Seeking Employment Preparing the Required Documents D R A F T
Resume The purpose of a resume is to interest the employer so he or she will call you for an interview. You show what skills or knowledge you have and the responsibilities you have had. All resumes contain the following information: ◦Personal data about you (address & phone number) ◦Your job objective (The job you want to have and the kind of organization you want to work for) CAREER OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position as a data entry clerk ◦Details about your education ◦Your work experience (this will go first as you gain experience & get older) ◦Other experience (organizations and volunteer work) ◦Your achievements and abilities ◦Certifications ◦Technology skills ◦Other sections D R A F T
Resume Writing Tips Design each resume to fit a particular job. Be specific - use numbers, dates, and names. Present information about your experience or education first, depending upon which is the most important to the job for which you are applying. List your work experience. Include positions you’ve held, names of employers, specific duties, and dates you held each position. Include information about achievements or special abilities. Also list volunteer work, club duties, other responsibilities that suggest you would be a responsible worker. Use everyday language, in short, concise phrases. Use the techniques of boldface and underlining to make your resume readable. Get someone else’s reaction before typing the final copy. Proofread carefully for spelling, punctuation, and other errors. Address and mail your resume and your cover letter to the appropriate person. D R A F T
RESUMES Open Microsoft Word Type your resume heading ◦Full Name ◦Address ◦Phone ◦ Save as First initial Last name Resume (examples: Cknight Resume) Save in your Portfolio folder D R A F T
Enhancing Your Resume Resumes are made up of several different sections Information Needed in Each Section: ◦Name & location ◦Years ◦Title of job, position, office, etc. ◦A few duties ◦Results ◦Etc. Chronological Order – most recent first Suggested Section Headings ◦Education ◦Experience ◦Special Skills (or Skills & Abilities) ◦Awards & Honors ◦Clubs & Activities ◦Technology Skills ◦Community Service ◦Volunteer Activities (or Volunteer Work) ◦Etc. D R A F T
RESUMES Open your Microsoft Word resume document Type your Education section ◦Name of School ◦Location ◦Dates ◦Other pertinent information Save D R A F T
RESUMES Open your Microsoft Word resume document Type your Work Experience section ◦Name of job & company ◦Location ◦Dates ◦Other pertinent information Save D R A F T
RESUMES Open your Microsoft Word resume document Type at least one other section ◦Name ◦Location ◦Dates ◦Other pertinent information Save D R A F T
REFERENCES References are people who can vouch for your experience and abilities. You should ask permission before using someone as a reference. Get their personal contact information and be sure to include a salutation (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Dr.). You will need: ◦Two references ◦Get their permission, full name & contact information D R A F T
Enhancing Your Resume Fonts (easy to read, at least 10 point) Boldface, large type, capital letters, centering, bullets, italicizing (be consistent) 1 inch margins & spacing between sections Page Borders (if used, margins may need to be set at ½ inch) Clip Art (related to the job you are pursuing) Proofreading Objective Tailor your resume to the job you are seeking D R A F T
Letter Of Application Here is a general framework to follow when writing a letter of application. Keep the letter to three paragraphs; it should fit on one page. Opening - state the job for which you are applying. Be specific. Do not say you want a job and will do anything. Identify where you learned about the job – an ad in the newspaper. Body – Match your skills, knowledge, training, and achievements to the job. Do not generalize, be specific. Pick out three or four key qualifications and summarize them in a numbered list. Conclusion – Express your interest in getting an interview and explain how and when the reader can get in touch with you. D R A F T
Follow-Up Letter Here is a general framework to follow when writing a follow- up letter (or thank you card) after an interview. Keep the letter/card to three paragraphs; letters should fit on one page. Opening - thank the interviewer for their time Body – restate a couple of your skills and how they position you to best fill the job. Conclusion – Express your appreciation for their time and consideration. D R A F T