Aim: How can we create a car, bike or truck with rotating wheels using ACTION SCRIPTING?
Design your car, truck or bike on paper.
Opening Flash, create the main design, without the wheels.
Go to Insert/New Symbol.
Name the symbol and make a MOVIE CLIP.
Design your Tires within your MOVIE CLIP Symbol.
Go to Back to the Stage and bring up your LIBRARY.
Drag the MOVIE CLIP of your tire onto the Stage.
Modify/Transform/Free Transform and put your tire in place.
Go to Window ACTIONS with your tire selected and paste in the following script. (available on our Learning Portal.) onClipEvent(enterFrame){_rotation += 2; // 2 or desired speed in degrees of rotation per frame}
The + sets CLOCKWISE or COUNTER CLOCKWISE. The 2 sets the speed, which can be increased. onClipEvent(enterFrame){_rotation += 2; // 2 or desired speed in degrees of rotation per frame}