Commonwealth of Learning Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration Gerald Roos eLearning Consultant ICT in Education
The learning pathway to capability and innovation ICT Innovation Use ICT creatively and Innovatively in teaching and learning ICT Literacy in meaningful contexts Focus on ICT skills useful to actual life contexts and how ICT supports dealing with these Using ICT in specialist contexts Focus on teaching and learning contexts and how ICT enhances these
What is Teacher ICT Integration? CONTENT Knowledge of WHAT we teach in our subject / learning area TECHNOLOGY Knowledge of technologies that support teaching and HOW to use these PEDAGOGY Knowledge of HOW we teach – teaching methods
CONTENT Knowledge of WHAT we teach in our subject / learning area PEDAGOGY Knowledge of HOW we teach – teaching methods TECHNOLOGY Knowledge of technologies that support teaching and HOW to use these What is Teacher ICT Integration?
Learner 2.0….
U SES OF O NLINE L EARNING E NVIRONMENTS CCTI Learning Classroom experience Personal Reflection Blog Group Interaction Online tools Tutor facilitation
Overview CD-based Online interaction at given times Distance learning course – experiential 10 modules Collaborative and supportive groups online Tutor support by
CD Modules Activities Reading Directing action and interaction Assignments
Actions and Interactions
Personal Reflection On site tasks Sharing online Sharing experiences Brainstorming Group discussion Collaborative documents Document sharing
Actions and Interactions
Ten Modules (updated) 1Learning, teaching and thinking with ICT 2ICT in schools 3ICT and the roles of the educator 4Assessing ICT integration 5Finding and evaluating digital subject resources 6Learning in the connected classroom 7Managing ICT in the classroom 8Project approaches to learning with ICT 9ICT leadership in schools 10ICT planning for schools
Learning Interactions (Anderson 2003)
CCTI – Experiential and situational
Localisation options Tools for communication “message to your tutor/group” Tools for collaboration “in an online discussion with your group” “participate in an online brainstorm” “share this document/link with your group” “collaborate using an online document” Optional Content update e.g. local curriculum links Learning management Accreditation and assessment
Gerald Roos, eLearning Consultant
References Butcher, N, South Africa’s Experience of Using New Technologies in Teacher Education (IICBA, UNESCO, 2009) TPACK, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, 2009, UNESCO, ICT Competency Standards for Teachers: Policy Framework (2008) UNESCO, ICT Competency Standards for Teachers: Competency Standards Modules (2008) UNESCO, ICT Competency Standards for Teachers: Implementation Guidelines (2008) Commonwealth of Learning, Commonwealth Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration (2011) Commonwealth of Learning, Framework and Guidelines for Teacher ICT Integration (2011)