Chapter 10
Integumentary System (Skin) Skin: 3 Layers 1. Epidermis Thickness varies based on region Stratified Squamous epithelium Many flat layers of cells Basal (Bottom Layer) produces new cells, oldest cells on top layer of skin. Dead skin cells are “shed” (dander) Keratin= water proofing quality Melanin (coloring), Albinism = absence of coloring
Integumentary System (Skin) Skin: 3 Layers 2. Dermis / Corium Blood and lymph vessels Nerve fibers (pain!) Accessory organs Connecting Tissue Fibroblasts, collagen, histiocytes, mast cells, histamine, heparin, perception
Integumentary System (Skin) Skin: 3 Layers 3. Sub Q / hypodermis Connective tissue Fat Adipocytes = fat cells that produce lipids
Skin: Appendages Glands Hair, wool, fur Feathers Scales Claws, hooves, nails Beaks Horns/ Antlers Horns: grow continuously Antlers: Shed each season Cornification: Skin-> horns/keratin
Vestigial Appendages Vestigial: rudimentary structures, seldom used for survival, “left overs” from evolution Dewclaws: rudimentary bones Dogs: Digits 2 and 4 Front and back legs. Back dew claw normally removes Chestnuts: medial surface of (horse) legs Ergots: tuft of hair on the fetlock joint
Common Procedures Biopsy: removal of LIVING tissue for examination Incisional Excisional: removal of entire tumor Culture: growing microbes in a predetermined media for study Skin Scrape: microscopic examination of the skin for presence of mites Intradermal Testing: injection of test substances under the skin to test for body reaction (allergies)
Common Procedures Cauterization: destruction of tissue using electrical current/heat/ chemicals Lance: open to allow for drainage
Common Ailments Abrasion: superficial cut Abscess: localized collection of pus Alopecia: abnormal hair loss(bald spots) Shedding: normal hair loss Contusion: Bruise Dermatitis: inflammation Allergies, fleas Mange: skin disease caused by mites Ulcers (decubical): sores , bed sores
Lesions Surface Lesions Fluid-Filled lesions Erosive Raised and discolored Papule, macule, scale, wheal, plaque, patch, crust Fluid-Filled lesions Cyst, pustule, vesicle, bulla Erosive Ulcer, fissure
Needle Activity : Wednesday
Activities Review Depict (YOU MUST DRAW IT) Types of Hair skin layers and anatomy Include a Hair follicle it must be colored and labeled (like the one on this ppt) Types of Hair Give examples of/ on animals Example: What type of hair are whiskers? Draw examples of the types of injections Intramuscular, SubQ, Intravenous,Cyntesis Know what/when they are used