Boerne Middle School South th Grade Parent Night Pre-Registration Information For incoming 7 th Grade
INTRODUCTIONS Susan Cleveland-Principal Cory Bell-Assistant Principal Celia Collard – Counselor Holly Taylor – Registrar
Introductions continued Erin Perry, English Department Erin Perry, English Department Lisa Baker, Math Department Lisa Baker, Math Department Cathy Fite, Reading Department Cathy Fite, Reading Department Jason Sweatman, Science Dept. Coord. Jason Sweatman, Science Dept. Coord. Sean Warner, Social Studies Dept. Coord. Sean Warner, Social Studies Dept. Coord.
TIMELINE Registration dates: Registration dates: Kendall Elementary – February 8 th Kendall Elementary – February 8 th Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary – February 21 st Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary – February 21 st Cibolo Creek Elementary – March 4 th Cibolo Creek Elementary – March 4 th Counselor will be visiting students for pre-registration. Students will bring home their course card. Counselor will be visiting students for pre-registration. Students will bring home their course card. Please highlight requested courses Please highlight requested courses Deadline to return course cards to counselor Deadline to return course cards to counselor –KES - Feb 15 th –FORES -March 1 st –CCES- March 8 th Sign the back if they are enrolling in Pre-AP courses. Sign the back if they are enrolling in Pre-AP courses.
Parents/students will receive a confirmation letter of course requests through the mail in mid-April.Parents/students will receive a confirmation letter of course requests through the mail in mid-April. Corrections to choices must be returned to the elementary school no later than April 12th. Only return them to school if changes need to be made.Corrections to choices must be returned to the elementary school no later than April 12th. Only return them to school if changes need to be made. Level changes (Pre-AP to regular) will ONLY be considered on an academic need basis between the 4 th and 6 th week of school and at the end of the 1st semester.Level changes (Pre-AP to regular) will ONLY be considered on an academic need basis between the 4 th and 6 th week of school and at the end of the 1st semester. No elective changes will be made after May 31st, 2013No elective changes will be made after May 31st, 2013
REQUIRED COURSES English English Reading Reading Math Math Science Science Social Studies Social Studies 7 th grade Computer Technology (sem.) 7 th grade Computer Technology (sem.) P.E. / Athletics (year) P.E. / Athletics (year)
THINGS TO CONSIDER Boerne Independent School District is committed to all levels of classes being college-prep. Boerne Independent School District is committed to all levels of classes being college-prep. Advanced Placement Program (including Pre-AP classes) Advanced Placement Program (including Pre-AP classes) Pre-AP classes are presented with more depth than regular classes. Higher level thinking skills are emphasized as well as more participation outside of class. Pre-AP classes are presented with more depth than regular classes. Higher level thinking skills are emphasized as well as more participation outside of class. Students who do not pass STAAR may be enrolled in a foundation class or a lab class in lieu of an elective. Students who do not pass STAAR may be enrolled in a foundation class or a lab class in lieu of an elective. GPA calculation begins in grade 9 GPA calculation begins in grade 9
Block schedule: A/B day rotation “A/B day schedule”: “A/B day schedule”: –1 st / 5 th : 8:45-10:15 –Study hall: 10:20-10:45 –2 nd /6 th : 10:50-12:20 –3 rd /7 th :12:25-2:25 (lunch block) –4 th /8 th : 2:30-4:00
Pre-AP Courses WHAT IS Pre-AP? WHAT IS Pre-AP? Pre-AP is a set of content-specific strategies that build rigorous curricula, introduce skills, concepts and assessment methods to prepare students for success in AP. Pre-AP is a set of content-specific strategies that build rigorous curricula, introduce skills, concepts and assessment methods to prepare students for success in AP. WHAT IS AP? WHAT IS AP? The Advanced Placement program is a program of courses/exams that give high school students the opportunity to earn advanced placement and /or college credit. The Advanced Placement program is a program of courses/exams that give high school students the opportunity to earn advanced placement and /or college credit.
Pre-AP Courses WHAT WILL Pre-AP DO FOR MY CHILD? WHAT WILL Pre-AP DO FOR MY CHILD? Pre-AP challenges the student at an appropriate level of difficulty. HOW DOES A Pre-AP CLASS COMPARE TO A REGULAR SCHOOL COURSE? HOW DOES A Pre-AP CLASS COMPARE TO A REGULAR SCHOOL COURSE? Pre-AP classes are more challenging and stimulating, they take more time and require more work. WHAT ARE THE PREREQUISITES FOR Pre-AP? WHAT ARE THE PREREQUISITES FOR Pre-AP? There are no prerequisites to be enrolled in a Pre-AP course. (except Math). Subject area teachers will make recommendations. Parents and students MUST review and sign the Pre- AP Level Course Description that is located on the back of the course card.
Pre-AP expectations 7 th Grade English Pre-AP 7 th Grade English Pre-AP 7 th Grade Math Pre-AP 7 th Grade Math Pre-AP 7 th Grade Reading Pre-AP 7 th Grade Reading Pre-AP 7 th Grade Science Pre-AP 7 th Grade Science Pre-AP 7 th Grade Texas History Pre-AP 7 th Grade Texas History Pre-AP
Please Consider: before enrolling in Pre-AP A substantial amount of work outside class is required for successfully completing a Pre-AP course; A substantial amount of work outside class is required for successfully completing a Pre-AP course; The total number of challenging classes being considered; The total number of challenging classes being considered; The interest and self-discipline of the student; The interest and self-discipline of the student; Grades earned in Pre-AP classes may be lower than grades made in previous general courses of the same subject. Grades earned in Pre-AP classes may be lower than grades made in previous general courses of the same subject. The amount of time required for the extra curricular activities in which your child is involved The amount of time required for the extra curricular activities in which your child is involved
Should I take a Pre-AP class next year? Are you passionate about the subject? Are you passionate about the subject? Do you have the time to devote to the course? Do you have the time to devote to the course? Avoid overload!!! Avoid overload!!!
Math Pathways Lisa Baker
PE/Athletic Presentation
Sports at BMSS Girls Sports – –Volleyball – –Cross Country – –Basketball – –Track – –Tennis Boys Sports –Football –Cross Country –Basketball –Track –Tennis
Fall Sports Football (boys), Volleyball (girls), Cross Country (boys and girls) Cross country athletes do not need to enroll in athletics. Cross country practices before or after school
Winter Sports Basketball (boys and girls) End of Football/Volleyball November through end of January
Spring Sports Track (boys and girls) Tennis (boys and girls) – –Tennis does have tryouts (cuts) – –10 athletes per team (10 boys and 10 girls per grade level)
Tennis Tryouts in the spring after basketball season ends. (Early February). 7th graders who make the team can be placed into athletic class at spring semester or they can remain in P.E. class. (unless already in athletic class) Tennis practices are held before school in spring.
Electives Semester Full Year Electives Semester Full Year Spanish Language Appreciation Spanish Language Appreciation Art 7/8 Art 7/8 Theater Arts 7/8 Theater Arts 7/8 Technical Theater 7/8 Technical Theater 7/8 Personal Focus Personal Focus Consumer Focus Consumer Focus STEM 1 STEM 1 Exploring Careers Exploring Careers Spanish for Spanish Speakers (approval required) Spanish for Spanish Speakers (approval required) String Orchestra (audition required) String Orchestra (audition required) Choir Choir Band (must have been in band previous year) Band (must have been in band previous year)
7 th Grade Course Selection Card
Credit by Exam Reading Reading Computer Technology Computer Technology Math EXCEL (Pre-AP in 6 th ) Math EXCEL (Pre-AP in 6 th ) Must make 90% June 11 th and 12t h 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Forms in Counseling Office.
Summer school options 7 th & 8 th Grade Computer Technology 7 th & 8 th Grade Computer Technology June 10-14, 17-21, June 10-14, 17-21, :00-12:00, Monday-Friday 8:00-12:00, Monday-Friday $110/student and minimum of 20 students $110/student and minimum of 20 students Lisa McLaughlin, BMSS Lisa McLaughlin, BMSS Can replace with another elective Can replace with another elective
Off-campus PE Must submit ALL completed paperwork to Holly Taylor no later than August 30, 2013 Must submit ALL completed paperwork to Holly Taylor no later than August 30, 2013 If approved, then student may take an additional elective in place of PE. If approved, then student may take an additional elective in place of PE.
Save the Dates Junior Champ Camp: Junior Champ Camp: –August 15 th –August 22 nd – Make-up date
Questions??? If you have any questions, please contact us: If you have any questions, please contact us: Call - Celia Collard, Counselor Call - Celia Collard, Counselor Holly Taylor, Registrar Holly Taylor, Registrar – –