By: BlockBuster Costumes
11 Steps To Set Up a Flamingo Fundraiser
This consists of these 3 positions: A President : whose job it will be to organize the event, which includes making announcements about the event to the church, charitable organization, school, or whoever. A Secretary : to keep written notes on everything that goes on, who has been flocked and who has chosen to pay insurance to avoid a flocking (more on insurance later), and to write press releases to keep the buzz going A Treasurer : whose job it will be to keep track of the funds collected from those who have been flocked and from those who have paid insurance. The board should decide the monetary amount of the donations. Lastly, you need as many flocking teams as possible consisting of at least 2 or 3 volunteers each. 1. Pick the flamingo "board"
Since the fundraiser involves putting flamingos on people's yards (usually at night) it is a good idea to let the officials in the community know what the fundraiser is about ahead of time and get approval. 2. Contact the local police and local government
The more flamingos to be sent to someone's yard, the higher the price should be. We have a pricing package we recommend: Small Flock (12 Flamingos) - $10 Medium Flock (24 Flamingos) - $15 Large Flock (36 Flamingos) - $20 Super Size Flock (60 Flamingos) - $30 3. Set prices for flocks of flamingos
Keep in mind the time it will take to order or buy flamingos. 4. Set dates for the fundraiser to run
You will need all of the following forms: Flock-a-Friend Order Form Anti-Flocking Insurance Flocking Explanation Letter and Passer-by Explanation Letter 5. Create/Print Forms
Name of Friend or “Victim” to be Flocked: Friend’s Physical Address: Note: Flamingos are not allowed to flock on public property or apartment complexes. Special Instructions: How Many Flamingos do you want to Migrate to your Friend’s Yard? Small Flock (12 Flamingos) - $10 Donation Medium Flock (24 Flamingos) - $15 Donation Large Flock (36 Flamingos) - $20 Donation Super Size Flock (60 Flamingos) - $30 Donation Do you want your friend to know it was you who ordered the flamingo flocking? Your Name: Your Phone Number: Other Info: Thank You For Your Support! Sold By: Flock-A-Friend Order Form
The Purchase of this Anti-Flocking Insurance guarantees that no flock of flamingos will roost on my lawn as they migrate around the area during the course of this fundraising event. The Cost of this Insurance requires a Premium of Only $10. Policy Holder Name: Policy Holder Address: Thank You For Your Support ! Sold By: Anti-Flocking Insurance
Congratulations You’ve Been Flocked Don’t Despair… This is a fundraiser by (Your Organization's Name). A friend of yours paid us to place these pink darlings in your yard. This flocking is done in good spirits and is not meant to be mean. These flamingos will roost on your lawn until this evening when they will mysteriously migrate to another friend’s (victim’s) lawn. If you would like to specify the next victim, all we ask is a small donation to our group. Please fill out the Flock-a-Friend form to do so. Of course, the removal of these flamingos will be done at no charge, so please don’t hurt our pink feathered friends. Again, thank you for your sense of humor and your support. (Name of Group) (Contact Name) (Phone Number)
This flocking is done courtesy of (Your Organization) for the (Flamingo Example Fundraiser) This fundraiser is done in good spirits along with a good sense of humor to help raise money for a great cause. If you would like to join in the fun please contact (Organization) at (Phone #) ! Please do not touch or harm our pink feathered friends as they will be migrating soon enough! Telephone #) (Contact Name) ( ) (Address)
Talk up the fundraiser and hand out flyers whenever you can. Great places to do this are at school functions when allowed, at town events such as fairs, or just outside of well visited places such as grocery stores. Using pink paper would be a great way to grab attention. 6. Get the word out and gauge attention
What is it? In the dead of the night, members place pink flamingos in the yards of the friends that you and other supporters paid to have “Flamingoed/Flocked”. Each of the flocks will have a note explaining how a friend of theirs paid to have them “Flamingoed” or “Flocked” in support of our fundraiser. Also, the note will let them know that if they pay your group a donation, you will remove the flock and send it to the yard of any friend that they choose. This Fundraiser continues to feed on itself as the flamingos migrate from victim to victim. Flamingo Packages: Small Flock (12 Flamingos) - $10 Donation Medium Flock (24 Flamingos) - $15 Donation Large Flock (36 Flamingos) - $20 Donation Super-Size Flock (60 Flamingos) - $30 Donation Anti-Flocking Insurance - $10 Donation All donations will go directly to (Ex. Fundraiser) So why not help out a good cause and have some fun while doing it! If you’re interested or would like to learn more please contact us! (Telephone #) (Contact Name) ( ) (Address) (Your Organization’s) Flamingo Fundraiser Are you interested in helping out a local fundraiser and having fun in the process? Take Part in our Flamingo Fundraiser!
This should be based on the level of interest and orders you already have and also how long you wish the flamingos to stay at each residence. You will be able to do a lot more orders with fewer flamingos if the flamingos stay at each residence for two days rather than a week. 7. Order flamingos
Keep in mind that you will need cars to move the flamingos and people available and willing to work when it's dark out to place flamingos on people's lawns. 8. Collect more volunteers if necessary
This should be based on: Availability of volunteers How long you wish the flamingos to remain at each residence How many flamingos you have 9. Organize a schedule for when the flamingos will be moved
Make sure to leave a note somewhere (Flocking Explanation Letter) explaining what the fundraiser is, asking that the flamingos not be taken or damaged because they will be removed from the property to go to the next people's house, and also showing the person who flocked them. Consider leaving one flamingo with a sign on it (Flocking Passer-By Explanation) so that passer-bys know what the fundraiser is for and where they can go to flock they're friends! 10. Follow the schedule and place flamingos on lawns at night
11. Have fun listening to and watching the reactions to the surprise flamingo flocks popping up around town!