SEO report _SAITO 1. Overall schedule of iKAGRA installation/commissioning change to Michelson Interferometer 2. Scheduling of daily works for installation 3. “Call for shift” application form 4. Remaking roadmap and budget schedule in bKAGRA 1
SEO report 1. Overall schedule of iKAGRA installation/commissioning change to Michelson Interferometer 2. Scheduling of daily works for installation 3. Call for shift application form 4. Remaking roadmap and budget schedule in bKAGRA IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ( , by Kajita PI ) Due to the very tight schedule for iKAGRA, to the limited manpower and the budget, and to the higher priority in bKAGRA, SEO, together with chiefs of the subgroups, has been discussing the possible change in the iKAGRA configuration. This, of course, included the technical feasibility studies. SEO proposed to EO the change in the iKAGRA configuration. EO examined this proposal and agreed with the proposal: THE iKAGRA CONFIGURATION will be MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER (3km arm length) rather than FABRY-PEROT MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER. As mentioned above the higher priority in the KAGRA project is bKAGRA. We do not expect any significant change in the schedule and scope of bKAGRA due to the change in the iKAGRA configuration. 2
3 Schedule of iKAGRA (previously planned FPMI) : IIIIVIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIV electricity wiring ventilation duct drainage tubing crane girder hanging anchor drilling dust prevention coating tunnel excavation laser roomc-room clean booth laser roomc-room, e-room network and PHS arm tube laying a chalk line carrying and anchoring flange fastening/leak test chamber marking anchoring cryo other chambers mirror suspension Type-C, Type-Bp, BS Install / tune in chambers input/output optics Laser and PMC setup PMC to MC optical baffle (arm) during flange fastening/arm target monitor (arm) during flange fastening/arm vac pumping biddingduring flange fastening/arm Geophysics interferometerInst.test/operation Environment monitorpreparation for install Dec 2015 operation Jul 2015 commissioning Oct 2014 input-optics installation
4 Schedule of iKAGRA (delay of VIS procurement) : IIIIVIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIV electricity wiring ventilation duct drainage tubing crane girder hanging anchor drilling dust prevention coating tunnel excavation laser roomc-room clean booth laser roomc-room, e-room network and PHS arm tube laying a chalk line carrying and anchoring flange fastening/leak test chamber marking anchoring cryo other chambers mirror suspension Type-C, Type-Bp, BS Install / tune in chambers input/output optics Laser and PMC setup PMC to MC optical baffle (arm) during flange fastening/arm target monitor (arm) during flange fastening/arm vac pumping biddingduring flange fastening/arm Geophysics interferometerInst.test/operation Environment monitorpreparation for install Dec 2015 operation Jul 2015 commissioning Oct 2014 input-optics installation
iKAGRA schedule Fabry-Perot-Michelson VIS installation Stack install Stack MC suspension install MC PR2 & PR3 frame/payload procurement PR2 & PR3 IXA & EXA (Xarm cavity) frame/payload procurement IXA & EXA IYA & EYA (Yarm cavity) frame/payload procurement IYA & EYA BS modifying prototype payload procurement BS Xarm commissioning Full commissioning Observation Obs. Michelson VIS installation Stack install Stack MC suspension install MC PR2 & PR3 frame/payload procurement PR2 & PR3 IXA & IYA EXA & EYA frame/payload procurement EXA & EYA BS modifying prototype payload procurement BS Michelson commissioning Observation Obs. Schedule of VIS installation: iKAGRA Dec 2015 operation 5
6 Schedule of iKAGRA (Michelson) : IIIIVIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIV electricity wiring ventilation duct drainage tubing crane girder hanging anchor drilling dust prevention coating tunnel excavation laser roomc-room clean booth laser roomc-room, e-room network and PHS arm tube laying a chalk line carrying and anchoring flange fastening/leak test chamber marking anchoring cryo other chambers mirror suspension Type-C, Type-Bp, BS Install / tune in chambers input/output optics Laser and PMC setup PMC to MC optical baffle (arm) during flange fastening/arm target monitor (arm) during flange fastening/arm vac pumping biddingduring flange fastening/arm Geophysics interferometerInst.test/operation Environment monitorpreparation for install Dec 2015 operation Aug 2015 commissioning Oct 2014 input-optics installation
7 IO MC iKAGRA configuration (previous plan) Cryogenic system test - Cryostat + Rad. shield duct - Cryo-cooler - Cryogenic payload - Fixed Type-A SAS Type-Bp payload - Test mass and Core optics (BS, FM,..) Silica, 10kg, 290K - Seismic isolator Table + GASF + Type-B Payload ETM ITM Y-arm X-arm ITMETM BS Type-A isolator full-system test - Room-temp. test Sapphire (?), 23kg, 290K - Tall seismic isolator IP + GASF + Payload Shorter arm length by 61m iKAGRA configuration - Room-temp. test masses suspended by Type-Bp payload - FPMI with 2.94 km arm cavities - Low laser power, w/o power recycling - On-site test of VIS and Cryo system iKAGRA obs. Run in Dec ~1 month Type-C system - Mode cleaner Silica, 0.5kg, 290K - Stack + Payload
8 IO MC iKAGRA configuration (Michelson Interferometer) Cryogenic system test - Cryostat + Rad. shield duct - Cryo-cooler - Cryogenic payload - Fixed Type-A SAS Type-Bp payload - Test mass and Core optics (BS, FM,..) Silica, 10kg, 290K - Seismic isolator Table + GASF + Type-B Payload ETM Y-arm X-arm ETM BS Type-A isolator full-system test - Room-temp. test Sapphire (?), 23kg, 290K - Tall seismic isolator IP + GASF + Payload Shorter arm length by 61m iKAGRA configuration - Room-temp. test masses suspended by Type-Bp payload - MI with 2.94 km arm - Low laser power, w/o power recycling - On-site test of VIS and Cryo system iKAGRA obs. Run in Dec ~1 month Type-C system - Mode cleaner Silica, 0.5kg, 290K - Stack + Payload
9 IO MC iKAGRA configuration (Michelson Interferometer) Cryogenic system test - Cryostat + Rad. shield duct - Cryo-cooler - Cryogenic payload - Fixed Type-A SAS Type-Bp payload - Test mass and Core optics (BS, FM,..) Silica, 10kg, 290K - Seismic isolator Table + GASF + Type-B Payload ETM Y-arm X-arm ETM BS Type-A isolator full-system test - Room-temp. test Sapphire (?), 23kg, 290K - Tall seismic isolator IP + GASF + Payload Shorter arm length by 61m iKAGRA configuration - Room-temp. test masses suspended by Type-Bp payload - MI with 2.94 km arm - Low laser power, w/o power recycling - On-site test of VIS and Cryo system iKAGRA obs. Run in Dec ~1 month Type-C system - Mode cleaner Silica, 0.5kg, 290K - Stack + Payload iKAGRA is aimed **to confirm the operational scheme of 3-km baseline interferometer, the environmental condition, and layout accuracy inside the tunnel. **to gain understandings and experiences necessary for the observation with the final bKAGRA interferometer. In iKAGRA, we have to realize the followings; 1. One month operation [twice of 2-weeks stable operation] with 3-km room temperature Michelson interferometer. No requirements for the strain sensitivity, but debugging of technical noise sources should be done. 2. Full system test of data acquisition, transfer, and storage system down to the data- analysis building at Kamioka. First data-analysis pipeline to be tested off-line. 3. Check the environmental condition inside the tunnel, and layout accuracy. Humidity (<75%) and particle density (Class-4) inside the clean-booths Accuracy (within 2 mm) in laying chalk-line and setting chamber 4. Preparation and tuning of cryogenic system and tall vibration-isolation devices. Cool-down and re-warming time of the test mass inside the cryostat Installation and tuning procedure of the 5 stage vibration-isolation system
SEO report _SAITO 1. Overall schedule of iKAGRA installation/commissioning change to Michelson Interferometer 2. Scheduling of daily works for installation 3. Call for shift application form 4. Remaking roadmap and budget schedule in bKAGRA 10
Installation Scheduling for iKAGRA Entrance submission Installation Scheduler T. Uchiyama H. Ishizuka Sub system SEO M. Ando Y. Aso S. Kawamura S. Miyoki M. Ohashi (Site Manager) K. Somiya T. Suzuki Y. Saito (Project Manager) Sub system EO Microsoft project Contractors on-site (Safety control) Entrance submission Web site GWPO Kamioka Branch on-site dweller 10-minutes morning meeting for today’s workers (daily)
SEO report _SAITO 1. Overall schedule of iKAGRA installation/commissioning change to Michelson Interferometer 2. Scheduling of daily works for installation 3. Call for shift application form 4. Remaking roadmap and budget schedule in bKAGRA 12
Call for Shift 13 Task manager T. Uchiyama Sub system SEO M. Ando Y. Aso S. Kawamura S. Miyoki M. Ohashi (Site Manager) K. Somiya T. Suzuki Y. Saito (Project Manager) Sub system EO collaborators Task requirement Call for Shift Web site Contact with applicants/ Member choice application on-site dweller
SEO report _SAITO 1. Overall schedule of iKAGRA installation/commissioning change to Michelson Interferometer 2. Scheduling of daily works for installation 3. Call for shift application form 4. Remaking roadmap and budget schedule in bKAGRA 14
15 IO MC bKAGRA configuration Type-A system - Cryogenic test mass Sapphire, 23kg, 20K - Tall seismic isolator IP + GASF + Payload Type-C system - Mode cleaner Silica, 0.5kg, 290K - Stack + Payload ETM ITM Y-arm X-arm ITMETM BS SRM PRM Type-B system - Core optics (BS, SRM,…) Silica, 10kg, 290K - IP + GASF + Payload - Stack for aux. optics bKAGRA configuration - Cryogenic test masses - 3 km arm cavities - RSE with power recycling first science run in FY2017 Type-Bp payload - Test mass and Core optics (BS, FM,..) Silica, 10kg, 290K - Seismic isolator Table + GASF + Type-B Payload
IO MC bKAGRA configuration Type-A system - Cryogenic test mass Sapphire, 23kg, 20K - Tall seismic isolator IP + GASF + Payload Type-C system - Mode cleaner Silica, 0.5kg, 290K - Stack + Payload ETM ITM Y-arm X-arm ITMETM BS SRM PRM Type-B system - Core optics (BS, SRM,…) Silica, 10kg, 290K - IP + GASF + Payload - Stack for aux. optics bKAGRA configuration - Cryogenic test masses - 3 km arm cavities - RSE with power recycling first science run in FY2017 Type-Bp payload - Test mass and Core optics (BS, FM,..) Silica, 10kg, 290K - Seismic isolator Table + GASF + Type-B Payload In the last f2f meeting (Toyama, July 31, 2014) budget situation of KAGRA is very tight, due to an extra cost for excavation, due to higher amount of biddings than those originally estimated, due to some up-grade devices proposed by subs-systems. One of the most possible scenario is to divide bKAGRA into two phases; bKAGRA-I (FY2017) = “low power” “w/o recycling” “cryogenic interferometer operation” bKAGRA-II (FY2019) = full configuration of bKAGRA KAGRA has requested additional budget to the government, and it possibly comes at Task force in SEO are now re-making the budget schedule and roadmap. * more accurate “estimated cost” and “procurement schedule” * attainable sensitivity in the time table * descoping some spec (drop functions) from the full-configuration It is to be noted that the constraints between KAGRA and governments are existing; “KAGRA interferometer is to be first operated in 2015, then to be cryogenically operated in FY2017” 16