Country Report on Presented by: Mr. Thol Nara FTA - Cambodia Presented by: Mr. Thol Nara Multilateral Trade Department Ministry of Commerce Cambodia Regional Training Program : Enhancing Utilization of ASEAN FTA, Trade Negotiation and Trade Policy Development. 25-07-2012, Mekong Institute, Thailand .
Outline of Presentation 1. Cambodia’s Integration into the Region and Global 2. Trade Liberalization 3. Services Liberalization 4. Investment Liberalization 5. Challenges towards AEC Integration in 2015
Integration into the Region and Global 23, October 1991: Paris Declaration is essential especially for peace and stability. 30 April 1999: Cambodia joined ASEAN 13 October 2004, the country become the WTO member. Cambodia has also many bilateral agreements. Interest in those agreements based on commercial as well as political of all partner’s countries. Since 2000, Cambodia’s international trade has played a positive role in increasing GDP, particularly contribution to the poverty eradication and employment generation.
International Trade Policy and Development Moving toward bilateral, regional and multilateral arrangements and trade openness. 1. General System of Preferences (GSP) 2. AFTA – Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) 3. AFAS (the 8 packages of negotiation) 4. ASEAN Integration System of Preferences (AISP)
Trade Liberalization Under AFTA, to reduce tariff lines to 5 % and below by 2010 and remaining tariff lines (Sensitive agriculture products) by 2017 within CEPT. Tariff Reform a. Reduced maximum tariff rates from 120 % to 35 % b. The tariff bands of 35 % protects several semi processed goods and consumer goods such as processed meat and daily sectors, processed vegetables and fruits..etc. c. Most non-trade barriers were eliminated
Pattern of Cambodian Trade Imports: Petroleum products, Cigarettes, Gold, Construction materials, Machinery, Motor vehicles, Pharmaceutical products.
Pattern of Cambodian Trade Exports: Clothing, Footwear, Timber, Rubber, Rice, Fish, Tobacco, and Cassava. The Major Cambodia’s export partners are the US, EU, Canada, China, Japan Korea, Vietnam.
Cambodian Exports to ASEAN Dialogue Partners (2010-2011)
Bilateral and Regional Integration Cambodia can export : 297 agricultural products at 0 tariff to China 249 products at a preferential rate to Thailand A quota and duty free access but with a quota to all Canadian markets except for bananas. 496 agricultural and fishery products both quota and duty free to Japan Cambodia and Vietnam renewed the agreement on goods in transit.
Services Liberalization GATS and AFAS (to made a number of specific commitments to liberalize trade in services) Accession to WTO, scheduling specific commitments under GATS in more than half of the services sectors. Under AFAS, 8 packages of regional services trade liberalization have been completed so far…. Tourism comprises a major part of Cambodia’s services industry..
Visitor Arrivals and Tourism Receipts
Investment Liberalization Agriculture and agro-industry Transport and telecommunications infrastructures Energy and electricity sectors Labor-intensive industries and export-oriented processing and manufacturing Tourism-related industries Human resource development Mining of minerals (including oil exploitation) Encouraged investment activities
Investment Liberalization Special Economic Zones (SEZs) - One stop services - Fiscal incentive (Income tax, customs and VAT benefits) - Infrastructure and trade facilitation
FDI Trends flowed in Cambodia (Investment Trends 1994- July 2011)
Approved Investments by Country/Region (1994- July 2011)
Challenges Under ATIGA Trade Facilitation (NTMs and NTBs) “Trade Barriers” especially non-tariff trade barriers (are tough subject for negotiation such TBT, SPS, ROO. Under AFAS Capacity building for government and private sectors Legal institutions
Possible Solutions Trade facilitation’s issues: improving supply capacity and reducing cost of doing business. Improving physical infrastructure To facilitate international trade, a country’s goods and services must fulfill certain standards imposed by global certification and accreditation institutions. Capacity building for trade development in both government and the private sector. Enhancing market access through strengthening trade promotion and market information activities. Promoting small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Conclusion - Cambodia should identify, prioritize, implement, and monitor trade policy and policy development that include investments in infrastructure such as: 1. Physical and legal infrastructure 2. Human resource development 3. Research and development for competitiveness - Participation of donor communities are also play importance role in integrated framework (IF) for trade-related technical assistance…..
Thank you for your attention !