1 Testing Methodology
2 Purpose Introducing Testing Methodology for planning and executing software tests, the stages and deliverables within the testing process.
3 Content zThe difference between SW testing and SW debugging. zSubjects to be tests. zTests Levels zTests Classes zTesting life-cycle. zTesting and SW development
4 Testing Verify match to system specification. Usually done by external and neutral entity. Planed and controlled process. Debugging Verify code section validity. Done by the developer. A random process The difference between SW Testing & Debugging
5 Evolution of Test Objectives PreventionControl Quality DetectFind Defects Demonstration Show it works
6 Cost Diagram x x Cost Time Design Integration Customer x
7 Test Level zUnit or Debug. zModule/Sub-System. zIntegration. zSystem. zAcceptance.
8 Test Classes zRegression. zSide effects. zRedundancy. zStress and Load. zRecovery.
9 BLACK BOX InputOutput Spec
11 Testing life-cycle V.S. Development Life-CycleExecutionSTRExecutionSTR STDSTD TRDTRD STPSTP Top Level Design Top Level Design SW Detail Design SW Detail Design Coding and Unit test Coding and Unit test Coverage Tractability
12 STRSTR ExecutionExecution STDSTD TRDTRD n STP - Software Test Plan. n TRD - Test Requirement Definition. n STD - Software Test Description. n Tests Execution or Test Cycles. n STR - Software Test Report. Testing Life-Cycle STPSTP
13 Software Test Plan A master plan that details the scope of work, timetable, testing requirements and issues to be test.
14 Test Requirement Definition Specify what case should be tested for each defined topic.
15 Software Test Description Specify executable steps and expected results for each test case.
16 Software Test Report Summarize the content of each test cycle, test results and set conclusions about the tested system quality
17 Coverage The linkage between system specifications and testing specifications
18 Tractability The linkage of tested topics between two of the testing specifications
19 Requirements Definition z Defining system requirements as perceived by the users. z Based on analysis of current situation, market research, etc. z Product: Software Requirement Specification (SRS).
20 Unit Testing z Testing of single function/program/screen/feature. z Executed by the programmers. z Pre-defined. z Results need to be documented. z Use of simulators for inputs and outputs.
21 Integration Testing z Testing the functioning of a few modules simultaneously. z Coexistence testing. z Testing carried out by programmers or test analysts. z Pre-planned testing. z Results to be documented.
22 Software Test Plan zDefines structure for the testing project. zAllows the customer to assess project content. zExplains the testing methodology to be used. zMaps system via hierarchical breakdown. zDescribes the resources required for the testing. zDefines schedule.
23 TRD - Test Requirements Definition zFurther break down the system requirements as based on the STP. zDescribes what is to be tested for each component and function. zIncludes a set of testing requirements in a constant format.
24 STD - Software Test Description zDescribes how to test the system. zOperative description of the testing process
25 System Testing z Testing the application as a whole as per the testing design (STD & TRD). z Various testing types: -functionality-performance -stress and load-concurrence z Testing is carried out by test engineers. z Testing is comprised of a few cycles. z Results are documented. z The testing process must be managed.
26 Acceptance Test (ATP) z Testing carried out by the customer to define if customer’s requirements were met. z Repetition of some of the system tests. z Needs to be planned and conducted by the customer. z Many times it is given up or the responsibility is given to the vendor.
27 Installation and Conversion z Packaging the software and installing it in the customer’s production environment. z Conversion of old database to new database.
28 Models of Software Systems Development
29 V-model Integration test Requirements Top level design Detail design Coding Unit test System test ATP Initiation
30 RAD model User Requirement CODE Acceptance Test
31 Waterfall model z Each phase of the V-model is completed in each effort before moving onto the next phase.
32 z Each phase of the V-model is completed in each effort before moving onto the next phase. Gradual Development Spiral model z This model is used when the final product has not been finally designed.