9/10/2015 What’s New? Edline at Valley View!! Joyce Potempa Technology Department presentation to Building Support Staff February 2, 2010 Institute Day
9/10/2015 Overview of Edline, the company - What is it and why use it? Edline is web based application used by over 12,000 schools in the US and internationally. It quickly, easily and securely manages information to serve it to registered users with just a few clicks of the mouse.
9/10/2015 Overview of the Edline framework: Each SCHOOL has an Edline page Each GROUP (a club, a sport, department) can have their own Edline page Each TEACHER has an Edline page for each class taught. Each teacher, student and parent has a private Edline account.
9/10/2015 Who Creates Edline’s Content? The SCHOOL pages are maintained by the school webmaster. The GROUP pages are maintained by the designated “owner(s)” of the group, the sponsor or other appointee. The TEACHER’S pages are maintained by the teacher.
9/10/2015 What Information could be available on a School’s Edline page? General information such as the school’s monthly newsletter, the principal’s page, the phone directory, etc. Links to other sites of interest “NEWS” events specific to the building such as open house, spring plays, etc.
9/10/2015 What Information could be available at a Group’s Edline page? General information such as group member names and contact information. Links to web pages of interest to the group. “NEWS”events specific to the group.
9/10/2015 What Information is available at the Teacher’s Edline page? Minimum expectations have been outlined for each grade- level center (Elem., M.S., & H.S.). Each teacher can determine what additional information to publish to parents, students, and the community. Class calendar, homework assignments, assignment make up policy, classroom expectations, contact information, office hours, etc. Links to targeted learning sites, on-line copies of the text book, homework help sites, etc.
9/10/2015 What Personal information is available to students and parents? When POSTED to Edline, the following grade book details are available: –Assignments, descriptions and due dates –Assignment grades –Missing work –Current grade to date –Absences, if the teacher is recording that in the grade book.
9/10/2015 Who can see the Personal Information? Students can only see their own information. Parents can only see the information on their students. Teachers can see only the grade book detail that they posted for their students. The school web master can view all content.
9/10/2015 A School’s Public Edline Home AVM! As a general user with no account, this is what is available Groups
9/10/2015 A Group’s Public Edline Home page- AVM’s Counselor’s page
9/10/2015 How do users get to PERSONAL Information? They must login!
9/10/2015 When a Teacher logs in – An example of a teacher’s personal Edline Home page
9/10/2015 When a Student logs in - A Student’s personal Edline Home page “Private Reports” are links to the posted grade book data.
9/10/2015 When a Parent logs in - A Parent’s Edline home page. The Students enrolled
9/10/2015 A “Teacher Posted” Report – to be done whenever new assignments are entered.
9/10/2015 A “District Posted” report – to be done weekly and when grades are mailed to households.
9/10/2015 How often will information be updated at Edline? School and Group Edline pages are updated routinely, as needed. Teacher Edline pages are updated as determined by the teacher and grade-level expectations. Teacher posted grade book detail is to be published after any assignments are updated in the grade book. District posted grade book detail will be published every Wednesday and every time grades are mail out.
9/10/2015 How does Edline Account creation work? Edline accounts are automatically created for Teachers, Students and ONE parent based on the STUDENT SCHEDULE file from the AS/400. New data is uploaded every night at 10PM for all schools. Each user is given a single use 14 digit Activation code to access their account.
When grades are posted by either teacher or district office, what alert is sent out? alerts are sent once nightly for all grade activity posted that day. New Teacher posted grade info available – reflects course title. New District posted grade info available – reflects school office.
9/10/2015 How do others get an Edline Account created? Principals, secretaries, deans, nurses, counselors and other support staff have to be manually added to Edline by the building webmaster. Non-custodial parents or parents who want another Edline account will need to request a second Edline account and that will have to be manually added to Edline.
9/10/2015 Who is using Edline now? Webmasters have been updating the School’s Edline page with information and links for the general public to access. Group owners have been adding Group’s Edline pages with information and links. TEACHERS have been updating their class Edline pages and have been LEARNING the new grade book software.
9/10/2015 When will Parents and Students begin using Edline? Parents and students have had access to PUBLIC information at Edline but no PERSONAL grade book detail has been made available to them yet. PUBLIC information is available to anyone.
9/10/2015 How will parents and students see their personal information? Students and parents must activate their account. Once activated, the account will stay active from one year to the next - provided the student does not switch buildings. Promotion to a new building or moving to an new home and school in the district will result in a new account being created.
9/10/2015 What is Activation? Each Edline account is assigned a unique 14 digit code that links that account to a student and his/her classes and teachers. Students are each given one account. Each student has a corresponding parent account. Parents can combine the accounts provided to them for each student so that one login allows them to access all their children’s information.
9/10/2015 When is Activation Day for students? Middle and High school students will be given their activation codes in their English, Language Arts or F.A.C.S class during the first or second week of February. Activation plans vary from building to building, so ask your Principal for details of your building’s plan. Elementary school students will activate next year.
9/10/2015 When is Activation Day for parents? Activation codes will be mailed home to parents of grades 6 through 12 during the third week of February. The letters will be mailed from the district office and will be one per household listing the activation code for all students in the family. New enrollee’s parents will be mailed their activation code letter one week after the student’s schedule is built on the AS/400 (this generates the account codes).
What does the Parent Activation Letter look like? Instructions on how to activate. Activation codes for all students in household. Reverse side is in Spanish.
9/10/2015 How we going to answer all the PARENT QUESTIONS!? What questions might they have? How should we answer them? What am I responsible for?
9/10/2015 Question #1 Parents might have - How to answer!? “I never got my activation codes! What should I do?” –Are you new to the district? If yes, the letter will be mailed out soon. If no, see below: –Are you a middle or high school parent? If yes, the building secretary can reprint your missing activation letter after checking the address so it can be mailed again. (see next slide on how) If no, elementary activation is next year!
How executive secretarial staff can find and re-print the Parent Activation letter Executive secretaries will be provided a copy of this page for their reference.
9/10/2015 Question #2 Parents might have - How to answer! “I don’t understand the instructions” or “I need help activating my account.” –Point the user to the “Contact Us” form on the district web page to submit a request for help. Building Webmasters will answer these requests.
9/10/2015 Question #3 Parents might have - How to answer! “I forgot my screen name or password” –If they entered an address when activating, have them go to the Edline login screen and click “I forgot” –If they didn’t enter an address, point them to the “Contact Us” form on the district website
9/10/2015 Question #4 Parents might have - How to answer!? “I am a non-custodial parent, I need an account for Susie, Jimmy and Bobby - I live in Maine” –Point the person to the “Edline Information” link on the district home page and have them fill out the “Request for Second Edline Account” form found there. –If approved, an activation letter will be mailed out once the account is created.
9/10/2015 Question #5 Parents might have - How to answer!? “I am new to the district, when will we get our Activation codes and from whom?” –After a schedule is created for the student, the Edline upload creates the account for the student and his/her parent. –Students will activate their account at school. –The enrollment staff will send out the parent’s Activation letter once a week on Fridays.
9/10/2015 Now, what questions do YOU have???