Chapter Introduction: American Colonies Take Shape This chapter will identify the factors that shaped life in colonial America in the 1600s and 1700s. It examines how immigration, slavery and the economic relationship with England shaped the colonial economy. It compares colonial regions and examines wars that affected colonial life. Section 1: Immigration and Slavery Section 2: The American Colonies and England Section 3: Comparing Regional Cultures Section 4: Wars of Empire
Analyze the development of slavery in the colonies. 3.1 Immigration & Slavery Explain how European immigration to the colonies changed between the late 1600s and 1700s. Analyze the development of slavery in the colonies. Describe the experience of enslaved Africans in the colonies.
Analyze the economic relationship between England and its colonies. 3.2 American Colonies & England Explore how English traditions influenced the development of colonial governments. Analyze the economic relationship between England and its colonies. Describe the influence of the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening on the 13 colonies.
Describe the cultural life in the British colonies. 3.3 Comparing Regional Cultures Explain the impact of geography on the economies of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Compare and contrast differences in the social structure of the three major colonial regions. Describe the cultural life in the British colonies.
Describe the causes and major events of the French and Indian War. 3.4 Wars of Empire Describe the causes and major events of the French and Indian War. Analyze the causes and effects of Pontiac’s Rebellion. Summarize how the wars and their outcomes changed the relationship between Britain and the colonies.