Integumentary System By Charli & Zara
Contents Elements of the System How the system works Diseases & Disorders Importance of the System Cells Cancers How it operates in other species Bibliography
Elements of the System The elements of the integumentary system are your skin, hair, nails and endocrine glands. The skin forms the body’s outer covering and protects the body from chemicals, diseases, UV light and physical damage. Hair and nails extend from the body to protect the skin from damage. The endocrine glands produce wax and oil to protect, cool and moisturise the surface of the skin. Hair & Nails Skin Endocrine Glands
Hair & Nails Nails are an organ made of hardened skin. The three main parts of the nail is the root, body and free edge. The root is the part of the nail that is underneath the skin. The body is the part of the nail you can see. The free edge is the section of the nail that goes beyond the finger or toe. Hair is made up of tightly packed dead skin. The only parts of your body that have no hair growing on them are the palms of your hands the soles of your feet and your lips. Hair helps protect your body from UV rays by stopping the stoping the sunlight from hitting your skin. Hair also insulates your body and traps warm air around your skin
Skin Epidermis is the outside layer of skin, it covers almost the entire surface of the body. The epidermis layer is a tenth of a millimetre thick but there is 40 to 50 layers. The dermis is a deep layer of skin found under the epidermis. The dermis is mostly made up of connective tissue along with blood, nervous tissues and blood vessels. The dermis is a lot thick then the epidermis and give the skin its elasticity and strength. The other layer deeper than the dermis is the hypodermis it is the flexible connection between the skin mussels and bones as well as a storage for fat. reftext/html/skin_sys_fin.html
Eccrine Sweat Glands The eccrine sweat glands work by responding to body temperatures. These glands are mostly on your neck, forehead and where they produce back where they produce sweat on hot days or when you are active.
How the system works
Diseases & Disorders Diseases Acne Dermatitis Warts Psoriasis Disorders Moles Birthmarks Bullae Vitiligo
Disorders Vitiligo Vitiligo is a disorder that happens when there is a loss of melanocytes in one area in the body. Without the melanocytes that area of skin goes smooth, milky and white. It is unknown to scientists how Vitiligo occurs, though some people think that the body is a target and destroys its own blood cells and
Importance of the System
Cells Skin The epidermis layer ( the thin top layer of skin) is 90% made up of keratinocytes cells.
Cancers Skin Cancer Skin cancer is cased by the growth abnormal Skin cells that destroy other cells. The most common type of single cancer is skin cancer (by singular it means that you can’t have another cancer at the same time)
How it operates in other species