Parent Night Mrs. Johnson’s Class R.E. Thompson Intermediate School Grade 3 Room 15
Meet our 3 rd grade Class
Grading Procedure You child’s grade will be computed from his or her test, class work, and homework grades. Tests will count for 80% of your child’s grade. Major projects completed in class and at home will also count as test grades. Class work/Homework will count for the remaining 20% of your child’s grade. If you find that your child is bringing home excessive amounts of homework, it may be that they are not using their time wisely in class to finish their class work.
Test Papers Test papers will be sent home each Tuesday afternoon in your child’s J.U.N.G.L.E. book. The papers must be signed and returned by the next day. If you need to keep them an additional day, please send me a note.
J.U.N.G.L.E. Book The Jungle book is a tool to help your child stay organized. There is a space for important notes, test papers, the weekly newsletter that must stay in the notebook, homework,reading log, paper for your child to use to write the homework assignments, and paper for you and I to use for communication. Please check your child’s Jungle book each night for important notes and homework.
What I expect from your child
Effective Work Habits & Academics Homework is to be completed neatly and turned in on time every day. Your child has received a homework folder to keep track of daily homework. This folder is to remain in his/her J.U.N.G.L.E. book. The reading log is required to be checked and signed by the parent every night.
Academics Reading A vocabulary test will be given every Thursday. A reading comprehension test will be given every Friday. A new story will be assigned each week. I will take one AR reading test grade each nine weeks. This grade will be an average of the tests the student has taken during each nine-week grading period.
Academics Reading Continued Your child is also responsible for reading to a parent for fifteen minutes each night and recording it on the reading log. The reading log will count as a homework grade each week in reading. It must be turned in every Friday morning. Your child is expected to read his/her assigned reading story each night. This may count toward the reading log. Your child will also be expected to read a timed reading passage each night to gain practice for their reading fluency test each Friday. I will send this passage home with the class newsletter either on Friday or Monday each week.
Academics Math Tests will be given when a unit or chapter is completed. Multiplication- Your child will learn his/her multiplication facts through the number 12. This requires studying at home.
Academics Language A Daily Oral Language (D.O.L.) Test will be given every Tuesday. Your child will have to correct four incorrect sentences from the ten that we review together in class. A language mechanics test will be give when a unit or objective is completed. By the end of third grade your child will be able to write a letter in correct letter format and write a complete paragraph.
Academics Spelling Your child will complete various spelling activities every week to help his/her spelling skills and knowledge. They will be assigned in the morning and must be completed in his/her blue notebook before the next day. The activities will be listed on the weekly newsletter each week. Each student is required to take a spelling practice test at home on every Thursday night. You, the parent, must give your child the test and grade it. You child will then have to write each misspelled word five times each on the back of the test. It must be signed and returned Friday morning for a homework grade in spelling. A spelling test will be given every Friday.
Daily Homework Some homework is given in reading, language, and math. Assigned homework is for extra practice of a skill taught in class. If you child does not complete class work during the allotted time each day, they will be allowed to bring it home in the evenings for completion. Please understand that this is incomplete class work and that your child has had classroom time for completion. The reading log must be completed at home with an adult or guardian and signed every night. It must be turned in every Friday morning along with the Spelling Practice Test. *All homework must be completed in pencil and returned the next day. *
Discipline Plan In order to guarantee your child and all the students in our classroom an excellent learning environment they deserve, I will utilize the following plan. Philosophy I believe that all children should be guaranteed an excellent learning environment. I also believe that my students can behave appropriately in the classroom and throughout the school day in order to guarantee an atmosphere where learning can take place.
Class Rules Respect Self Respect Others Respect Property Be on task Respect authority Recycle Give your best effort Be kindClean up after yourself Know that you can do it Help others Use only what you need Be prepared ShareTake care of your school Use appropriate Voice Level
Co nsequences for students who choose to break the rules: 1 st mark- Warning 2 nd mark- loss of recess or writing assignment 3 rd mark- silent lunch and writing assignment with parents’ signature 4 th mark- student conference and inform parents 5 th mark- severe disruption- Principal’s office* * Severe disruption- fighting, disrespect to teacher, willfully destroying property, etc. ~ Students who behave appropriately will earn special rewards. For each mark a student receives, a mark is placed next to his/her name. There will be a fun day activity planned at the end of each nine-week grading period that will reward all of the students who have nine or less tally marks.
Absences/Check- Outs/Tardiness Please make sure your child is at school each day if possible. A student must be in attendance for 3 ½ hours of the school day in order to be counted present. Please send a note within two days of your child’s absence stating the reason for his/her absence. MAKE-UP WORK 1. Make-up work will only be given if the absence/tardy/check-out is an excused absence. 2. Students have two days to bring an excuse. 3. Students have one week from the absence to return all make-up work. For a checkout or tardy, the work is due the next day. If make-up work is not received or the absence /tardy/check-out is not excused, the student will receive a 0/F for each of the assignments.
Mystery Reader Mystery readers are parents or relatives of the students in our class who come to our class to read a story. The students are given a clue a day in order to try to guess the identity of the mystery reader. The mystery reader will reveal him or herself to the class on Friday at 2:15. I had three mystery readers last year. I hope to have more this year. The students last year really loved this activity. Please see me to sign up for a mystery reader date.
Top Toucan Top Toucan is like the student of the week. The names of the students who have good behavior for an entire week will be placed in a cup. I will pick the Top Toucan at random from the names. Each student will have the chance to become the Top Toucan in my room. On the next two slides is the letter you will receive when your child is the Top Toucan.
Dear Parents, Next Week Your Child will the “Top Toucan!” While your child is the Top Toucan, each day of the week will consist of an exciting event or activity to honor him or her and to help us get to know our special classmate. *Monday: Sharing Sack: A small backpack has been sent home with your child to use as the “sharing sack.” Please help your child collect special items from home with which to fill the bag, and send it back to school with your child on Monday to share with his or her classmates. Try to encourage your child to choose items that have some sort of meaning rather than just a collection of toys. On the Toucan of the Week bulletin board, there is a photo holder that can display up to six 4 x 6 pictures. If possible, have your child pick 6 of his or her favorite pictures to display for the class. The pictures will be returned at the end of the week with no harm done.
*Tuesday: Favorite Book: Your star student brings one of his or her favorite picture books to read to the class (or have the teacher read to the class) at our class meeting. *Wednesday: Parent Letter: Parents, you will write a letter to the class telling us how special your child is to you. Send the letter in a sealed envelope to school with your child, and I will read the letter to the class at class meeting. The content of the letter is up to you, but you may want to choose from one of the following ideas: describe special or funny stories about your child for the class to hear, write a silly or serious poem about your child, tell us some neat things we may not know about your child, send silly or special pictures with a letter describing the pictures, or write a short story with your child as the main character. You may also send a special video for the class to watch if you choose. (Sometimes parents have taped messages or choose to send in a funny baby video for the class to see.)
*Thursday: Lunch Buddy: If possible, join your child in the cafeteria for a special lunch on this day. You may also choose to invite a sibling or a favorite relative to be your child’s lunch buddy. You can have the buddy be a surprise or let your child know ahead of time. If you are unable to make it during our lunch period, please let me know, and I will try to reschedule it for another day. You can bring lunch from a favorite restaurant to the cafeteria, or you can order lunch at school with your child. Please let me know ahead of time if you are planning to order a school lunch so that I can place your order. Friday: Toucan Friends: Your Top Toucan will be presented with a friendship book created by his or her classmates. The book will include a class picture and compliments written by his or her classmates. * The events planned for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday can be swapped in order to accommodate your personal schedules if you are planning to be a lunch buddy during the week. * This was adapted from Beth Newingham’s Driver of the Week.
Communication Feel free to write any concerns or comments in your child’s J.U.N.G.L.E. book. Phone: You can contact me at school or at home. School Phone: Conference: You can set up a conference during my conference period before or after school.
Let’s work as a team and have a great school year! Thank you for taking an interest in your child and coming to parent night.