By: Tina Gibson
Standards 3.01 Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective. 5.3.spi.6. locate the 50 states using a map with each state outlined. 5.3.tpi.3. understand how the United States acquired new territories and states.
Where is Rhode Island?
Rhode Island’s State Flag
History In 1636 Roger William founded the first permanent white settlement at Providence. The land was purchased by the Narragansett Indians. In the early 1700s Rhode Island really began to prosper. Farming and sea trading became popular businesses which made Providence and Newport RI two of the busiest ports in the New World. Although RI made profits from the slave trade, it was the very first colony to prohibit the importation of slaves.
Revolutionary War Rhode Islanders were among the first colonist to take action against British rule by attacking British Vessels. On May 4, 1776, Rhode Island was the first colony to renounce allegiance to Great Britain and declare independence. Although there were no major battles took place in the state, Rhode Island regiments participated in every major campaign of the war.
Revolutionary War Due to the “Independent Spirit” that the Revolutionary war gave them, Rhode Island was the last of the 13 colonies to ratify the U.S. Constitution, demanding that the Bill of Rights be added.
Information Area - 1,545 square miles which makes it about 40 miles long and 30 miles wide. State Capital – Providence Largest City – Providence Population - In 2000 the population was 1,048,319. Makes it the 43 rd most populous state. Name for Residents - Rhode Islanders Major Industries - textiles, jewelry, rubber products, machinery, tourism
What is Tennessee’s State Capital? Is it in Middle, East, or West Tennessee?
How many counties does Rhode Island have? Rhode Island has five counties. How many does Tennessee have?
Geography Major River - Sakonnet River Major Lake - Scituate Reservoir Highest Point - Jerimoth Hill feet above sea level
Can you name a major river in Tennessee? Can you name a major lake in Tennessee?
Geography Much of Rhode Island is woodland, lowlands in the south and rolling hills in the north and the west. The state is be divided into two geographic regions; the Coastal Lowland in the south and east, and the Eastern New England Upland in the northwest.
What states border Rhode Island?
Famous People from Rhode Island George M Cohan: Singer, dancer, producer, actor, playwright, and composer - the first artist/entertainer to be honored by Congress. In 1936, he received a Congressional Gold Medal in recognition for his patriotic songs "Over There" and "A Grand Old Flag.“ Gilbert Stuart: Foremost painter of portraits of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. The state capitol houses the historic painting of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart which appears on the $1 dollar bill.
Continued… Nathanael Greene: Revolutionary War general, second-in- command to George Washington. Esek Hopkins: First Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Navy. Anne Hutchinson: The first woman to establish a town in America - Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Nap Lajoie: The American League's first batting champion and an inductee in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Oliver Hazard Perry: Hero of the Battle of Lake Erie (1813). Samuel Slater: Father of the American Textile Industry.
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