The Software Engineering Group Prof. T.H. Tse (PhD LSE) Research Program testing, debugging, and analysis Application areas include object-oriented software, concurrent systems, pervasive computing, service-oriented applications, graphic applications, and numerical programs.
Software testing based on formal specifications ACM TOSEM 1988 ACM TOSEM 2001 Communications of the ACM 2007 IEEE TSE 2011a Software testing based on informal specifications IEEE TSE 2003 Communications of the ACM 2010 IEEE TSE The Software Engineering Group Research Areas and Outputs
Testing pervasive software COMPSAC 2004 best paper FSE 2006 ICSE 2008a Service-oriented testing ICSE 2008b FSE 2009a. The Software Engineering Group Research Areas and Outputs
Software debugging COMPSAC 2008 best paper FSE 2009b IEEE Computer 2012 Information Sciences 2012 Integrating testing, debugging, and proving COMPSAC 2009 best paper QSIC 2011 best paper IEEE TSE 2011b. The Software Engineering Group Research Areas and Outputs
Dr W.K. Chan, Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong Dr Zhenyu Zhang (2009), Associate Research Professor, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences Dr Lijun Mei (2010), IBM China Research Lab Dr Bo Jiang (2011), Assistant Professor, Beihang University Jack K. Zhai (2013), Goldman Sachs The Software Engineering Group Selected PhD Graduates