Unit 5 Counter Services. Topic 1: Check-in Background Information While checking in the hotel, you have to fill in the registration form, covering the.


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Checking in at a hotel.
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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 Counter Services

Topic 1: Check-in Background Information While checking in the hotel, you have to fill in the registration form, covering the following information: 客人姓名 Guest Name 登记编号 Code 联系电话 Telephone Number 联系地址 Address 入住人数 Number of Guests 入住时间 Occupation Time 房间种类 Room Type

Topic 1: Check-in Background Information 房间数量 Room Number 价格标准 Price 折扣优惠 Discount 房间要求 Room Demand 房间布置 Decorations

Topic 1: Check-in Situational Dialogue The Whites are checking in the hotel according to their reservation. (A: Receptionist B: Tour guide C: Mr. White) A:Good afternoon! Welcome to our hotel. B:Good afternoon! I’d like to have one suite and two single rooms, please. A:Have you made a reservation? B:Yes. We have booked them for our tour group from the United States. I’m Zhang Li, from China International Travel Service.

Topic 1: Check-in Situational Dialogue A:Oh, I’m sorry. There is no reservation from your service. B:I’m sure we have made a reservation. Could you check again a reservation for Friday for the tour group from the United States? A:All right. Let me check again. Ah, yes, one suite and two single rooms from China International Travel Service. C:Is there a bath in the room? We feel like taking a bath right now.

Topic 1: Check-in Situational Dialogue A:Yes, every room is equipped with a bath, a telephone and an air-conditioner. C:That’s good! A:Can I see your passports, please? C:Yes, these are our passports. A:Thank you. Here are your passports. Please fill in this registration form. C:The registration form is finished. Shall we have our keys to the rooms?

Topic 1: Check-in Situational Dialogue A:Of course. Here are the keys to your rooms. Your rooms are on the third floor. The bellboy will take you to your rooms. C:Thanks! B:I guess you must be tired after a long trip. If there’s nothing else you want, I will be leaving. I will meet you at the lobby on the ground floor at seven o’clock tomorrow morning for your breakfast. You can take a good rest tonight.

Topic 1: Check-in Situational Dialogue C:I don’t think there is anything else. You have been very considerate. Thank you very much. B:You are welcome. Enjoy your stay. See you tomorrow. C:See you tomorrow.

Topic 1: Check-in Vocabulary Bellboy ( 旅馆、俱乐部等的 ) 行李服务员;侍者 Lobby ( 剧院、旅馆等的 ) 门廊、门厅 passport 护照;通行证;执照 receptionist 接待员 registration 登记;登记证;登记人员的数目;注册

Topic 1: Check-in Notes 1.I’d like to…/I want…/I prefer… 想要,倾向 于 Eg. I want a double room. 我想要间双人房。 Eg. I prefer a quiet room. 我想要间安静点的屋 子。 2.be equipped with… 配备有,装有 Eg. The hotel is equipped with the Chinese traditional furniture. 这家酒店配备有中国传统 的家具。

Topic 1: Check-in Notes 3.fill in/out 填写 Eg. He is filling in the application form. 他在填 写申请表。 4.I don’t think there is anything else. 再没什么 了。

Topic 1: Check-in Useful Sentences Reservation 1.I have a booking for today. 我预订了今天的房间。 2.I made a reservation, and I’d like to check in. 我预订了房,现在要入住。 3.I’ve reserved a single room and a double room. 我预订了一间单人房和一间双人房。 4.Just a minute, Mr. Smith. I’ll check the arrival list. 请稍等,我现在为您查阅入住名单。 5.Excuse me, do you have a confirmation? 请问您确认过 ( 订房 ) 了吗?

Topic 1: Check-in Useful Sentences Registration 1.Would you like to register? 您要登记入住吗? 2.Would you mind filling in the registration form, madam? 请您填写下登记表。 3.Should I sign my name here or there? 我应该在这里签名吗? 4.Write down your surname here, and your first name there. 请把您的姓写在这里,把您的名写在那里。

Topic 1: Check-in Useful Sentences 5.Write down your nationality, passport number, validity date, date of birth, gender and your date of arrival here. 请填写您的国籍、护照、有效日期、出身年月、性别 及入住日期。 Notice 1.You paid a RMB1,000 advance deposit. Is that right? 您预付了 元人民币定金,对吗?

Topic 1: Check-in Useful Sentences 2.For security reasons, we ask all new guests to present their key cards when requesting their room keys. 为了安全,请新入住的房客在索取房门钥匙时出示房 卡。 3.Please remember to return your key before you leave the hotel. 请在离开酒店前交回房门钥匙。

Topic 1: Check-in Useful Sentences 4.The bellboy will show you the way up. 行李生会带您上楼。 5.I hope you enjoy your stay. 祝您入住愉快。

Topic 1: Check-in Exercises 1. Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese in brackets and then read it in roles. Stephen Nobel comes to check in at the hotel reception desk. (A: Receptionist B: Stephen Nobel) A:Good morning, sir. Welcome to our hotel. B:Good morning. ______________________________( 我在你们酒店订 了一个单人房间。 ) A:What’s your name, please? B:Stephen Nobel.

Topic 1: Check-in Exercises A:________________________________________( 您 从哪里来? ) B:I’m from Australia. A:Let me check. ______________________________ ( 哦,有了。您的房间是 2608 ,这是您的房卡和钥 匙。 ) Will you please register? B:_________( 当然可以。 ) A:____________________________________________ ___( 请把护照给我,并填上这份旅客登记表好吗? ) B:OK. Here you are.

Topic 1: Check-in Exercises A:_________________________________________ ( 让我看一下 …… 请您填上护照号码并签名。 ) B:Oh, yes. Is that all? A:Yes, that’s all right. Thank you. 2. Role Play. Make up a dialogue based on the following situation and role-play it to the class. Mr. Blank, an American, has just arrived Shanghai on a business trip and he had made a reservation in Shangri-la Hotel. He is going to check-in. You and your parter should play the role of Mr. Blank and the receptionist.

Topic 1: Check-in Knowledge Links How to Fill in a Registration Form Generally speaking, a registration form for a foreigner client should include the following items, such as nationality, full name, date of birth, sex, passport number and type of visa, reason and duration for stay, entry time and place, reception unit. Moreover, it also should cover the details as to the room number, rate, arrival and departure time, form of payment, address, the client’s signature, the receptionist’s signature and the hotel’s duty-free declaration, etc.

Topic 1: Check-in Knowledge Links Table 5-1: Registration Form of Temporary Residence 房号: Room NO. ( 请用正楷填写 Please use block letters) 姓名 Name 中文姓名 Name in Chinese 国籍、地区或籍贯 Nationality/Region 性别 Sex 出生日期 Date of birth 停留事由 Reason for stay 职业 / 公司名称 Profession/Company 国 ( 境 ) 外住址 Home address 入住日期 Date of arrival 退房日期 Date of departure

Topic 1: Check-in Knowledge Links 请注意: Please note : 1. 退房时间是中午 12 时 Check out time 12:00 noon. 2. 收款处设有免费贵重物品保险箱 Safe deposit boxes are available with no charge at front office cashier counter. 3. 访客请在晚上 11 时前离开客房 Visitors are requested to leave guest rooms by 23:00 hrs. 4. 结账后请交回客房门钥匙 Please return your room key to front office cashier counter upon check-out. 结算方式 Kindly indicate form of payment 现金 Cash 旅行社传单 Voucher 信用卡 Credit card 客人签名 Guest signature 以下由服务员填写 To be filled in by front office clerk 护照或 证件名称: 号码 证件 种类: 证件 号码: 签证 有效期: 签证签 发机关: 入境 日期: 入境 口岸: 接待 单位: 日租: 房号:值班职员签名:

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Background Information According to the Administrative Rules of the People’s Republic of China on Cross-Border Transportation of National Currency issued by China’s Central Bank in December 2004, travelers are allowed to take up to US$5,000 equivalent of foreign currency and 20,000 yuan of local currency (US$1=7.5 yuan) into or out of the country. There is no need to declare this to customs if the currency you carry is less than the limit.

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Background Information Amounts up to US$10,000 will require a Permit for Taking Foreign Currency Out of the Customs Territory issued by a bank. Anyone who takes more foreign currency than US$10,000 is required to show a legal warrant issued by agencies of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. For travelers who leave the country a second time within 15 days, the limit of foreign currency is US$1,000. If you leave the country a second time on the same day, the limit is US$500.

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Background Information If you have a declaration record of foreign currency when entering the country, customs will examine this before authorizing you to pass. It is quite easy to exchange your currency into CNY, Chinese yuan, at your arrival airport, as well as hotels and banks in China, so it is not really necessary to bring Chinese currency to China.

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Situational Dialogue Mr. White is exchanging some dollars into RMB at the counter. (A: Cashier B: Mr. White) A:Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you? B:I’d like to change 1,000 US dollars. What’s the exchange rate between US dollars and Chinese RMB? A:According to today’s exchange rate, it’s 100:660. Would you like to be included in your room bill, or convert from cash, traveler’s checks, or credit card? B:From my Master Card, if it’s not too much trouble.

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Situational Dialogue A:No, not at all. Would you please fill in this memo and show me your passport? We have different denominations, from 100-yuan to 1-yuan paper notes, and 1-yuan coins. You like…er… B:Give me 100-yuan and 50-yuan bills, and coins for small change. Here is the memo. A:Fine, thanks. Please wait a moment. Here you are, Mr. White, please count it now. B:Exactly right. Thank you. By the way, where else can I make an additional exchange?

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Situational Dialogue A:We provide 24 hour service in the hotel. Or, you can do it at any branch of Bank of China around the city. B:That’s most convenient. Well, I’ve met some guys in the street who followed me all the way and kept on asking “Change money, change money?” A:Oh, just ignore them. And I must warn you that the exchange of foreign currency in any other institutions or with any individuals is illegal. And you may risk getting counterfeit bills.

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Situational Dialogue B:No, I’ll never do that. I don’t trust those guys. Thank you anyway. Oh, can you tell me what I should do with the RMB left with me? B:You’ll have to go to the Bank of China or the airport exchange office to change it back into dollars by showing the memo. B:I see. Thanks. A:You’re welcome.

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Vocabulary convert 兑换 counter 柜台 counterfeit 伪造的 currency 通货, 货币 denomination 面值 exchange 互换 memo 备忘录便笺,便函

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Notes 1.exchange rate 汇率 Eg. I’d like to know today’s exchange rate. 我 想知道今天的汇率。 2.be equivalent to… 等同的 …… Eg. According to today’s exchange rate, every US dollar in cash is equivalent to 6.60 RMB. 根 据今天的汇率,一美元等于人民币 6 元 6 角。 3.risk doing 冒险 Eg. You may risk getting counterfeit bills. 你有 兑换到假币的危险。

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Useful Sentences For a cashier 1.We have a rigid exchange control law. 我们有严格的外汇管制条例。 2.May I have your name, room number and passport, sir? 请告诉我您的姓名,房间号,并出示您的护照。 3.This is an exchange memo. Please fill in your name and the amount you intend to change. 这是外汇兑换单,请填上您的姓名,需要兑换的金额。

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Useful Sentences 4.Please sign your name on the bottom line and put down your address here. 请在支票底端的线上签名,并在这儿写下您的地址。 5.Would you sign on the checks and memo? 请在支票和兑换单上签字。 6.Here are your money and exchange memo. Please check it. Please keep the memo. It may come in handy later on. You may convert the unused RMB back into foreign currency when you leave China. 这是您的钱和兑换单,请核对。请保留兑换单,以后 会有用的。离开中国时您可以把未用完的人民币兑换 成外币。

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Useful Sentences For a client 1.Where can I change the money? 到什么地方兑换外币? 2.Is this where I can exchange foreign money for RMB? 请问是在这兑换外币吗 ? 3.What is the exchange rate? 今天的汇率是多少 ? 4.I’d like some small changes. 请将大钞换成零钱。

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Useful Sentences 5.I’d like to cash this traveler’s check. 请将这些旅行支票兑换成现金。 6.Is there any commission charge? 需要手续费吗 ? 7.I’d like to change 10,000 yuan, RMB into US dollars, please. 我想把一万人民币兑换成美元。

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Exercises 1. Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese in brackets and then read it in roles. Stephen comes to exchange money at the Cashier’s. (A: Cashier B: Stephen) A:Good morning. Can I help you? B:Yes. _______________________________________( 我想兑 换一些日元。 ) A:How much is that? B:10,000 yen. Here you are. ____________________( 请问今天的兑换率是多少? )

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Exercises A:We change foreign currencies according to today’s exchange rate yen, an equivalent of RMB B:That’s all right. A:Please fill in the exchange memo, your passport number and sign your name. B:Here you are. Is that all right? A:Yes, thanks. _____________________________( 您 需要什么面值的人民币? ) B:100-yuan and 50-yuan bills, and coins for small change.

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Exercises A:____________________________________________ ( 好的,请稍后。 ) B:Here you are. Check it, please, and keep the memo. A:That’s all right. Thank you for your help. B:Always at your service. 2. Role Play. Make up a dialogue based on the following situation and role-play it to the class. Mark wants to change some US dollar into RMB. He is going to the Exchange Counter of the hotel. You and your parter should play the role of Mark and the cashier.

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Knowledge Links How to Fill in Exchange Memo The cashier should first identify whether the foreign currency is real or fake, and then fill in the exchange memo according to the amount. The cashier should fill in the foreign currency’s amount, category, the exchanged amount of RMB according to the same day’s exchange rate, date and the clerk’s name. Then make the guest sign, indicate the foreign currency’s code, and write the room number and credentials number.

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Knowledge Links Hotel Exchange Certificate and Exchange Memo 国籍 护照号码 日期 Nationality _____ Passport No. _____ Date ____ 姓名及签字 住址 / 饭店 Name & Signature _______ Address/Hotel_________

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Knowledge Links Table 5-2 : Exchange Memo 外币金额 Amount in foreign currency 扣贴息 Less discount 净额 Net amount 牌价 Rate 人民币金额 Amount in RMB 摘要 Particulars

Topic 2: Exchange of Foreign Currency Knowledge Links 请妥善保存,以备查验。在六个月内出境时可凭此兑 回部分外汇。只限一次。 Please keep this for checking. Part of unused RMB can be reconverted into foreign currency for only one time when holder leaves China within six months. 复核员 经办员

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Background Information Staying at the hotel, you need to know something about guest service of it. Please look at the following expressions: 宾客服务中心 Guest Service Center 客房楼面 Floor 公共区域 Public Area 被服室 Linen Room 洗衣房 Laundry Room

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Situational Dialogue Scene 1 Mrs. White and two children are in their room. (A: Bellboy B: Mrs. White C: Jimmy) A:This way, please. This is your room. Here are your keys. B:It is a lovely room. A:Where can I leave your luggage? B:Just here. Thank you.

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Situational Dialogue A:Mrs. White, here is the light’ switch, the temperature adjuster, the wardrobe and the mini-bar. Here’s our hotel’s Service Information Booklet. It gives you an idea about our services and facilities. B:Wonderful! Thank you. A:That door leads to the bathroom, and there’s a laundry bag in the wardrobe. The hot water supply is round the clock. And there’re two sockets in the bathroom, for 110V and 220V respectively. The voltage here is much higher than that in the States.

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Situational Dialogue B:You’ve made us feel very welcome. By the way, is the tap water drinkable? A:Oh, Mrs. White please don’t drink the tap water. There is boiled drinking water in the thermos bottle and cold drinking water in the carafe. If you need anything, please dial 8 or press the button over there. C:What about the TV? A:Over here. This is the remote control. There are sixty channels including five English programs. Here is a program guide. C:I see.

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Situational Dialogue A:Is there anything I can do before I leave the room? B:No. Thank you very much. A:You’re always welcome. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. Scene 2 Mr. White is storing their luggage. (A: Bellboy B: Mr. White) A:Excuse me, sir. Do you need any help? B:Yes, can you show me where I can store my luggage?

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Situational Dialogue A:At the luggage desk. This way, please. B:OK, after you. A:What would you like to store, sir? B:This suitcase, please. A:Are there any valuables in it? B:Uh, yes, my passport, some cash and some gold ornaments. A:You must deposit the valuables at the Reception Desk, I’m afraid. B:Well, I see. I’ll take them out. Then to be careful with the vases in the suitcase.

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Situational Dialogue A:Don’t worry, sir. We will put a card onto the luggage, with the words “Handle With Care”. B:That sounds good. A:Would you sign your name on the luggage deposit slip? B:OK, I’ll take care of it. Here you are. A:Thank you. Here is your receipt. Show it when you come to claim the luggage.

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Vocabulary adjuster 调节器 channel selector 频道选择器 claim 要求,认领 deposit slip 寄存单 mini-bar 小冰箱 ornament 装饰品,首饰 receipt 收据 switch 开关,电闸 volume control 音量控制

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Notes 1.round the clock 24 小时不断 Eg. The hot water supply is round the clock. 热 水供应 24 小时不断。 2.feel like… 想要 Eg. I feel like swimming now. 我想去游泳 3.freshen up 精神起来 Eg. Let me just go and freshen (myself) up. 我 要去精神一下。

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Useful Sentences For a housekeeping server 1.Welcome to the sixth floor. I’m the floor attendant. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you. 欢迎光临我们六楼。我是楼层服务员。如有什么事情 要我做,请随时吩咐。 2.Here is the light’s switch, the temperature adjuster, the wardrobe and the mini-bar. 这是电灯开关、温度调节器、衣柜和小冰箱。

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Useful Sentences 3.Here’s our hotel’s Service Information Booklet. It gives you an idea about our services and facilities. 这是我们饭店的服务指南,它将告诉您有关我们饭店 的服务及设施情况。 4.That door leads to the bathroom, and there’s a laundry bag in the wardrobe. 这扇门通浴室,衣柜里有一个洗衣袋。 5.The hot water supply is round the clock. 热水供应 24 小时不断。

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Useful Sentences 6.There’re two sockets in the bathroom, for 110V and 220V respectively. 浴室里有两个插座,一个是 220 伏的,另一个是 110 伏 的。 7.May I do the turn-down service for you now? 现在可以为你们收拾房间了吗 ? 8.It’s getting dark, would you like me to draw the curtains for you, madam? 天暗下来了,要不要我把窗帘拉上 ? 9.Is there anything else I can do for you? 还有什么事情要我做吗 ?

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Useful Sentences For a tourist 1.Where is Room 608? 请问 608 房间在哪儿 ? 2.I feel like taking a bath to freshen up after the transocean flight . 跨海飞行后我想洗个澡舒服一下。 3.By the way, is the tap water drinkable? 顺便问一下,这里的自来水能喝吗? 4.Could you do our room first next time? 下次你能先打扫我们的房间吗?

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Useful Sentences 5.Would you tidy up a bit in the bathroom ? 请整理一下浴室好吗 ? 6.We’d like to have breakfast in our room tomorrow. Could you bring it here? 我们想明天在房间里用餐,能否把早餐送到客房来? 7.Will you do me a favor? 能帮个忙吗 ? 8.I would like to be woken up early tomorrow morning. 明天能不能早点叫醒我 ?

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Exercises 1. Complete the following dialogue according to the Chinese in brackets and then read it in roles. Stephen Nobel (the guest) is arriving at the hotel. (A: Bellgoy B: Stephen Nobel) A:Good morning, sir. Welcome to our hotel. I’ll show you to your room. _____________________________( 您有两个手提箱和 一个背包。 ) Is that all right? B:Yes, that’s right. A:___________________________________________( 背包里有没有值钱的或者是易碎的物品呢 ?)

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Exercises B:Yes. There is a bottle of whiskey. A:Could you carry this bag, sir? ______________( 我 恐怕里面的物品会被我打碎。 ) B:Sure, no problem. A:Thank you. This way, sir. A:This is your room. __________________________( 先生,能把您的钥匙 给我吗 ?) After you, sir. May I put your bags here? B:Sure. Just put them anywhere. A:This room faces south. ______________________( 您对这儿觉得满意吗 ?)

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Exercises B:Yes, it’s nice. A:Thank you. By the way, you probably know you can’t drink the tap water._______________( 您必须喝 开水,或者购买瓶装水。 ) B:Thanks for telling me. A:If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. The extension for the front desk is “8”. B:OK. Thanks.

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Exercises 2. Role Play. Make up a dialogue based on the following situation and role-play it to the class. Bellboy Jake is showing the guest into the room. And he will introduce the room facilities. You and your partner should play the role of Jake and the guest.

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Knowledge Links Facilities in the Hotel elevator/lift 电梯 escalator 自动楼梯 floor 楼层,地板 ground floor ( 英 ) 底,层,一楼 first floor ( 英 ) 二楼, ( 美 ) 一楼 second floor ( 英 ) 三楼, ( 美 ) 二楼 cabinet 橱柜 switch 开关 socket 插座,插口 plug 插头 voltage 电压 transformer 变压器 venetian blind 百叶窗帘 curtain 窗帘 wastebasket 废纸篓 tea trolley 活动茶几

Topic 3: To the Guest Room Knowledge Links night table 床头柜 drawer 抽屉 folding screen 屏风 hanger 挂钩 spring 弹簧 wall-plate 壁上挂盘 Chinese painting 国画 thermos 热水瓶 carpentry ( 总称 ) 木器 bookshelf 书架 bedclothes 床上用品 quilt 被子,毛毯 mattress 床垫 cushion 靠垫,垫子

谢 谢!