account in BB instance Write account in BB instance Access to content management moduleYes Search samplesYes Save filtersYes Export data to excelYes Access to ELN module No Access to setup modulesNo Add custom connectionsNo Customize your own structureNo Add samples stored in your own facility (not BB) No 15
Option 2: Write account in BB instance Bimetra admin can add your custom fields Short text, text box, whole number, decimal number, date, date and time, checkbox, fixed choice, dynamic choice, URL, rich text, quantity, time, barcode,comparator quantity, date difference, attachment You can add data In form Import of excel file 16
Option 2: Write account in BB instance You can add data In form Import of excel file Macro Add data for multiple samples at once Pop-up screen shows only those fields that need to be completed 17
Option 2: Write account in BB instance Audit trail Track changes (who, when, previous value, new value) No logging of searches 18
Option 2: Write account in BB instance Read-only account in BB instance Write account in BB instance Pricing* Server license (normal price €15 900) € 0 Server & storage ICT (incl. backups) € 0€ 200 Customization by Bimetra admin (/hour)nvt€ 65 User license** (/user/year)€ 0 € 810 ** for users with write access Update fee (/year)€ 0€ * Pricing to be confirmed by Management Committee
Option 3: Setup of your own SLims instance Read-only account in BB instance Write account in BB instance Setup of your own SLims instance Main goal Overview of your samples stored in the Biobank facility Overview of your samples stored in the Biobank facility and adding more data to these samples Use SLims for complete sample management of all your samples (stored in the Biobank facility and/or your own facility) Access rightsRead only accessWrite access + read-only access Write access + administrator access (group admin) + read-only access 20
Option 3: Setup of your own SLims instance Read-only account in BB instance Write account in BB instance Setup of your own SLims instance Access to data fields Access to fixed set of data fields All users see the same fields 3 types of user roles: 1.No access to identifying data 2.No access to identifying data, except adremanumber 3.Access to identifying data Access to fixed set of data fields + Extra data fields can be added by Bimetra admin (at cost) Extra user roles can be added by Bimetra admin (at cost) Access to fixed set of data fields + Extra data fields can be added by Bimetra admin (at cost ) or by group admin Extra user roles can be added by Bimetra admin (at cost ) or by group admin Add your own customized data fields No, a few data fields are available to store your study specific data (f.e. reference id, purpose, remark) Yes, extra data fields can be added by Bimetra admin (at cost, max. 50) Yes, extra data fields can be added by Bimetra admin (at cost) or group admin 21
Option 3: Setup of your own SLims instance Read-only account in BB instance Write account in BB instance Setup of your own SLims instance Access to content management module Yes Search samplesYes Save filtersYes Export data to excelYes Access to ELN moduleNo Yes Access to setup modulesNo Yes Add custom connectionsNo Yes Customize your own structureNo Yes Add samples stored in your own facility (not BB) No Yes 22
Option 3: Setup of your own SLims instance 23
Option 3: Setup of your own SLims instance Register samples use macro or specific flow (custom made) Make new content Edit content Find free position Print labels … F.e. sample registration in Bimetra Biobank 24
Sample registration in Bimetra Biobank 25
Sample registration in Bimetra Biobank 26
Option 3: Setup of your own SLims instance Connection with other software Import patient data from EPD (read only) Adremanumber Gender Date of birth Other connections can be set up (f.e. Labview, ‘observationpages’ in EPD) Connection with BB instance for samples stored there 27
Option 3: Setup of your own SLims instance Electronic Lab Notebook 28
Option 3: Setup of your own SLims instance Reports Automatic s Design of labels Location overview 29
Option 3: Setup of your own SLims instance Read-only account in BB instance Write account in BB instance Setup of your own SLims instance Pricing* Server license (normal price €15 900) € 0 Server & storage ICT (incl. backups) € 0€ 200€ 2000 Customization by Bimetra admin (/hour) nvt€ 65 User license** (/user/year)€ 0 € 810 ** for users with write access € 810 ** for users with write access Update fee (/year)€ 0€ 270€ * Pricing to be confirmed by Management Committee
Example: write account in BB instance AmountWrite account in BB instance Pricing* Server license/€ 0 Server & storage ICT (incl. backups) 1x€ 200 Customization by Bimetra admin (/hour) -Add 20 custom fields -Add 3 additional user roles 3h** 1h** € 195 € 65 User license (/user/year) -Users with write access -Users with read-only access 2323 € 1620 € 0 Update fee (/year) (starting from of year 2) 1€ 270 * Pricing to be confirmed by Management Committee ** Estimation, depends on complexity of the project Total cost year 1: € 2080 (= ) Total cost year 2 and next:€ 1890 (= ) 31
Example: setup of your own SLims instance AmountSetup of your own SLims instance Pricing* Server licence/€ 0 Server & storage ICT (incl. backups) 1x€ 2000 Customization by Bimetra admin (/hour) -Training of group admin -Customization by Bimetra 40h** 20h** € 2600 € 1300 User license (/user/year) -Users with write access -Users with read-only access 2323 € 1620 € 0 Update fee (/year) (starting from of year 2) 1€ 2700 * Pricing to be confirmed by Management Committee ** Estimation, depends on complexity of the project Total cost year 1: € 7520 (= ) Total cost year 2 and next:€ 4320 (= ) 32
Contact Lieselot Vanlanduyt Joachim Geeraert Lieven Vaneeckhaute 33
Connections: regional, national, international context BVT Monthly export of selected samples to Belgian Virtual Tumour Biobank CMI Local node for focus biobank sample data exchange on the Centrum for Medical Innovation “Backbone” BBMRI-ERIC Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure (pan-European) Biobank “Yellow Pages” National Biobank catalogue 34
Connections: CMI context 35
Connections: international context Biobanker Minimal overhead, no retyping Demonstrate value of BB Protect data See comparable biobanks Requester Find biobank in BB “yellow pages” or national catalogue Select BB based on metadata Phase1 : “yellow pages”, limited to biobank metadata Phase 2 : query functionality on samples 36