Improving Public Health Through Access to and Consumption of Water Applicant Meeting
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To improve health outcomes by making it easier for Kansans to have access to clean drinking water. KHF is particularly interested in strategies that improve the health of low-income Kansans, rural Kansans, and/or other Kansas populations disproportionately affected by reduced access to clean drinking water. Purpose
Potential funding opportunities include: Advocacy for water policies that improve public health and address inequities; Efforts that improve access to clean drinking water for Kansans where they work, live, learn and play; Data collection and research on public health impacts related to the access, promotion and consumption of water in Kansas; Local, regional and state water planning efforts that include public health as an outcome of such plans; and Communications and/or education campaigns that promote drinking water over sugary beverages. Activities
What we drink is as important as what we eat. Communities in Kansas are increasingly facing challenges with water access. Conversations regarding the future water supply of Kansas have not focused on public health. Why is KHF interested in this issue?
Applicants must provide 5 SMART objectives. At least one objective must be related to the anticipated public health impact. For each objective, applicant must describe related activities and how applicant would measure progress throughout the funding period. Proposal objectives will be used to assess progress throughout the grant term. Proposed Objectives
$200,000 maximum award amount. Applicants may request less. 36-month maximum grant term. Applicants may request shorter term. KHF anticipates awarding up to $2M through this RFP. Available Funding / Grant Period
Preference will be given to proposals that clearly demonstrate one or more of the following: Strong multi-sector approach; Strategies that leverage or build upon efforts funded by other state, federal or foundation grants; Strategies that will improve the health of low- income Kansans and/or other populations disproportionately affected by reduced access to reliable, affordable and clean drinking water. Preferences – not requirements
To avoid any real or perceived conflicts of interest, KHF reserves the right to not fund organizations that have contracts with or receive funding from, including grants or sponsorships, a soft drink manufacturer. Applicants must include a signed statement describing any financial relationships with soft drink manufacturers. Conflicts of interest
Lobbying. A wide range of non-lobbying advocacy activities may be supported. Programs for Individual Behavior Change. Unless tied to specific policy or systems intervention. Equipment Unless tied to specific policy or systems intervention. Important grant exclusions
Proposal Requirements Proposal Section Maximum Score Page Limit Executive Summary Not scored 1 Applicant Capacity and Experience 30 3 Population and Statement of Need 20 2 Proposed Project Plan and Timeline 30 5 Proposed Project Objectives 10 3 Summary of Evidence for Proposed Strategies 10 3 Budget 10 NA Total
Timeline RFP ReleasedJuly 23, 2015 RFP Conference Calls August 5, 2015 – 2:00 pm August 7, 2015 – 9:00 am Letter of Intent DueAugust 18, 2015 by 5:00 pm Proposals DueSeptember 10, 2015 by 5:00 pm Grant Awards AnnouncedOctober 5, 2015 Grant Term BeginsNovember 1, 2015 Grant Progress and Financial Status Reports Due December 1 – 2016, 2017, 2018 Final Grant Progress and Financial Status Reports Due 30 days after project end date
Proposals received from organizations that have not submitted a letter of intent by the 8/18/2015 deadline will not be reviewed. The letter of intent must include: Name and address of the applicant organization; Primary contact person’s name, title and contact information; Description of proposal (limited to a maximum of two paragraphs). Letter of Intent
PHLC offers: Knowledge about how Kansas state and local laws impact access to water. Public policy expertise to support water as a healthy beverage. Experience working with Kansas communities. Success with effective policy, systems and environment (PSE) change strategies to promote access to clean, safe drinking water.
Contact Mary Marrow for more information about potential partnerships for this effort: or
Questions should be submitted via with the subject “Water Initiative” to Blair Weibert at Webinar recording and written Qs/As from the webinar will be posted on KHF’s website: