Understanding Ratios and Proportions
* Sweet Snack Mix * INGREDIENTS * 1 (12 ounce) package crispy corn and rice cereal * 5 ounces slivered almonds * 6 ounces toasted, chopped pecans * 3/4 cup butter * 3/4 cup dark corn syrup * 1 1/2 cups light brown sugar DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). Lightly grease a large roasting pan. 2. In a large bowl, mix crispy corn and rice cereal, slivered almonds and toasted, chopped pecans. 3. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter and mix with dark corn syrup and light brown sugar. Pour the mixture over the crispy corn and rice cereal mixture. Stir and shake to coat all the nuts and cereal. 4. Pour the coated mixture into the prepared roasting pan. Stirring approximately every 15 minutes, cook 1 hour in the preheated oven. Cool on wax paper, and store in airtight containers. * It’s your birthday party, and you have ten friends coming over to celebrate with you! Here is your recipe for some yummy snack mix. It makes enough for ten people. Put your apron on, and get ready to cook!
* Uh-Oh, it’s your friend, Marcos. He can’t make it to your party, after all. Not only that, but because four others were riding with him, they can’t come, either! You only have five people coming now. You’re going to have to change your recipe…
* Okay, for ten people, you needed 1 package of cereal. That’s easy. Just put in half of the package. What about the almonds? You were supposed to add 5 ounces of those. What do you do? You set up a ratio and a proportion! * People 10 down to 5 * Almonds 5 down to ? * 10 ÷ 2 is 5. That explains the top line. * You need to do the second line now. * 5 ÷ 2 = 2 ½! * You need 2 ½ ounces of almonds!
* People 10 down to 5 * Pecans 6 down to ? * How many ounces of pecans do you need?
* WHAT????? * Come on, get out your pencil and paper and work that problem again! * Click here to go back if you’re cooking for 5. Click here to go back if you’re cooking for 5. * Click here to go back if you’re cooking for 15. Click here to go back if you’re cooking for 15.
* Well, you don’t really get a check, but that would be cool, wouldn’t it? * Good job, Jedi! You are a cooking master! Click here if you are cooking for 15.
* So you got your ingredients all ready to mix together for five people. * You know how much of each ingredient to add. * Back to work! Click here.
* It’s your friend Justin! * He got ungrounded and can come to your party! * You say, “Sure. Marcos cancelled so there won’t be many people here, though.” * He says, “No problem, Dude. You want me to bring my soccer team?”
* Set up your ratio again! * You need 1 ½ boxes of cereal. Try this.. * A. 7 ½ ounces A. 7 ½ ounces * B. 6 ounces B. 6 ounces * C. 4 ounces C. 4 ounces * D. Shake in a few extra. D. Shake in a few extra. * People 5 up to 15 * Cereal boxes 1/2 to ? * People 5 to 15 * Almonds 2 ½ to ?
* People 5 to 15 * Pecans 3 to ? * A. 10 A. 10 * B. 6 B. 6 * C. 9 C. 9 * D. 12 D. 12 * People 5 to 15 * Brown sugar 1 ½ to ? * A. 5 cups A. 5 cups * B. 3 cups B. 3 cups * C. 4 ½ cups C. 4 ½ cups * D. Who cares? D. Who cares?
* Oh NO! * Click the little sad guy to go back! * No, you can’t just quit and make popcorn…
* Click happy guy for last problem! * Introducing the master chef, and world champion ratio and proportion maker!