Introducing the Professional Development Office Donna L. Vogel, MD, PhD Director, Professional Development Office, JHMI April 2014
The PDO - Then and Now Mission: Transition to independence Biomedical Communications Laboratory grad students & postdocs SOM focus Today - All aspects of career development Students, fellows, junior faculty Basic, translational, clinical, population All three schools
The PDO and You Free Courses: Full-Day Advanced Courses Intersession (January and July) Career Exploration: Workshops, Panels, Career Fair Consultation: Individual & Confidential
Curriculum Full-Day Advanced Courses Includes interactive group component and individual followup For Junior Faculty and Senior Postdocs Writing for Publication – May 19, October 14 Grantcraft –July 29, November 13, March 3 Scientific Presentations – Sept 9, March 18
Research Leadership NIH and NSF ‘expectations’ 1. Productivity and Career Advancement 2. Mentoring Students and Trainees 3. Building and Managing Teams of Employees 4. You and Your Organization 5. Dollars and Science 6. Project Management 7. Time Management Next course for Postdocs: April 29- May 20
Free Intersession Course Your Research Career January and July For students and postdocs 4 x 1/2 day: Funding Your Research Publishing Your Research Presenting Your Research Full day: Introduction to Research Leadership Next: July 13-17, 2014
Career Exploration Job Search Workshops offered frequently throughout the year Job Search Strategies and Networking Interviewing Skills CVs and Job Search Letter Resumes and Job Search Letter
Special Career Events Watch for announcements Special Topics Employer Information Sessions Alumni speakers from varied careers in science Career Assessment using the Myers-Briggs and Strong Interest Inventory (fee charged) Annual Career Information Fair Annual Travel Award Competition - Fall
Teaching Fellows New in 2010: Competitive programs - mentored training and experience in undergraduate teaching skills - Work with expert faculty at Notre Dame of Maryland, Towson, or Loyola - Learn modern pedagogy, teach in an Introductory Biology course - Orientation, preparation and feedback
Individual Consultation If you have a question … or would like to discuss any aspect of your career development… Our door is open! Call or to meet confidentially with one of our professional staff
www/ Donna L. Vogel, MD, PhD Director Gaelle Kolb, PhD Assistant Director Brittni Griffin Administrative Coordinator
www/ Donna L. Vogel, MD, PhD Director Gaelle Kolb, PhD Assistant Director Brittni Griffin Administrative Coordinator