Name Date Location Springer’s menu of Open Access flavors
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 2Open Access Flavors at Springer | 2 The two routes to Open Access (OA) Gold Open Access Fully OA journals and Hybrid OA option for subscription-based journals. OA content is freely available for anyone at anytime in exchange of a publication charge. Gold OA removes permission barriers (most copyright and license restrictions). Green Open Access Deposit accepted manuscript version of the article in a repository. Individual self-archiving policies by publisher/journal. Embargo periods may apply.
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 3Open Access Flavors at Springer | 3 Open access policies
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 4Open Access Flavors at Springer | 4 Open access to research output is becoming mandatory Source:
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 5Open Access Flavors at Springer | 5 A bit of context: open access in the UK Wellcome Trust has a long existing policy on open access And wants more compliance A major focus of the UK government is on innovation More access is supposed to grow the innovation The department of BIS commissions Dame Janet Finch to formulate recommendations on enhancing access in Fall 2011 The Finch committee publishes these recommendations in July 2012
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 6Open Access Flavors at Springer | 6 The Finch committee Installled by BIS First time that all stakeholders seek common ground: Universities Funders Libraries Publishers Learned Societies Government (as an observer) Assignement: How to expand access to published research findings in the UK
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 7Open Access Flavors at Springer | 7 The remit of the Finch committee was to focus on: How to make the peer reviewed, published outcomes of research accessible To more people Immediately Free With widest possible re-use rights Whilst avoiding pitfalls like damaging the quality of peer review, damaging the publishing industry, the quality of UK research and the role of Learned Societies
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 8Open Access Flavors at Springer | 8 The Finch recommendations: preference for gold open access Mixed economy for the foreseeable future Policy direction should be towards gold (APC driven) access Too short embargoes could harm the existing system unnecessarily Also underlying data should be easily accessible Since gold open access is just for the UK produced articles (6% of global output) further licensing opportunities need to be considered If the recommendations are taken into account in the new Wellcome Trust and UKSG policies, the PA will recommend the member publishers to make their content available on a walk-in basis in all public libararies
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 9Open Access Flavors at Springer | 9 You may use this text box to note the location of your saved presentation The RCUK open access „decision tree“
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 10Open Access Flavors at Springer | 10 And how is that funded? GBP10m for university transaction infrastruture Funding made available in university block grants For the top 30 UK research intensive universities Funding will grow over the next 4 years (from … in 2013 to xxxxin 2018) Ambition is to fund 75% of output to be gold open access in 2018 Appr. 26,000 articles result from RCUK funded research, total needed budget for APC with avergage of GBP1700 excluding VAT is about GBP40million Goal is to reach 75% APC funded gold in 2018 Making available 17m in year 1, 20m in year 2 etc.
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 11Open Access Flavors at Springer | 11 What has not (yet) been arranged? collaborations with non-rcuk funded researchers confliciting policies with other funders When does the author get the funding (at what moment will the funding be reserved, on acceptance?. O submission?) How will Universities decide if funding is available? Will Universities ask for discounts on subscriptions in return? License for self archived content (RCUK seems to require CC-BY-NC) MRC 6 months embargo ETCETERA ETCETERA RCUK: It is a journey and not a single event
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 12Open Access Flavors at Springer | 12 What’s in it for us? Springer decided to loyally work with RCUK to make the policy work Goals: To pick up as many as possible gold open access articles (and their apc’s) To get a larger article share in the UK in general To stay in the market of subscription journals while accepting the 1 year embargo Expected effects of the policy: Initially strong uptake of Springer Open Choice and established open access journals Later on more publications in open access journals Pressure on subscriptions negotiations
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 13Open Access Flavors at Springer | 13 The CC licenses Attribution CC BY Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 14Open Access Flavors at Springer | 14 Current self-archiving policy for journal authors Deposit of accepted manuscript version Author’s own website: no embargo/immediately Any repository: 12 months embargo Scientific networks such as ResearchGate and Mendeley are considered as repositories. -> Valid for content published in traditionally in subscription-based journals after March 21, 2013
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 15Open Access Flavors at Springer | 15 Open access initiatives outside the UK United States (15% of global research output) Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memorandum published 22 February 2013 European Union Horizon 2020 Germany (7% of global research output) Possible amendment to copyright Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) gold policy China (13% of global research output, and growing) Some limited support for open access SCOAP3 (high-energy physics, global) ‘Reconciliation process’ underway
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 16Open Access Flavors at Springer | 16 Open Access flavors at Springer Hybrid Open AccessFully Open AccessAuthors’ Rights Self-archiving of author’s accepted version Upload service for NIH funded authors
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 17Open Access Flavors at Springer | 17 Springer pionered the hybrid journal
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 18Open Access Flavors at Springer | 18 Introducing Springer Open Choice in 2004 Standard Open Choice fee of USD 3000/ EUR 2200 Offered for the majority of Springer’s subscription-based journals License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) Facilitates distribution, free re-use and sharing of the final PDF/HTML Final published version is automatically forwarded to PubMed Central for its evaluation Adjusting prices with significant Open Choice share annually, is a Springer standard In 2013, 74 journals were entitled to subscription price adjustments In 2014, 92 journals are entitled to subscription price adjustments
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 19Open Access Flavors at Springer | 19 Open Access flavors at Springer Hybrid Open Access Open Access option in majority of Springer titles Open Choice for individual authors: Article fee € 2200/ US$ 3000 Fully Open AccessAuthors’ Rights Self-archiving of author’s accepted version Upload service for NIH funded authors
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 20Open Access Flavors at Springer | 20 OA publishing at Spinger – our expertise Springer is the world’s largest open access publisher More than 10 years of experience with publishing open access journals
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 21Open Access Flavors at Springer | 21 The financial side – SpringerOpen/BioMed Central journals Article processing charges (APCs) Springer Open: 500 – 1,500 EUR BioMed Central: appr. 1,370 EUR Paid by the author (via research grant, library, institutional OA fund, …) Paid through Open Access Membership Waivers (economic hardship; Invitation waivers for EICs) Open Access Africa: free Open Access Memberships for low income countries Journal sponsorship
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 22Open Access Flavors at Springer | 22 Springer’s brand of fully open access products, including journals and books, which covers all disciplines.
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 23Open Access Flavors at Springer | 23 Authors benefit from the financial support of 438 SpringerOpen/ BioMed Central OA member institutions members in 50 countries!
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 24Open Access Flavors at Springer | 24 SpringerOpen journals open for submission (Q4/2010 ̶ Q4/2012)
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 25Open Access Flavors at Springer | 25 Journals with 2011 Impact Factors Journal title Impact factor Subject fields Gold Bulletin Materials Rice Life Sciences Nanoscale Research Letters Materials The Journal of Headache and Pain Medicine Science China Life Sciences Life Sciences Fixed Point Theory and Applications Mathematics Chinese Science Bulletin Natural Sciences/general Boundary Value Problems Mathematics EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Engineering Advances in Difference Equations Mathematics EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Engineering Journal of Inequalities and Applications Mathematics EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech and Music Processing Engineering EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing Engineering
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 26Open Access Flavors at Springer | 26 Key facts: Open Access Inclusive Sope Easy Submission Rigorous Peer Review Clear and fast editorial process APC: 850 €
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 27Open Access Flavors at Springer | 27 Open Access flavors at Springer Hybrid Open Access Open Access option in majority of Springer titles Open Choice for individual authors: Article fee € 2200/ US$ 3000 Fully Open Access Authors’ Rights Journals & Books (NEW!) Self-archiving of author’s accepted version Upload service for NIH funded authors Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license for journal articles Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) license for books
Title of the Presentation | 9/10/2015 | 28Open Access Flavors at Springer | 28 Learn more! on: