Towards an Integrated Academy: A Teaching and Learning Framework for Carleton University
Foundational Statement “Carleton University is an independent, collegial university dedicated to the advancement of learning through disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching, study and research, the creation and dissemination of knowledge, and the betterment of its community. It is centred in Ottawa and serves the people of Ontario, Canada, and the world.” (SIP, )
Theme 1 “Carleton University will be known nationally and internationally for its research and teaching programs which respond to the needs of society today and which anticipate the needs of the future…” Theme 3 “Carleton University will be nationally and internationally known for being student centred, linking its academic endeavours and student supports to empower students as productive and engaged citizens in an increasingly diverse world.” From The Carleton University Strategic integrated Plan
Role of the OAVPTL provide leadership at the institutional level promote excellence in teaching and learning coordinate initiatives to enhance the quality of the teaching and learning environment ensure integration and coherence among Carleton’s highly robust system of teaching and learning activities
Inclusivity Respect Responsiveness Flexibility Integrity Community Core Values
Guiding Principles learner- centred outcomes- based engaging holistic and integrated experiential active collaborative innovative challenging academic quality promotes life-long learning
An Integrated Framework for Teaching and Learning at Carleton University student engagement, learning, and success outcomes-based curricula high impact practices (HIPs) safe, inclusive, holistic, integrated and enriching learning environment external communities
Goals of the OAVPTL Work with administrators and faculty Help Carleton’s teachers to engage students Promote the scholarship of teaching and learning Enhance teaching by providing professional development Promote the use of student-centred approaches to teaching and learning Build communities of practice Foster safe, inclusive, participatory learning environments Help to provide leadership in integrating student success initiatives Develop strategic partnerships and effective teams Continuously engage with other parts of the University to help with integration of teaching, learning and research for application in various communities
Structure: Teaching and Learning Services Carleton University OnLine (CUOL) Educational Development Centre (EDC) Instructional Media Services (IMS)
Organizational Structure Office of the Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) Teaching and Learning Services Carleton University Onlie (CUOL) Media Production Centre Enrichment Mini- Courses Program Student Centre and Exam Centre Educational Development Centre (EDC) Instructional Design Teaching and Learning Development Instructional Innovation Instructional Media Services (IMS) Classroom Technology Support Carleton Univeristy Event Support Maintenance
T & L Initiatives Supported by the OAVPTL development of explicit program-level learning outcomes first-year experience programs active learning spaces bridging and transitional programs accessibility, equity and diversity international learning opportunities multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary programs awards for excellence experiential, active and collaborative teaching and learning approaches technology mediated teaching and learning approaches intellectual, critical and creative inquiry- based learning appropriate evaluation and measurement of the achievement of learning outcomes service-learning and community engagement co-curricular student activities
OAVPTL Teaching and Learning Partnerships All academic units (Faculties and Departments, Schools, Centres and Institutes) The Office of the Vice- Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) The Office of Quality Assurance The Office of the Vice- President (Students and Enrolment) The Student Academic Success Centre The Carleton University Library The Discovery CentreEquity Services The Paul Menton Centre The Student Experience Office Co-op and Career Services Communication and Computing Services The International Student Services Office Facilities Management and Planning Scheduling and Exam services The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs The Office of Institutional Research and Planning The Registrar’s officeStudent organizationsCUASA The Office of Quality Initiatives
The Teaching and Learning Council Launched in October 2014 Purpose: to operationalize/help achieve vision articulated in both the SIP and the TLF; to advance the overarching goal of engaging students to promote deep learning and success; to help foster a strong culture of excellence in teaching and learning across the University. Structure: The TLC consists of self-directed, member-driven, action- oriented, university-wide teams working collaboratively on initiatives that interest members. Function: They plan, design and implement projects to support both their own teaching AND teaching and learning across the University. Composition: Currently 36 members including T&L Liaisons from Faculties, librarians, professional service staff involved in supporting teaching, undergraduate and graduate students, representatives of the three TLS units, and other teaching and learning champions, such as winners of internal university-wide teaching awards, and early and/or successful adopters of various innovative pedagogies and e-learning technologies.
For more information, please contact OAVPTL – Thank you!