Marlon Mote, MIT Lillian Bonery-Bouchillon, Ph.D. Cedar Valley College 3-12-13.


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Presentation transcript:

Marlon Mote, MIT Lillian Bonery-Bouchillon, Ph.D. Cedar Valley College

 Discuss promising strategies in recruitment and retention of adult learners. Review Spring 2013 adult learner recruitment practices at Cedar Valley College.

 Spring 2013 All Students6,338 Male2,513 Female3,825 Average age 28 Financial AidHighest % of Pell Grant recipients

 Defined: ◦ This group is also known by different names in academia such as ready adults, nontraditional students, past stop-outs, near completers, Plus 50, Encore students, and baby boomers.

 25+ years of age  Has never been in college or has college credit but left without a credential  Is returning to school after a number of years in the workforce  Delayed college completion for a variety of reasons including : life commitments: such as child rearing & full time work  73% of all undergraduates are to some degree nontraditional (Choy, 2002)

 Malcolm Knowles ◦ “Father” of adult education ◦ Described the adult learner  Self-directing unlike younger students  Adults come to college with specific goals, expectations, and learning objectives for the time, energy, and money they will invest.

 78 million baby boomers reaching retirement  62% of baby boomers wish they were better prepared  4/5 people over 50 years indicate their intentions to continue working – full or part time  Plus 50 Initiative by AACC American Association of Community Colleges (2012)

 Goal 2025 ◦ 60% of Americans will hold a high quality college degree, certificate, or other credential  2013 ◦ 40% of Americans (25-64 age group) have at least a 2-year degree which has been similar to the last 40 years ◦ Graduation rates increasing in other countries ◦ Supports efforts that target adults with significant college credits J.P. Merisotis, President and CEO of Lumina Foundation (2011)

37 million Americans with some college credit (25-64 age group) but never completed a degree  ½ of undergraduate students enrolled in Community Colleges  Average age of adult student is 28  15% are over 40 years J.P. Merisotis, President and CEO of Lumina Foundation (2011)

 1. Mined historical data ◦ Criteria for Cedar Valley College:  Completed 45 hours within the last 5 years and did NOT receive an Associates Degree.  GPA of 2.0 or greater  Exclude Dual Credit Students  Completed an application for Cedar Valley College within 3 academic years but never enrolled.

 President, all college leaders, deans, directors, advisers, support staff  Clear communication of expectations

 Cedar Valley College (CVC) faculty & staff were aware of the campaign to recruit nontraditional students. ◦ communication ◦ CVC website ◦ Strategic Planning of Enrollment

 Institutions need to assess how well they support their nontraditional students ◦ Advising hired a contact person for adult learners ◦ Faculty was aware of teaching strategies for nontraditional students ◦ Financial Aid Awareness and Support Services **Cost and financial aid are critical factors considered by adult students Noel-Levitz, Inc. (2012)

 Ease of re-entry process without using new resources ◦ Web site ◦ Advisor that is responsible for the nontraditional student

 s to all qualified individuals  Post cards  Business cards with QR code  Banners  CVC Recruiter outreach ◦ Visits to Churches, business centers, recreation centers

 We value YOU  We want to offer our support as you complete your Associate Degree or Certificate at Cedar Valley College.  You might also consider registering for courses to advance your career or personal goals.  Cedar Valley College offers a high quality, affordable education, along with a variety of course offerings.  We want you to benefit from these offerings, so we have built a support system designed to help you succeed right from the start.

 Flexibility with evening, weekend, and distance courses  CVC survey February 2013 ◦ “I like the lecture…” ◦ “I like need the interaction with the professor to explain the subject matter and homework.” ◦ “Hands on is better for me.” ◦ “I enjoy social interaction with the students.” ◦ “Bad experience with online…”

 Flexibility to overcome barriers ◦ Extended hours during registration and flexible course schedules ◦ Support staff available to assist ◦ Extended Tutoring Hours

 College Promotional Material ◦ Eye-catching ◦ Provide basic information ◦ Career track aspect of the program ◦ Marketing materials should inform ◦ Provide information face-to-face during seminars  Community fairs  Churches  Unions  Humans services agencies M. Wonacott (2001) U.S. Department of Ed.

CriteriaCompleted 45 hours within 5 academic years and did NOT receive an Associates Degree Completed an application for Cedar Valley College within 3 academic years but never enrolled. Number2,2738,317 Enrolled Spring Enrolled %10.3%1.8% Applied not enrolled026

 Marlon Mote, MIT  Lillian Bonery-Bouchillon, PhD.

 American Association of Community Colleges:  Cedar Valley College.  Choy, S. (2002). Findings from the Condition of Education: Nontraditional Undergraduates. National Center for Education Statistics.  Merisotis, J. (2012). The Difference Makers: Adult Students and Achieving Goal Lumina Foundation.  Noel-Levitz, Inc. (2012). Factors Influencing College Choice Among Nontraditional Students National Research Report.  Knowles, M.  Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) 2012 Going the Distance in Adult College completion: Lessons from the Non- traditional No More Project.  Wonacott, M. (2001). Adult Students: Recruitment and Retention. U.S. Department of Education