3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Audronė Miškinienė Head, Public Relations Division, SL WG 2
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, USER SATISFACTION SURVEYS Annual on general issues since 1999 Disseminated by fax, Internet and with key paper publications Results: majority preferred internet and services A specialised respondents’ survey in Dec Disseminated to respondents with annual Director’s letter informing respondents about their participation in surveys A specialised survey of researchers in 2004 Monthly survey of website visits since 2004 2 outsources poles in 2005 (image and public administration)
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Results: interest by statistical domain in 2001 (library visitors) Population and social statistics General statistics Retail trade Macroeconomic Foreign trade Business statistics Miscellaneous Agriculture Finance statistics
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Results: Respondent survey, 2003 Dec Feb – a sample of 3000 from 30,000 respondents Breakdown by urban and rural large, medium, small enterprises Response rate 11.2 per cent (large urban – 11.0, medium urban 11.3, small urban 5.4, large rural 5.3, medium rural 9.6, small rural 6.3 per cent) Simultaneous marketing of products and services (4 blocks of questions: Usage and frequency, Quality and scope of services, Opinion, Marketing-informative) Rating of publications/comparison with subscription- purchases Comparison with previous surveys (Library visitors, internet)
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Top 10 publications Respondent’s rating Earnings Financial indicators of enterprises The Survey of Lithuanian economy Earnings by structure Key indicators of small, medium and large enterprises Monthly bulletin Construction prices Consumer prices Labour market and employment Consumer and producer price indices Sales and subscription rating Population census Statistical yearbook Crime and legal activities Monthly bulletin Foreign trade Labour market and employment Lithuania in figures FDI The Survey of Lithuanian economy Earnings
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Observations Just 6 % did not know our information 65% became users by browsing internet Use statistics for comparisons within business, business plans, reports, market research Most interest in annual figures and short-term statistics Price is not important if info is timely and useful 76% prefer to receive data in e. form (47% internet, 22% , 7% CD)
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Results: scientific survey, 2004 Lithuanian user requests, 2003
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Foreign user requests, 2003
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Visits of –2005 by quarter MONTHLY WEBSITE VISITS Total number of visits in st Q 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q 1st Q 2005
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, VISITS BY TOP 5 DOMAINS, MONTHLY AVERAGE, I Q
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, DAILY USAGE OF THE WEBSITE
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, HOURLY USAGE OF THE WEBSITE
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Internet user polls 1. “Alert me” services attribute to user group. If not – user category “Other”. Analysis since June Every month new poll on the website (e. g. 2005): How often do You visit this website? Which user group do you belong to? What type of information are You searching? Foreigners: % % (New countries: Cyprus, Mexico, Switzerland)
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Registration to „Alert me“ service by user group in LT site version by month
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, Conclusions Key visitors – students; In April 2004 the SL website was rated as institution rendering most e.services (levels 3 and 4); Considerations Frequent questions on where to find what on the website, the website architecture and user-friendliness have to be improved. Not all user groups have been examined, so user surveys will continue
3rd Nordic Marketing conference, W2 Helsinki June, THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION