US EPA Region 10 EPA Federal On-Scene Coordinator Report RRT/NWAC Meeting – Kellogg, ID 24 June 2015 Earl Liverman, EPA FOSC
Summary of Removal Site Evaluations and Emergency Responses Alaska and Idaho: No response activity Oregon(5) Corvallis and Redmond Mercury Response – Richard Franklin Rattlesnake Creek – Dan Heister UPRR Meacham OR Train derailment – Richard Franklin, Mike Boykin, Angie Zavala Banks Mercury Spill – Kathy Parker John Day Vapor Intrusion – Richard Franklin, Mike Boykin, Brooks Stanfield Washington (3) Knob Hill Mercury Response – Jeff Fowlow Shi Shi Beach – Kathy Parker CHS Fuel Release – Greg Weigel, Angie Zavala, Earl Liverman
Corvallis & Redmond Mercury Emergency Response At the request of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ), EPA responded to the discovery of a quantity of mercury discovered beneath carpeting in a private vehicle on 7 February 2015 The vehicle had been purchased 4 years prior without knowledge of the presence of mercury, and it had been used by two daughters – one in Corvallis and the other in Redmond ± 2 tablespoons of mercury was scattered throughout the vehicle
Corvallis & Redmond Mercury Emergency Response... On February 2015, EPA screened the vehicle and the daughter's and father’s home and personal possessions Mercury concentrations in vacuum cleaners and towels used to clean the vehicle exceeded EPA and ATSDR removal action levels; contaminated items were double- bagged and left them with the owners for disposal The vehicle was secured, and the owner is working with his insurance carrier to properly dispose of it; ODEQ is overseeing final disposition of the vehicle
Rattlesnake Creek Container Emergency Response At the request of ODEQ, EPA performed a removal site assessment of the Rattlesnake Creek site on 02/04/2015 ± 1,000 chemical containers ranging in size from 1- to 55-gallon were observed, and the conditions of the containers ranged from intact to leaking Nearby Rattlesnake Creek was susceptible to release of the industrial and laboratory chemicals found on-site From 02/11-20/15, EPA characterized, segregated, consolidated, and stabilized 888 containers, and packaged and transported ± 312 gallons of waste materials off-site for disposal as well as ±16, ml glass ampules of chromic acid
UPRR Meacham OR Derailment On 03/02/15, EPA responded to a train derailment near Meacham, OR; 10 rail cars had derailed (8 hopper cars of PVC resin or empty, 1 Methyl Diphenyl Disocyanate [MDI[ tank car, and 1 LPG tank car) Incident occurred in close proximity to Meacham Creek, potentially threatening T&E species
UPRR Meacham OR Derailment... No release of hazmat; limited release of PVC resin;. Recovery and mitigation of hazmat took almost 3 weeks due to remote location, difficulty in finding MDI transfer tanker, technical challenges of flaring LPG Responding agencies included Hermiston Fire and HAZMAT, Federal Railroad Administration, Oregon Department of Transportation, and Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Banks Mercury Spill Emergency Response At the request of the ODEQ, EPA responded to an incident involving the outdoor release of an estimated ½ teaspoon of mercury from an unknown source at a residence on 04/16/15 EPA performed a site assessment and determined a removal action was appropriate EPA returned on 04/17/15 15 and addressed actionable concentrations of mercury
John Day Vapor Release Removal Site Evaluation At the request of ODEQ, EPA responded to numerous reports of unusual odors in and around homes and commercial buildings along South Canyon Boulevard in the community of John Day on 05/21/15 Over the course of three weeks, EPA monitored 58 residences, 7 businesses, and 3 government buildings EPA also performed source sampling and drilled 26 boreholes and installed 4 temporary well points 47 water samples 16 soil samples
John Day Vapor Release Removal Site Evaluation... At the end of three weeks, EPA: Conducted 2 SPCC inspections at two fuel facilities (one of which is believed to be the PRP and who had multiple deficiencies) Identified the likely PRP Deployed an ERT Vapor Intrusion mitigation specialist to assist in designing short- and long-term mitigation strategies/technologies and worked closed with ODEQ personnel
Nob Hill Mercury Emergency Response At the request of the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), EPA responded to an incident involving a 2-month old accidental indoor/outdoor release of mercury at a duplex on 03/20/15 An estimated 4 fluid ounces was spilled, contaminating personal and the building exterior Personal possessions and the interior and exterior of the duplex and other areas were screened Certain contaminated personal possessions and outside contamination were treated and/or disposed of
Shi Shi Beach Cylinders Emergency Response At the request of the National Park Service, EPA responded to a report of 4 drums and cylinders found on Shi Shi Beach on 04/22/15 On 05/04/15, EPA performed an assessment of the containers: 2 drums were found to be empty and 2 cylinders appeared to contain liquid propane EPA, along with the NPS, returned to the incident and shot holes in the two cylinders to open them; only water was detected inside the tanks
Odessa Biodiesel Emergency Response At the request of Ecology, EPA responded to an abandoned biodiesel facility located in Odessa, WA on 03/03/15 A variety of chemicals in ± 1000 containers ranging from buckets to totes and aboveground storage tanks remained on-site From 03/17-23/15, EPA characterized, segregated, consolidated, and stabilized 888 containers, and packaged and transported ± gallon drums, 31,000 pounds, and 7,992 gallons of waste materials off-site for disposal
CHS Fuel Release On 05/19/15, EPA responded to a vehicle accident on the Colville Reservation near Republic, WA; 2,800 gallons of gasoline and 66 gallons of diesel were discharged to the ground threatening the Sanpoil River Ongoing groundwater extraction, soil vapor extraction, and groundwater treatment Ongoing groundwater and surface water monitoring, and effluent monitoring