How to engage employers so well they want to marry you
In true teacher fashion - Objectives A hands on workshop covering the process of engaging employers across the school in a coherent framework and embedding it within the curriculum Navigating the minefield of employer engagement - rationale and benefits for school, pupils and employers - Getting staff onside Making contact - what works Safeguarding procedures What to do with employers when you've got them onside - using employers. Matching employers with school needs Evaluating impact & reporting
1.Speakers/Presenters 2.Financial Support 3.Industrial Visits 4.Mock Interview Days 5.WEX/Job Shadowing 6.Virtual Visits 7.Teacher Placements 8.Summer Schools 9.Enterprise Education 10.Mentoring 11.Employer Governors 12.Vocational Champions/Ambassadors Types of Employer Engagement Activity 2 minutes Write a quick description of your activity.
Employer engagement often already happens within your school Community engagement Parent/Teachers organisations Governors Established relationships Establish Who oversees it What regulatory framework exists What safeguarding measures apply What exists?
Rationale and benefits for school Reasons for Navigating the Minefield Changing Job Market Changing Job Market Need for New Career Management Skills Need for New Career Management Skills Changing needs of employers Changing needs of employers Social Mobility Agenda Social Mobility Agenda Expectation of companies to be involved in training Expectation of companies to be involved in training Need for schools to personalise offer Need for schools to personalise offer
Benefits Allows students to experience the working world Informs both staff & students about the local labour market Helps students to recognise & develop their skills Students develop a realistic view of their strengths & their areas for improvement. Pupils and employers - Getting staff onside Coordinated & Informed by pupil voice & LMI Coordinated & Informed by pupil voice & LMI Progressive Progressive Pro-active rather than reactive Pro-active rather than reactive Quality Assured Quality Assured Relevant Relevant
Getting to Know You
Have a clear objective in mind inc learning outcomes What kind of curriculum model & pedagogy? Resources Time & Date Research companies that could be useful Who do you contact? The manager? Education Community manager HR or Training and Development manager Corporate Social Responsibility manager Keep records Making Contact – What Works Do Plan Review
Going Steady
Choose how to make contact – Phone, , personal introduction Be organised – a short overview of plan Keep them in the loop, short reminders - Outlook calendar appointments Consider a face 2 face planning session Welcome pack Use ‘Em, Don’t Abuse Them.
Safeguarding Talk to your safeguarding officer Understand school procedures Discuss manageability of system when multiple employers in school Practical considerations Refreshment breaks – where? Loo breaks – where? Who accompanies visitors Escorts from hall to loo/refreshments
They are not teachers, don’t expect them to be aware of the foibles of students. Reassure them they won’t be left alone with pupils. Be clear what resources they’ll bring with them and what the school will provide Try and ensure the Head/SLT meet & thank them Ask them to fill in a debrief at the end of the day. What to expect from Employers
Cementing the Relationship
Include employer in evaluation process Share final evaluation with them, including positive student comments Send a thank you or letter Reassure them you won’t be overburdening them but would like to work with them again Send Christmas cards, Invite them to open evenings or events.
FOC from The CDI website Written by Kath Wright Further support LinkedIn Community of Interest Careers Educators ome=&gid= &trk=anet_ug_ hm