SHOSHONE HOMELAND ~They used to speak a language in Uto- Aztecan like the Creek ~They used to live in Wyoming, Idaho and Nevada ~Today they live all over the world
SHOSHONE SOCIETY ~In the past the Shoshone did not have written laws ~They followed the strict code instead ~Each Shoshone band had a chief ~A man named Washakie was a famous chief ~The Shoshone people believed that spirits lived in the sky
SHOSHONE FOOD ~ Crops did not grow easily in the hot sun ~The women use to just gather food ~Today the Shoshone go to supermarkets
SHOSHONE HOMES Today the Shoshone live in modern houses They used to stretch buffalo skin over teepees They dug holes on hill sides so they would be safe from floods
Shoshone Clothing The Shoshone wore thin clothing in the hot summers They wore thick clothing in the cold winters Today they wear clothes like the North Americans
Shoshone Crafts