Craig J. Nichols, Secretary Purchasing Directors’ Meeting November 20, 2014
Agenda Introductions & Welcome Comments – Kelley Scott MFMP – Kasey Bickley Professional Development – Veronica McCrackin Bureau Chiefs - New Contracts, Renewals, and Upcoming Solicitations Hot Topics – All 2
MyFloridaMarketPlace Utilization Update As of November, full utilization has been achieved (80% or greater) for Purchase Orders/Contracts, Invoicing, Catalogs and Receiving. Average agency eQuote utilization exceeded the 50% target by December 2014, reaching 59% in October The MFMP team continues to reach out to agencies with lower utilization. 3
MyFloridaMarketPlace Enhancements CR Number Description Implementation Date 211Request to add vendor location county into SourcingOctober Request to update field label on supplier tab in SourcingOctober Request to update description field label on Sourcing event overview October Add tax ID to Sourcing vendor searchOctober Remove unused search fields in SourcingOctober Add PO start/end dates to AnalysisDecember Flag IR’s reassigned by DFS AuditDecember
MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendors The MFMP team has been working with DFS on a reconciliation effort between VIP and the Statewide Vendor File. – The fourth and final reconciliation was confirmed in September and final updates will be made in MFMP at the end of November. The discrepancy identified was less than 1%. In December, the MFMP team will review and inactivate vendors without activity in the last two fiscal years. – A communication will be posted to vendors regarding the inactivation process in VIP. – If no change has occurred within the requested timeframe, the MFMP team will inactivate the vendor account. 5
MyFloridaMarketPlace Object Code Standardization On November 14, an was sent to the MFMP system administrators of agencies that utilize object code approvers with information on how to review their existing rules. Detailed information on existing object code workflow approvers for impacted agencies can be found on the secure reports site. Agencies that require approval flow updates associated with object code standardization should submit a workflow update request to the MFMP CSD. Requests can be submitted even before the new codes are available for selection in FLAIR or MFMP. 6
Professional Development Florida Contract Manager The first beta will convene Tuesday, December 2. The second beta will convene Tuesday, December 9. Attendees were selected from the list of individuals previously identified in the agency needs assessment to ensure they are representative of the intended audience. If the candidate from your agency declines the invitation or is unable to attend, the department has a list of substitute or replacement candidates to fill the seat. Official launch will be in January A calendar of FCM dates will be sent to select employees for them to chose which session they would like to attend in that quarter. Quarterly reports reflecting the number of employees trained and certified will be posted to the Professional Development website and updates provided at the purchasing directors’ meetings. 7
Professional Development Florida Contract Negotiator – Pilots/Betas There will be two pilot sessions the week of January 12 followed by two beta sessions. Attendees will be selected from the list of individuals previously identified in the agency needs assessment to ensure they are representative of the intended audience. If the candidate from your agency declines the invitation or is unable to attend, the department has a list of substitute or replacement candidates to fill the seat. 8
Professional Development The next needs assessment survey will be distributed in July Agencies will be able to update their list at that time. Quarterly reports reflecting the number of employees trained and certified will be posted to the Professional Development website and updates provided at the purchasing directors’ meetings. 9
Services and Special Projects Bureau Solicitations P-Card – Negotiations phase Rental Vehicles ITN – ITN launched in August – Four responses received on October 28, 2014 – In evaluation phase 10
Services and Special Projects Bureau Solicitations Postal Mail Services – RFP launched September 2, 2014 – Two responses received on October 21, 2014 – Evaluators’ meeting held November 6, 2014 Security Officer Services –RFP launched September 30, 2014 –25 responses received on November 3, 2014 –In evaluation phase 11
Services and Special Projects Bureau Updates Temporary Employment Staffing Services ( ACS) –Enterprise ACS became effective November 18, 2014 –Previous STC vendors will be on-boarded into the agreement –Knowledge Services is reaching out to agencies Custodial Services – Enterprise ACS under development – Anticipate availability in December
Services and Special Projects Bureau Updates Online Legal Database Services ( ) –Current STC has been extended to February 18, 2015 –DMS plans to establish a new enterprise ACS agreement for investigations –DMS does not plan to procure a new STC for online legal research Fuel Card Services ( ) – The contract expires August 5, 2015 – Five years of renewals are available – A customer survey was launched October 9 and closed October 24 13
IT/Telecom Bureau Updates 250-WSCA-10-ACS Miscellaneous IT Equipment – Minnesota is extending contracts with the current vendors through March 31, 2015 – Continue to use the current contract WSCA-14-ACS Data Communications – Dell and Fujitsu have been added – We are waiting on PAs for four other vendors Audio and Video Equipment and Accessories – Renewal in process for two additional years 14
IT/Telecom Bureau Upcoming Solicitations Licensing Solutions Providers for Microsoft Software and Services – release scheduled for late November or December 2014 Telephony Equipment, Installation, Maintenance, and Services ITB – release scheduled in December 2014 Under Review Multifunction Products (MFP), Printers, Facsimile Equipment, Scanners, Related Software, Supplies and Services ( ) –Contract expires August 3, 2015 –Two years of renewals are available –Survey launched October 27 and closed November 7 15
Goods Bureau Updates 2015 Model Motor Vehicle Contract Awarded ( ) –Contracts fully executed and posted to the State Purchasing website Renewals Floor Maintenance Machines ( ) renewed through November 2018 Body Armor ( ) renewed through January 2016 Medical & Dental Supplies ( ) – Renewals and punchout catalogs in place with all six vendors – Renewal complete with Patterson Dental until September
Goods Bureau Upcoming Solicitations Library Furniture ITB release scheduled for December 2014 Tires ITB release scheduled for December 2014 Pest Control scheduled for January 2015 Construction, Industrial, Agricultural and Lawn Equipment –Solicitation anticipated release in February
Hot Topics Open Discussion 18