For Elementary Grade Division Important Definitions for Copyright and Intellectual Property and How to Cite For Elementary Grade Division
Copyright Definition: "the sole right to produce or reproduce a work or any substantial part thereof in any material form, to perform the work or any substantial part thereof in public, or, if the work is unpublished, to publish the work or any substantial part thereof.” ( In other words: copyright means that the owner or author of the work is the only person who can use their work or give permission for another person to use or copy their work. Ex: no one can use any of the writing from the Harry Potter books unless J.K Rowling gives them permission to use her writing
Intellectual Property Definition: “Legal rights that result from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary and artistic fields.” ( In other words: intellectual property is not physical property. It includes authors words, music and ideas. Ex: music we listen to is the intellectual property of the person who made the music
Plagiarism Definition: “an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization” ( In other words: plagiarism is taking someone else’s work and pretending it is your own Example: if you Google the definition of “plagiarism” and write it on a paper without citing it, you are plagiarising
Trade-mark Definition: “A trade-mark is a word, design, number, two-dimensional or three-dimensional form, sound or color, or a combination of two or more of these elements which a trader uses to distinguish his/her products or services from those of his/her competitors and serves to establish goodwill with the consumer.” (Intellectual Property Institute of Canada) In other words: a trade-mark is something that helps us tell one product or service from a different product or service. You see the ™ or ® symbol at the end of product or business names. Example: the red color of the Coke products helps us tell them apart from the blue Pepsi products
How to Cite
Citing a Website This is the formula for citing a professional website. "Crater Lake." National Park Service. National Park Service, 1 July 2009. Web. 28 Aug. 2009. <>.
Citing a Book This is the formula for citing a book. Brown, Marc. Arthur Tricks The Tooth Fairy. New York: Random House, 1997. Print.
Citing an Online Image The Water Cycle. Enchanted Learning. Web. 3 June 2013. <>.
Citing a Song Raffi. “Six Little Ducks.” YouTube. Web. 3 June 2013. <>.
To Remember List your citations alphabetically Spell names and titles correctly You can use an online “citation maker” to help you. Check this one out: