Automatic Delivery Rewards The Basics
Automatic Delivery Rewards Automatic Delivery Rewards, or ADR, is a programme where Distributors and Customers can sign up to receive products on a monthly basis. Distributors and Customers who sign up on ADR will receive discounted pricing, shipping and the ability to earn product points, which can be redeemed for free product. What is ADR?
adR Objectives Provide Distributors with a loyalty programme that allows them to improve retention of new recruits. Save subscribers time and money by allowing them to completely manage their account online, eliminating the need to call for support. Promote the monthly automatic purchase of product. What is the purpose for this program?
ADR Enrolment Options Distributors and Customers can enrol in the new ADR programme through the following methods: Online Fax/Post Concept Stores
ADR Benefits Benefits received each month 5% discount off the wholesale price. Discounted shipping rate (up to 50%). Earn product points: 20% product points earned for monthly shipments for the first 12 months. 30% product points earned for monthly shipments beginning on the 13th ADR order.
ADR Product Points Product points are awarded the first day of the month for orders placed in the previous month. Up to 75 product points can be earned per month. Up to 900 product points can be earned per year. Product points not redeemed will expire after one year. Product points are awarded based on the monthly ADR order’s Personal Sales Volume (PSV)* total. Product points are only earned/redeemed in your local market. *Not all products in the picture are available in all European markets. Please check your local market’s pricelist for more information. *PSV: Personal Sales Volume is the monthly point value of the products and services you purchase from the Company, primarily for personal consumption. PSV includes points from purchases made directly from the Company by your personal retail customers.
ADR Product Points Distributors and Customers can redeem product points through the following methods: Online Fax/Post Concept Stores Product points are redeemed for free product: Products must be paid for in full with product points. International ADRs do not earn product points, but get the 5% discount and discounted shipping.
ADR Requirements Minimum* order size of 50 PSV** after discount Orders below minimum requirement may be set up as recurring orders, but you will not receive discounted shipping and product points. *In order to earn commissions, Distributors must have a monthly, minimum of 50 PSV ADR after discount included into their monthly PSV. **PSV: Personal Sales Volume is the monthly point value of the products and services you purchase from the Company, primarily for personal consumption.
Business Portfolio New Distributors who enrol on ADR with a minimum of 50 PSV after discount at signup, receive a complimentary Business Portfolio. New Distributors who do not enrol on ADR with 50 PSV after discount, but place a minimun 100 PSV regular order at signup, also receive a complimentary Business Portfolio. Regular cost of registration fee (including Business Portfolio) for new Distributors: Fax/Post: €20* (excl. VAT) Online: €10** (excl. VAT) * CHF / CZK / DKK / 17 GBP / HUF / ISK / NOK / PLN / RON / RUB / SEK / SKK / TRY ** CHF / CZK / DKK / 8.50 GBP / HUF / ISK / NOK / PLN / RON / RUB / SEK / SKK / TRY
ADR Management Options ADR accounts can be managed online: Product, process date, shipping address and payment method can all be changed. Product points can be redeemed. Orders managed through the Customer Service will receive a handling fee. Automatic Monthly Shipment Receive Products Select Products Set Up ADR Order
CREATE YOUR ADR TODAY AND START ENJOYING THE BENEFITS Product PSV Product Price excluding VAT in € Shipping Fees ecluding VAT in € % back in FREE product Points FREE Product Points Total Cost (including free product points, excluding VAT) in € Regular Fax/Mail Order 100 75 9.00 0% 84.00 ADR Order 95 71.25 4.50 20-30% 19-29 product points* 61.50 54.38 Savings 5 3.75 22.50 29.63 Compare and save on ADR orders. Look at this example of a 100 PSV product order. *Please note that this table is purely an example. **Product points will be retracted for returned ADR product. *** These figures include product points, which are awarded in the following month. For this particular example, a person would see savings of €3.75 at the time of purchase. The amounts are in € in the chart and the example is based on the German pricelist.