Winter Operations Personnel Safety and Operational Efficiency
Overview Winter Operations –Types of Winter Conditions –Personal Protection –Vehicle Concerns –Scene Operations
Objectives Identify types of winter conditions that could affect emergency services operations. Identify personal protective measures that need to be considered during winter operations. Identify vehicle concerns that need to be considered in preparation for and during winter operations. Identify scene operation concerns that need to be considered during winter operations.
Types of Winter Conditions Lower Temperatures –Icy conditions –Frost –Wind chill resulting in even lower temperatures –Greater reliance on heating systems –Reduced physical endurance
Types of Winter Conditions Inclement Weather –Snow or sleet –Freezing rain –Overcast skies –Combination of wintery conditions –Fog Shorter Periods of Daylight
Types of Winter Conditions Decreased Visibility Due to Precipitation
Personal Protection Clothing –Layers of clothing –Socks or other warm footwear –Spare gloves –Underclothing when responding at night –Protective clothing worn completely and correctly
Personal Protection Clothing –Extra socks and mittens available at the scene to replace damp ones or for those who do have them –Extra clothing may affect ability of personnel to perform tasks –Dress as if you are going to outside for a long period--you might be
Personal Protection Protect Crew –Rotate crews to have fresh and warm personnel –Rehab Place to rest and rehydrate with warm fluids Place to warm up –Monitor health conditions Hypothermia Frostbite, especially on fingers and toes
Personal Protection Protect Crew –Stay dry and warm –Equipment problems Cold air from SCBA cylinders Freezing of facepiece exhalation valves –Going from a fire and high heat environment to a overhaul or rehab environment - drastic changes in atmospheric temperature
Vehicle Concerns Vehicle –Heating system providing heat in passenger area –Cooling system maintaining motor cooling level –Preventing freezing in pumps and water tanks may require special measures such as transmitting heat from motor to pump area
Vehicle Concerns Vehicle –Good tire tread and proper tire pressure –Snow tires or chains available –Instant chains in good working condition –Gauges freezing –Gates and valves freezing –Ground around Apparatus (sand)
Vehicle Concerns Operators –Refreshed on cold weather vehicle handling and operations –Driving in snow and/or icy conditions –Limited visibility from motorists Precipitation Darkness Fog Emergency lighting at scene
Vehicle Concerns Operators –Aerial apparatus stabilizer operations on ice May require chipping away ice May require sand under stabilizer plates Subsequent melting may affect vehicle stability –Vehicles parked on ice, especially on inclines, may slide, even with brake set
Vehicle Concerns Equipment –Keep equipment on apparatus dry to prevent freezing –Keep oxygen in oxygen systems warm –Prevent freezing in water-based fire extinguishers
Scene Operations Equipment –Combustible gas meters may not work properly in cold weather –Gasoline powered engines and power tools difficult to start and keep running –Gasoline in portable pump or power tool tanks may have water in them causing freezing
Scene Operations Equipment –Hose becoming brittle and difficult to move –Ladders freezing up affecting extension and retraction –Hand tool handles may become slippery
Scene Operations Scene Safety –Ice forming on ground - may require sand –Mist causing ladders to ice up - may require special climbing techniques to prevent slipping –Cold air keeping toxic vapors low –Steps and running boards on apparatus becoming slippery
Scene Operations Scene Safety –Watch traffic around emergency scene due to decreased visibility –Consider extra traffic control measures due to decreased visibility and the requirement for greater stopping distances –Recognize the signs and symptoms of hypothermia and frostbite
Scene Operations Operations –Keeping patients warm and dry –Operating from elevated positions such as aerial ladders or platforms may expose personnel to wind –Rehab service to provide warm beverages and food –Extra staffing to rotate personnel
Scene Operations Operations –Shelter for extended operations –Gaining access to scene May not be able to get close to scene May require snow plowing to reach scene May not be able to access static water sources Fire hydrant caps may be frozen May require specialized vehicles
Scene Operations Operations –Ability to remove and transport victims All-terrain vehicles Four-wheeled drive units Brush units or snow plows to accompany ambulances –Initiate salvage operations to keep contents from getting wet and freezing –Manage water runoff away from scene
Scene Operations Operations –Provide adequate scene lighting due to decreased visibility –Shutting off utilities may affect heating –Consider relocation of displaced victims –Consider relocating uninjured victims in auto accidents
SUMMARY Winter Operations –Types of Winter Conditions –Personal Protection –Vehicle Concerns –Scene Operations