M AIN REASON FOR COLONIZATION … Religious freedom Political freedom Economic opportunity (mercantilism) Social mobility A better way of life
W HO COLONIZED THE 13 COLONIES ? French trapper traders British farmers Dutch businessmen Spanish missionaries African Slaves (forced)
B UT THE N ATIVE A MERICANS WERE HERE FIRST … Pocahontas helped John Smith and the European settlers in Virginia Treaty system and reservation system set aside areas for them to live.
D IVIDING THE 13 COLONIES Split into 3 regions based on Geography Economics (money) Culture The regions were called The New England Colonies The Middle (or Mid-Atlantic) Colonies The Southern Colonies
G EOGRAPHY EFFECTS ECONOMICS … New England Cause – Long winters, rocky soil, and forests Effects – Subsistence farming, shipbuilding, fishing Middle Colonies Cause – Shorter winters, fertile soil, good ports, and natural resources Effect – Farming (“breadbasket”), trade, large immigrant population Southern Colonies Cause – Warm Climate and good soil Effects – Plantation system (rice, indigo, cotton, tobacco) and large slave system
E CONOMICS ( MONEY )… New England Shipbuilding Manufacturing (Factories) Middle Colonies Food Agriculture Cattle Producing Southern Colonies Cash-crop Agricultural cotton, indigo, tobacco, & rice
G EOGRAPHY EFFECTS CULTURE … New England and Middle Colony access to waterways (ports and rivers) resulted in high population density and larger urban areas Southern Colonies had an abundant amount of fertile soil that resulted in an agricultural (agrarian) economy, a plantation system, and a low population density
S LAVE TRADE Transatlantic Slave Trade Started in the British West Indies to provide a labor force for the sugar plantations The triangular trade developed between the Colonies, England and West Indies and slaves were traded in the colonies for other goods (including the cash crops slaves would help cultivate) Spread of Slavery Demand for rice, indigo, tobacco, cotton led to plantation owners needing more slaves and the slave trade increased
P LANTATION SYSTEM Plantation System Large amount of land available in the Southern colonies, rich soil, almost year-round growing season, ideal for plantation crops (tobacco, rice, indigo, cotton), with enough labor they could be grown as cash crops