Why are family celebrations special? Click to listen to the story.
Birthday Basket for Tia Amazing Words l celebration l custom l tradition l create l inspect l angle l brilliant l snapshot
Birthday Basket for Tia Vocabulary Words l present l aunt l basket l collects l bank l favorite l pinata l ninetieth l tia
Birthday Basket for Tia High Frequency Words l been l believe l caught l finally l today l tomorrow l whatever
Birthday Basket for Tia Spelling Words l mixture fixture l nation motion l section nature l future feature l picture furniture l action adventure l caution tuition l station
Birthday Basket for Tia Glue Words l whose l is l these l with know
Birthday Basket for Tia Wednesday Morning Warm-Up We will read about Magda today. Magda is helpful in the kitchen. Magda works slowly, while Abuela works quickly. Magda may not make her tortillas perfectly round, but people like them. What would you like to learn how to make?
Birthday Basket for Tia Wednesday Morning Warm-Up We will read about Magda again today. Magda is helpful in the kitchen. Magda works slowly, while Abuela works quickly. Magda may not make her tortillas perfectly round, but people like them. What would you like to learn how to make?
Today we will learn about: l Base Words and Endings l Syllables –tion, -ture l Amazing Words l Words from Other Languages l Fluency l Grammar
Amazing Words
brilliant l bril – liant l If something is brilliant, it is very bright and sparkling. l The diamond ring was brilliant. l The colored lights in the night parade were brilliant. l The stars are brilliant tonight.
snapshot l snap - shot l A snapshot is a simple picture taken with a camera. l I took a snapshot of my birthday cake. l It was difficult to take good snapshots from the moving car.
Inflected Endings l tried l You can read this word because you know how to read base words and endings. l You can cover the endings, read the base word, and then blend the base word and ending to read the whole word.
Inflected Endings l Remember that –ed is added to a base word to show that something has happened in the past. l Sometimes the spelling of the base word changes. l Sometimes the final consonant is doubled before adding an ending.
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop chopped
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop chopped chopping
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry chopped chopping
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry chopped cried chopping
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry chopped cried chopping crying
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry nod chopped cried chopping crying
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry nod chopped cried nodded chopping crying
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry nod chopped cried nodded chopping crying nodding
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry nod dance chopped cried nodded chopping crying nodding
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry nod dance chopped cried nodded danced chopping crying nodding
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry nod dance chopped cried nodded danced chopping crying nodding dancing
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry nod dance snap chopped cried nodded danced chopping crying nodding dancing
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry nod dance snap chopped cried nodded danced snapped chopping crying nodding dancing
Inflected Endings Base Word -ed -ing chop cry nod dance snap chopped cried nodded danced snapped chopping crying nodding dancing snapping
Vocabulary l Which is a present—a toy you give your friend for her birthday or a book you check out of the library?
Vocabulary l Which is your aunt—your mother’s sister or your mother’s mother?
Vocabulary l Which is a present—a toy you give your friend for her birthday or a book you check out of the library? l Which is your aunt—your mother’s sister or your mother’s mother? l Which is a basket—something you eat at a birthday party or something you can carry things in?
Vocabulary l Which is a present—a toy you give your friend for her birthday or a book you check out of the library? l Which is your aunt—your mother’s sister or your mother’s mother? l Which is a basket—something you eat at a birthday party or something you can carry things in?
Vocabulary l Which is someone who collects something—a girl who picks up everyone’s papers or a boy who loses his book?
Vocabulary l Which is a bank—a kind of cookie or a place to store your money?
Vocabulary l Which is someone who collects something—a girl who picks up everyone’s papers or a boy who loses his book? l Which is a bank—a kind of cookie or a place to store your money? l Which is your favorite shirt— the shirt you didn’t want to get or the shirt you wear all the time?
Vocabulary l Which is someone who collects something—a girl who picks up everyone’s papers or a boy who loses his book? l Which is a bank—a kind of cookie or a place to store your money? l Which is your favorite shirt— the shirt you didn’t want to get or the shirt you wear all the time?
Words from Other Languages l In A Birthday Basket for Tia there were many words written in Spanish. l We knew they were in Spanish because the print was different; the words were italicized. l The first Spanish words were Noventa anos! which means Ninety years old!
Words from Other Languages l Look in your story to see what these words mean. l bizcochos l sugary cookies l Que pasa? l What is it? l feliz cumpleanos l Happy Birthday
Commas l Commas are used in addresses, between a city and a state. l Commas are used in dates, between the day and year. l Commas are used after the greeting and closing in a letter. l Commas are used to separate three or more things in a list.
Commas l April l April 18, 2007 l Greenwood California l Greenwood, California l June l June 2, 2008
Wrap Up Your Day! l Draw Conclusions l Appropriate Phrasing l Let’s Talk About It l Tomorrow we will listen to poems about special occasions.
Birthday Basket for Tia Wednesday Journal Topic Write about a special birthday gift.
APTPlus Videos APTPlus Videos (password required) Mexico’s Day of the Dead: Elementary Spanish: Grades One through Two: Unit Seven, Lesson Two (20:55)Elementary Spanish: Grades One through Two: Unit Seven, Lesson Two l There's No Food Like My Food: Rosita in Mexico (13:00) There's No Food Like My Food: Rosita in Mexico Birthday Celebrations and Quinceañera (01:46) Birthday Celebrations and Quinceañera
We are now ready to take our story tests. l Story test – Classroom webpage, – Student page, – Taking Tests l AR – Other Reading Quizzes – Quiz #