e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team ICT Cluster Meeting Autumn Term 2009
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Agenda 1.Date and venue for spring cluster 2. e-Learning Team communication 3.Control and Monitoring Progression 4. Monitoring devices 5. Control software and devices: 6. Plans for Control and Monitoring across the curriculum 7. Control and monitoring through Fronter 8. Fronter training opportunities 9. AOB
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Date and venue for Spring term Provisional date for Summer Conference 2010 – 14 th June 2010 at Dillington House Contributions to Primary Conference – teacher experience? For your diaries
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team e-learning plan for 2009/2010 B Planning with ICT progressions A Providing experiences within an online learning space C Innovative use of ICT across the curriculum Harnessing the use of ICT in the primary classroom
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team e-Learning Team communication Find it on the ICT website Replacing newsletter Resource of the week Links to resources on the ICT website Book you training for Somerset Learning Platform – see details on SIX. This will trigger the creation of your SLP site.
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Control and Monitoring progression Are your children having these experiences? What training opportunities will you need to plan for? What curriculum opportunities are there for using these tools?
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Monitoring devices nce/logit_quidehttp:// nce/logit_quide/ s/documents/loggers/4030/4030_do185_1_ea sysense_q3plus_and_q5plus_user_manual.pdf TTS £79.99 ex VAT Data Harvest £99.99 ex VAT
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team EasySense Q (Data Harvest) Primary Curriculum Activities booklet: Sunglasses How warm is our classroom? Heart beats Which car is the fastest?
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Control software and devices What is the balance between hands-on experience and on-screen simulations?
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Probot ing-floor-compass-with-probot.html
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team First user £39.00 Additional user £15.00 Site license (up to 99 pupils) £249 Site license (up to 249 pupils) £299 50% off until 30 th September Textease Turtle CT
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team iboard resources
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Go Control Download free trial: &g=tec&ppg=tec&a=bot&ppa=pri&t=soft&cod e= &g=tec&ppg=tec&a=bot&ppa=pri&t=soft&cod e=3550
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Create a program to switch on the fountain during daylight hours only Start or Stop box. To begin a new flowchart or procedure click on start icon. Diamond represents a decision. Parallelogram represents an output. Select the output to be turned on or off. Rectangle is the process icon. Choose to wait or select a procedure. A Flowline is used to link on screen commands. Applying a new flow line will automatically delete an incorrect one.
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Create a program that will automatically switch on the fountain during daylight hours and illuminate the Town hall and fountain light at night. Two procedures are required: Procedure 1 – Day with fountain on and lights off Procedure 2 – Night with fountain off and lights on Is the light level less than 40%? It’s getting dark (<40%) so run the night procedure (switch on the lights) – keep checking the sensor’s value. It’s still light (>40%) so run the day procedure – keep checking the sensor’s value. YesNo
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Training opportunities with Data Harvest Coping with Control Year 3 and 4 Learn and Go interface with easyLEDs to make greetings cards Learn and Go use with model packs Year 5 and 6 Introduction of Go-Control software Use of software with model packs Design and create software with K’NEX models Contact Iain Davison for whole day or two hour session for a group of schools
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Lego Mindstorms Lego WeDo
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Planning for Control and Monitoring across the curriculum Where can you build Control and Monitoring opportunities into areas of learning/topics? Do we need to invest in additional hardware/software to meet the requirement?
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Control and monitoring through Fronter Pivot Stick – make animated graphics to share in Fronter Share data across schools – analyse what was happening
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team Fronter training opportunities Day courses - beginners, advanced, administrators _folder.asp?folderid=6468&depth=1&rootid=64 68&level2id=6468&level1http:// _folder.asp?folderid=6468&depth=1&rootid=64 68&level2id=6468&level1= Follow-up training – focuses 1.Collaboration in school – forums 2.Individual folders / hand-in folders / My Docs 3.Other Fronter tools – news tool, RSS, Visualmail, shared documents 4.Collaboration opportunities across schools
e-Learning Curriculum Advisory Team B Planning with ICT progressions A Providing experiences within an online learning space C Innovative use of ICT across the curriculum Harness technology to support learning in your classroom