1 New Zealand’s Advance Passenger Screening and Biometrics Presentation to : BALI AHEG II Identity Management Workshop 17 March 2004 Rob Bolton Chief Information.


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Presentation transcript:

1 New Zealand’s Advance Passenger Screening and Biometrics Presentation to : BALI AHEG II Identity Management Workshop 17 March 2004 Rob Bolton Chief Information Officer New Zealand Immigration Service

2 Presentation Topics Advance Passenger Screening –identifying and screening passengers prior to boarding Biometrics –testing of facial recognition in the Passport issuing process

3 Background to Advance Passenger Screening Terrorist attacks, people smuggling and trans- national crime have increased the need to identify and screen travellers more effectively An International ‘data standard’ for advance passenger information (API) has been developed by the WCO, IATA and has been endorsed by ICAO APEC economies agreed to a set of standards for members to adopt API systems. NZ’s Advance Passenger Screening solution has adopted these standards.

4 Introducing APS to NZ January 2002 NZ Govt announced new counter-terrorism measures August 2003 NZ launched APS Uses the APP system already implemented by airlines for Australia APP enables NZIS to screen passengers before they board their flight to NZ Also enables in-depth profiling while passenger en route.

5 Benefits of introducing APS Enhances NZ’s border security by: –Reducing risk passengers entering NZ –Checking passport, visa & alerts before passenger boards flight –Providing Airlines with electronic board directive (Board/Do Not Board) –Providing accurate API for further profiling

6 Benefits of introducing APS The APP system also provides: –A vehicle to provide API requirements to other NZ Govt Agencies. Airlines will be able to use the APP system to provide one set of data to all border agencies NZ govt agencies will be able to share this information –A vehicle to share data with other Govt’s –Ability for NZ to play its role in the region’s security

7 Implementation Challenges Relationships –airlines –border agencies –other governments –IT and telecommunications providers Systems development and deployment Airline support (24*7) Privacy and security Legislation Data sharing

8 Technical Issues APP is a generic solution –tailored to meet NZIS requirements. Business Rules –business rule matrix. –over 300 rules applied to APP system. Integration with existing NZIS systems and data Data Quality –relies on good quality Immigration data –manual data entry errors by Airline check-in staff.

9 Data Sharing Access to Australian Government data

10 APS Implementation Update –Launched August 2003 –Airlines implemented to date: Air New Zealand Thai Airways Malaysian Air Freedom Air Royal Tongan –Remaining Airlines to implement by July 2004 –25 embarkation ports are APP screening.

11 What APS Screens for Invalid travel documents (NZ & Aust) –eventually, other countries as NZ negotiates data exchanges Expired passports Valid visa if visa required Person Alerts plus …

12 What APS Screens for Travel document alerts Outward ticket requirements Fraudulent visas Persons on “banned lists”

13 APS Results (to date) 50% travellers now screened before entering NZ 100% by July 2004 (including transits) Some false boarding directives Allowed to board after contacting NZ’s APP Support Office 34 pax prevented from entering NZ Using stolen passport Lack of visa No outward ticket

14 Considerations for implementing API systems Availability of accurate immigration data MOUs for data sharing Legislation for mandatory API and data sharing Regular communication with key stakeholders Training tools for staff, airlines & border agencies 24 x 7 support for airlines check-in staff

15 Future enhancements to APS Greater data sharing between Governments worldwide Enhanced risk profiling Access to PNR data through Airline Reservations systems Use of biometrics to verify travellers’ identity

16 Questions and Discussion