Undergraduate Research Experiences in Microbiology and Developmental Entomology Patricia Baynham and Lisa Goering-Ortiz, Department of Biological Sciences St. Edward’s University, Austin, Texas Collaborators: University of Texas (Austin), USDA-ARS (New Orleans) NIFA/USDA Priority Need Area: Award No ; $295,000 Abstract This proposal seeks to enhance student experiential learning by engaging 18 St. Edward’s undergraduate students in research projects over the course of three years. Students will be involved in research projects during two consecutive summers, at both St. Edward’s University and the University of Texas at Austin. All participants will also spend one week at the USDA-ARS in New Orleans, LA. Student participants will have an optimized learning experience that will enhance the likelihood that they will pursue careers in agricultural science through their participation in collaborative research projects and their increased awareness of career opportunities. Objectives, Outcomes and Evaluation Activities Participate in collaborative research projects with faculty members at St. Edward’s and UT Develop scientific communication skills – both oral and written Visit the USDA-ARS in New Orleans, LA to learn about current USDA research and career opportunities Attend local and national scientific meetings, where students will present data from their research projects Beneficiaries and Expected Impact The beneficiaries of this project include the 18 students (6 per year) who participate in the program, as well as the Co-PD’s and the larger St. Edward’s community. In addition, the larger scientific community will be impacted through the webpage and presentations at regional and national meetings. These activities will enhance protection and safety of the nation’s agriculture and food supply while focusing on the need area of student experiential learning. OBJECTIVE OUTPUTSOUTCOMESEVALUATION Objective 1: Attract and retain promising students in the agricultural sciences. Student cohorts (6 students per year for 3 years) are identified. Students are taught through experiential learning. Reduction in program dropouts Increased employability of program participants Students are provided support to reach their educational goals Track number and type of program activities per cohort Monitor degree plan completion - # of students who (1) complete science related degree; (2) pursue a food/agri science vocation; Follow-up: Facebook group Objective 2: Develop students' scientific problem solving skills. Development of an undergraduate research course, Agricultural Microbiology and Developmental Entomology (BIOL 4346). Students learn basic laboratory research skills and experimental techniques. Students become familiar with scientific literature. Pre and post tests of scientific problem solving skills. Grade in BIOL 4346 Participants will score 5 points higher than non participants on the Biology Major Field Test, administered in students’ senior year. Number of students whose independent research projects are accepted for local, regional, or national presentations; who are awarded travel grants for presentations; and/or who win academic awards. Objective 3: Increase students' scientific/research confidence and abilities. Student cohorts participate research projects at SEU and UT Student cohorts present at conferences (Texas Academy of Sciences; Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students) Students design their own research projects. Development of collegial relationships Students experience success. Number of students completing summer research experiences Number of students submitting research manuscripts for publication 80% of participants will present independent research at a regional meeting 5 0% of participants will present independent research at a national meeting. Objective 4: Introduce students to the culture of an R01 Institution. Student cohorts attend lab meetings at UT. Student cohorts participate in an 8 week research project at UT SEU students are mentored by UT graduate students. Students begin to see themselves as “researchers”. Development of collegial relationships. Retrospective pre/post test of knowledge and student summaries of research experiences Mentoring Survey of students’ and UT mentors’ participation and engagement Number of students who pursue natural science advanced degrees. Objective 5: Expose students to the research and career opportunities available in the USDA. Students meet USDA scientists at the USDA-ARS facility in. Students learn about research and career opportunities with USDA. Students establish connections with USDA scientists and researchers. Number of students attending ARS field experience Pre/post USDA/ARS knowledge Interest survey regarding USDA internships, careers, opportunities, with student summaries of research experiences