This looks so sad! I would like to have this cute for my pet! I wonder why this is so ! puppy puppy puppy happy
The road is very ! The people in this truck are having a ride! This car is not on the road. I’m sure they are having a ride, too. bumpy bumyp bumpy
These clowns are very ! Their job is to make people. They made me laugh! funny happy
Look at that monkey in the tree! I am funny happy!y!
When you see the first star of the, you can make a wish. night
A is worth 1¢. It takes 5 pennies to make a nickel. 10 pennies make a dime. penny
I like the beach because it is such a place. sandy
This is having a very ride on the boat. pu p p y bump y
Do you think these racers are having a ride? bupym
This cat looks like cat. I called him Morris. cat Sunday was big, but not as big as this cat! my M y
When you see the moon in the sky, it is time to go to sleep. night
Do you know which treasure chest this will open? key
A tiger mom uses her tongue to her cub. wash
What you do if a horse was chasing you? would
It is time to the dog. wash You don’t have to me! wash
This looks like she is sleepy. This looks very. This likes to look at books. I don’t think she knows how to read. baby babyhappy baby
It makes me to see so many pretty fish. The lobster likes to live where it is. happy sandy
I think that is a really fast way to a car! wash
Sometimes Garfield can be so. Sylvester can be, too. He is always trying to catch Tweety Bird. funny funny
A mother hippo does not have to her baby in a bathtub. A baby hippo is called a calf. wash
I am not My car has flat tires! I am not because I can’t find my. Here I am! ha p py puppy ha p py!y!