Administers federal programs for LEAs in Pennsylvania Allocations Approve Programs and Expenditures Technical Assistance Compliance Monitoring 14 Programs (No Child Left Behind) 2
3 Cindy Rhoads IUs 22, 23, 25 eGrants 21 st Century Jesse Fry IUs 12, 13, 15 ARRA quarterly project inventory MSP Title III Fiscal Susan McCrone IUs 2, 26 New Coordinator Trainings ISP Conference & Monitoring SPAC Virginia Baker IUs 1, 3 SIG (School Improvement Grant 1003g) REAP
4 Don McCrone IUs 10, 17, 18, 19 Title I D Title IIA Comparability TBD (Don McCrone) IUs 4, 7, 27, 28 Nonpublic SES Maria Garcia-Morales IUs 14,20,21,29 Schoolwide Programs Homeless Norma Hull IUs 8, 11, 16 Title I School Improvement
5 Jo Beth McKee
Social Learning/Networking Platform Deliver content related to all federal programs Program Fiscal Monitoring/Compliance Training Sharing Effective/Best Practices between all federal program coordinators in the State through various communities Calendars, to-do lists, events, reminders AND MORE!! 6
Various sessions anticipated to be of high interested are being videoed and made available for review after the conference by PAFPC members. Comparability Changes Regional Meeting 21 st Century Pre-Grant Workshop Others 7
Funding Increases: Title I, Improving Basic Programs (+3.6%) Rural & Low Income (+2.6%) Title III, English Learner Education (+7.4%) Funding Decreases: Title II, Improving Teacher Quality (-0.02%) School Improvement Grant (-0.2%) Title II, Math & Science Partnerships (-9.7%) For additional information on funding: Kelly Gallatin’s workshop 9
New Application open in eGrants later in the Spring Funds become available to states/LEAs on July 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013 Tydings Amendments authorize carryover of unused funds through September 30, 2014 (total of 27 months) Date of submission of application for state approval through eGrants determines start date. 10
Minimal Changes to system for Consortium Leads now have a check- box/bypass to indicate sections of narrative that do not apply to consortiums. Wording changes in narrative for clarification. 11
Narratives and budgets do NOT rollover from previous year. Must complete all sections each year. Provide a comprehensive answer explaining how you will use federal funds for the school year. Do not include information on non-federal grants unless they are used to align/supplement your federal grant dollars. eGrants = State Approved Program Revise as necessary throughout the program year to reflect actual activities and budgets. 12
Problem: Funds that are accounted for on the Reservation of Funds Page or on the Selection of School page (nonpublic instructional costs) are not accounted for properly on the Budget. Remedy: Utilize the Administrative Manual for proper fund coding. 13
Problem: The dollar amounted derived for nonpublic services on the Reservation of Funds page and Selection of Schools page (and on the Budget) do not match the Nonpublic Signoff Remedy: Check this carefully as nonpub personnel are hard to find after initial signoff! 14
Problem: The entire allocation is not budgeted and therefor applied for. Remedy: Keep in mind that in “data-entry” mode there are three budget screens that only collapse into one final budget once submitted. Also, make sure balance is “zeroed-out”. 15
Problem: The budget and the narrative (Consolidated LEA Plan) do not match. Remedy: Utilize the coding and program allowable expenditure guidances as provided in the Administrative Manual. 16
Problem: In the section labeled “Title I Program Description” (within the Consolidated LEA Plan) the LEA is asked to enter the “Estimated # of minutes/week for Supplemental Title I Instruction”. Often entered incorrectly. Remedy: Enter the average per student. 17
Problem: In the Parent Involvement section of the narrative (Consolidated LEA Plan) there has been some confusion over what dates/timeframes are reasonable. Remedy: “Parent Input on Current Title I Application for Funds” must be completed prior to the start of the school year. 18
Remedy: “School –Level Policy/Plans”, “LEA Parent Involvement Policy”, “Parent/School Compacts”, “Annual Title I Parent Meeting”, and “Parent Right to Know Qualifications of Teachers” must be completed in September or October. NOTE: all other categories can be ongoing. 19
Problem: Buildings in School Improvement I or II (including Making Progress) must reserve 10% of the Selection of Schools derived allocation for 2270/Professional Development Remedy: Check the website for current and anticipated AYP statuses 20
Problem: The incorrect program type has been selected on the drop-down box on the Selection of Schools page. Remedy: Before completing this section determine if buildings are Targeted, School Wide, Eligible through Grandfathering Clause, Ineligible, or Eligible but not served 21
Problem: Not completing and submitting the necessary paperwork to PDE/School Services Office when one or more of their buildings closes or reconfigures. The Selection of Schools process cannot be completed. Remedy: Please contact School Services at or for closings or reconfigurations. 22
Effective Immediately, please contact the Admin in your LEA that has super user rights. Some LEAs may have more than one person listed. Our office will no longer be editing anyone’s who has or does not have user rights. This is to protect accessibility to your LEA in eGrants. 23
When all grant funds have been obligated: Submit a Final Expenditure Report (FER) in eGrants to close out project and release the final payment. Compare actual expenditures to most recent approved budget on eGrants: If all categories are within 20% of the approved budget total for each line, proceed with creating a final expenditure report. If any budget line item total exceeds 20% of the approved total, submit a budget revision for approval prior to creating an FER. 25
Important: IF FER is created BEFORE a budget revision is done LEA must delete the FER Recreate the FER - AFTER the budget revision is submitted/approved 26
Due Dates – 30 days after funding period ends or as soon as funds are liquidated Carryover – One full year extension (October 1-September 30) Electronic Form – Mandatory On-line submission FER Instruction Guide – e-Grants & PDE Website Financial Accounting Information/FAI – Payment Status Equipment – Amount must match last approved budget 27
28 Carryover – 1 full year extension If LEA requested “carryover”, an additional year is given to expend funds FER is due within 30 days of obligating all funds Carryover funds remain in and must be reported with the original project year in which they were allocated
Reconciliation of Cash on Hand Quarterlies should reflect LEA’s account status through end of quarter Due 10 th working day of January, April, July & October LEA completes/submits Quarterly Reports via FAI system / ED Hub Web Portal Monthly program payments may be suspended due to: Quarterlies not submitted in a timely manner Quarterlies showing excess cash on hand 30
For questions regarding your Quarterly Report, contact: COMPTROLLER’S OFFICE (717)
Important changes in relating to Comparability Don McCrone’s session Available on Eduplanet for review after the conference Anticipated 3.6% increase in funding at the state level PA did NOT submit for the NCLB waiver offered by USDE Requested change in Accountability Workbook to freeze AYP targets at the level. 33
34 Schoolwide schools must conduct an annual review of the Schoolwide Program Annual Review must answer two main questions: 1) Was the program implemented as the SW planning team intended? 2) Was there improvement in student achievement, particularly for the lowest- achieving students?
35 First steps: Send the “Intent to plan a SW program” form to your regional coordinator Submit a waiver request if the school falls between 30%-40% poverty (free and reduce lunch) Required application for Comprehensive Plan (latest version) SWP template
The Schoolwide Template has been revised Schools must use the current (2012) Schoolwide template To find the revised Schoolwide template: Go to Click on “Programs” in the left column Click on “Programs D-G” Click on “Federal Programs” Click on “Title I” Click on “Title I Schoolwide Programs” 36
37 40% poverty threshold (unless waived by PDE) One year of planning prior to implementation (unless waived by PDE) Annual evaluation of the program effectiveness 10 implementation components
38 Comprehensive Needs Assessment on a yearly basis. Comprehensive Plan Annual Review of the SW plan’s effectiveness.
40 A. individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence… B. Includes Sharing the housing of other persons Living in motels, hotels, or camping grounds Living in emergency or transitional shelters Abandoned in hospitals Awaiting foster care Nighttime residence not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings substandard housing, bus or train stations Migratory children Unaccompanied homeless youth
41 Homeless are automatically eligible for Title I, whether or not they attend a Title I school This acknowledges that the experience of homelessness puts children at risk Title I is used only after all other funds have been exhausted
42 According to Title I, Part A, LEAs must reserve (or set aside) such funds as are necessary to provide comparable services to homeless children who are not attending Title I schools. [20 USC6313(c)(3)]
43 Before-school, after-school, and/or summer programs with an educational focus Outreach services to help identify homeless children and advise them of available school programming Basic needs such as school uniforms, school supplies, and health-related needs
Counseling services Supplemental instruction Parental involvement programs Programs for highly mobile students Data collection 44
Title I may be charged to pay the cost of sabbatical leave for Title I funded employees. Cost of leave multiplied by years of service. (expressed as a decimal for less than 10 years e.g..7 for 7years of service). If total cost exceeds the cost if the employee did not go on sabbatical then an assurance that the Title I program will not be reduced in size, scope, or quality will be required. 45
46 Reporting Nonpublic Expenditures Instructional Costs Line 1500 Equals total instructional allocation in: Non Public Involvement section Selection of Schools step 3 Parent Involvement Costs Include with other PI; line 3300 Professional Development Costs Include with other PD; line 2270 Summer School Costs Include as Instructional; line 1500 Administrative Costs Line 2280 Comes out of district admin; not Non Public Instructional
Title I Contact all nonpubs that students within the district boundaries may attend Title III Contact all nonpubs within the district boundaries Same requirements of consultation as Title I Title III funds to the district increase with each nonpublic student listed 47
48 Nov - Dec: Initiate contact Interest survey Data collection Dec – March Obtain student data Start of consultation Examine NP needs April – June Design final program 3 rd party contracts Assess previous year’s program Submit application
July – Aug Schedule Teachers Students 3 rd party provider Facilities Parent notification Sept Start NP services at same time as public services 49
DFP moving from a staff-to-student calculation to a per-pupil expenditure formula. Both available for the upcoming year but eventually the old method will be phased out. Panel Discussion: Pittsburgh’s approach Tuesday, 8:00, Empire D Don McCrone: Comparability presentation Tuesday, 9:15 Wild Rose A and B Wednesday, 8:00 Empire A and B 50
Level funded for 12/13. CSR will continue to be allowable until NCLB is reauthorized. If IIA is used to fund salaries e.g. CSR or coach then time and effort needed. Needs assessment drives everything. 51
Final year of funding Funds must be obligated by September 30, No Carryover Close out grants no later than October 30, If unable to spend funds, notify Regional Coordinator by July 31, 2012, of remaining balance to prohibit returning funds to USDE. 52
53 New Title III Fiscal Manager: Jesse Fry Reallocation in 2011/12 About 25% increase Future reallocations as needed Nonpublics Require same consultation as with Title I Service by district boundary rather than student residence Nonpublic student numbers increase the Title III funding Enter numbers into the LEP system
Small & Rural School Achievement (SRSA) Administered at the federal level funding - $401, 903(17 LEAs) funding - $404,368 (19 LEAs) – Proposed slight increase (2%) 54
Rural & Low Income Schools (RLIS) Administered by DFP funding - $1,392,185 (34 LEAs) funding - $1,435,710 (37 LEAs) Proposed slight decline (-11%) Applications will be through e-Grants 55
Competitive Grant for PA’s poorest performing schools Must choose one of four models for reform Turnaround Transformation Restart Closure Pre-Grant Workshop being held for eligible schools/LEAs on Wednesday, March 28 (see agenda for time/location) 56
58 Cohort 1 schools - $32,827,702 55 Cohort 1 schools - $34,699,734 26 Cohort 2 schools - $24,097,864 12 – 13 124 schools eligible to apply 57
Grant Timeline February 8, 2012Full Application invitations are sent February 13, 2012Full Application is released on eGrant February 13, :00 PM – 3:00 PM Full Application webinar February 14, :00 AM – 12:00 Full Application webinar March 16, 2012Full Application due to PDE April 6, 2012Grantees announced by PDE May 14 – 16, 2012New grantee conference in Gettysburg, PA June 1, 2012Baseline data due to U.S. Department of Education May 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Grant year 58
Title I schools identified: Districts with schools identified: LEA Improvement
Allocations open in eGrants Due date: April 16, 2012 $68,436—Growth in both math and reading for 3 years, above 2 levels in 2011 $58,436--Growth in both math and reading for the past 3 years $48,436—Growth in 2011 or identified as “Making Progress” $38,436--All other schools in SI/CA 60
Rollover Assurances for Unused Set Asides Choice/SES only Request Rollover Assurance Form from RC Submit signed copy to DFP If Parent/Community Outreach is verified RC will waive the set aside District may enter the amount actually needed for Choice/SES in the Reservation of Funds site Update budget as needed 61
Parent Notification Due by July 27, 2012 Send RC copy of your template/letter to parents Provide RC with district website listing School Improvement data from as applicable Number of Students eligible for Choice/SES Number of Students transferred/tutored List of schools available If required, list of SES Providers available RC will verify that all required components are included and provide technical assistance 62
63 Districts must offer ALL approved providers to all eligible students List of approved providers for LEA: Must treat all providers equally; even if the district is a provider Give same building access to providers as to non-SES entities (Boy Scouts, etc) Districts should be checking all clearances before allowing tutor to be with student LEA should have an SES Provider Policy List expectations and non contract requirements Distribute to all district providers
64 February 6– April 13 SES Application open on line July SES Approved Providers list released August Mandatory Meeting for PRE-APPROVED SES Providers August Letter of Notification with approved SES provider list sent to parents of eligible children September Providers contacted by parents. October Providers sign agreements with school districts. November SES Services begin within 30 days of agreement signature.
MSP provides funds for intensive professional development for math and science teachers. Summer programs w/school year follow up. Partnerships between LEAs and IHEs (Institutes of Higher Education) Content knowledge and pedagogy. MSP is a competitive grant awarded every three years. Summer of 2012 is last year of current cycle. New competitions will occur in the Spring of
Current programs: Chester County IU 24, Philadelphia City SD, Allentown City SD, Lancaster-Lebanon IU 13, Central Susquehanna IU 16, Appalachia IU 8, Allegheny IU 3, IU 1, Pittsburgh SD, and Northwest Tri-County IU 5. Seats may be available. See Regional Coordinator for list of program contacts for each site. 66
For information about current programming and upcoming (Spring 2013) competition, please contact: MSP Program Manager, Jesse Fry. or
Additional Grant Competition (Cohort 6A) currently underway Approximately $18.5 million available No Cohort 6 grantees may apply RFA opens in eGrants: March 23, 2012 Deadline: May 4, 2012 Summer programs beginning in June. Pre-Grant Workshop – Wednesday, March 28 (9:30-12:00) – Magnolia C Available on Eduplanet after conference for review 68
SPAC conference: 7 Springs July 29-August 2, 2012 – see flyer in your conference bag! PIE consultants available for PI support – LEAs may make this request via SPAC web site – it is FREE! SPAC web site: Free resources, conference info, PIE request form, Title I templates, etc. 69
Offered three times/year to Federal Program Coordinators Focused on those with 3 or less years of experience Presenters are current/retired Federal Programs staff Focus is on tips, techniques and strategies to effectively complete the requirements for federal programs in your schools/districts. 70
71 Training Site: Date: Luzerne IU 18 (can accommodate 75 participants)Friday, May 4, AM - 1 PM Northeastern Educational IU 19 (can accommodate 30 participants)Monday, May 7, AM - 1 PM Northwest Tri-County IU 5 (can accommodate 100 participants)Tuesday, May 8, AM - 1 PM Appalachia IU 8 (can accommodate 60 participants)Friday, May 11, AM - 1 PM BLaST IU 17 (can accommodate participants)Friday, May 11, AM - 3 PM Allegheny IU 3 (can accommodate 60 participants)Monday, May 21, AM - 1 PM Delaware County IU 25 (can accommodate 50 participants)Monday, May 14, AM - 1 PM Intermediate Unit 1 (can accommodate 50 participants)Tuesday, May 22, AM - 1 PM Capital Area IU 15 (can accommodate 70 participants)Tuesday, May 22, AM - 1 PM Bucks County IU 22 (can accommodate 60 participants)Wednesday, May 23, AM - 1 PM Contact Jamie Miller at IU 5 for registration details:
May training will focus on completing the consolidated application on eGrants After the May trainings, future sessions will be recorded & available on EduPlanet beginning September 2012 – still at NO cost! Stay tuned for details! 72
UPDATE: 2012 is a pilot year – approximately 30 LEAs will be receiving desk audits. Required information will be uploaded on EduPlanet & reviewed by DFP. For other LEAs on the monitoring cycle, on site visits will be conducted as usual. If additional changes occur, they will be announced at Fall Regional Workshops. 73
New Coordinators Sunday presentation Slides at end of this hand out Consultation room for RCs and ATs Confection Hall Office: downstairs Sign up sheets with RCs and ATs ATs available for one on one eGrants training 74
General Sessions: Monday lunch: distinguished students Tuesday, 10:30: Ron Cowell: PA Education Legislation Tuesday lunch: Business Meeting Tuesday, 2:00: Barbara Duffield: Education of Homeless Tuesday dinner: Carolyn Dumaresq: Teacher Evaluation Initiative: overview of the measures included, preview of the rubric and the next steps in implementation. Wednesday, 9:15: Jim Littlejohn: Parent Involvement Wednesday, 11:30: Renee Palakovic/Jim Sheffer: Closing 75
Presented by Jesse Fry
March/April Release of preliminary allocations for upcoming school year SESSION: Title I Allocations: Understanding my Award (Kelly Gallatin)
May/June Consolidated Application due on July 1. Includes Title I, Title IIA, and tentatively Title III. SESSION(logistical): Overview of Federal Programs (Maria Garcia-Morales)
SESSIONS (fiscal): Fiscal Management of Federal Programs (Technicians) Administration of Federal Programs (Don McCrone, Susan McCrone, Jesse Fry, Technicians)
SESSIONS (fiscal): (Advanced) Title I Fiscal Issues: Supplement versus Supplant, Maintenance of Effort, Comparability (Don McCrone, Erin Oberdorf)
SESSIONS (programmatic): Where to Find Answers Needed in Administering Federal Programs (Cindy Rhoads) (Advanced) Title I and RTII: Coordination and Effective Implementation (Susan McCrone)
SESSIONS (programmatic) (Advanced) Title III Program Implementation (Karl Streckewald) (Advanced) Title IIA: Improving Teacher Quality (Don McCrone)
July/August NOTE: School Improvement provisions are not pertinent to many LEAs. Be cognizant of: PSSA scores (particularly if building is in “warning “ status from previous year),structure of your LEA, and building status from previous year.
SESSION (Reservation of Funds): Fiscal Management of Federal Programs (Technicians)
SESSIONS(programmatic): Surviving Title I School Improvement (Norma Hull) Implementing Effective SES Programs (Karl Streckewald) Title I Parent Involvement Legislation & Policies (Susan McCrone)
Integral to understanding Title I both programmatically and fiscally September-November SESSION: (Advanced) Title I Fiscal Issues: Supplement/Supplant, Maintenance of Effort, and Comparability (Don McCrone and Erin Oberdorf)
January-March Adjustments based upon final USDE allocations and charter school enrollments SESSIONS (fiscal): Fiscal Management of Federal Programs (Technicians) Title I Allocations: Understanding my Award (Kelly Gallatin)
January-March NOTE: School Improvement provisions are not pertinent to many LEAs. Fund distribution correlates to AYP status SESSION (programmatic) Surviving Title I School Improvement (Norma Hull)
REQUIRED – Monitoring of administered federal programs via on-site visitation. SESSION: Consolidated Program Monitoring (Susan McCrone and Kelly Iorfida)
REQUIRED – Parent Involvement in Title I is mandated. Non-compliance with this component of NCLB is the most common monitoring finding. SESSION: Title I Parent Involvement Legislation & Policies (Susan McCrone)
REQUIRED – Nonpublic School Involvement. NOTE: Nonpublic involvement does not pertain to all LEAs on an annual basis. Demographics and nonpublic participation are potential limiting factors. SESSION: Nonpublic School Services Workshop (Karl Streckewald)
OPTIONAL/COMPETITIVE – 21 st Century Community Learning Centers After school tutoring and enrichment. NOTE: currently being integrated into DFP SESSION: 21 st Century Community Learning Centers (Cindy Rhoads)
OPTIONAL/COMPETITIVE – Pennsylvania Comprehensive Literacy Plan SESSION: Comprehensive Literacy Plan Overview (JoBeth McKee)
REQUIRED – Single Audit Process. SESSION: Single Audits: Increased Transparency & Accountability (Krista Showers, CPA)
REQUIRED* - LEA coordination with Neglected and Delinquent Institutions NOTE: This is only required pending the grantee administration of the external N & D entity. SESSION: (Advanced) Keeping Up to Date with Your Title I N & D Programs (Don McCrone)
OPTIONAL – School wide programs, moving beyond targeted programs. NOTE: Building free and reduced lunch count must be 30%+ of the student population SESSION: (Advanced) Schoolwide Programs: Components and Requirements (Maria Garcia- Morales)
OPTIONAL – Strategies for LEAs to enhance parent involvement. SESSIONS: Creating Real Family Engagement (PIE Consultants & Susan McCrone) Beyond the Bake Sale (PIE Consultants & Susan McCrone)
OPTIONAL/COMPETITIVE – Preparation for competitive grant applications. SESSION: (Advanced) Effective Grant Writing Workshops (Cindy Rhoads)
SESSION: Title I Management Strategies that Work! (Norma Hull) Pittsburgh SD Northern Cambria SD Conestoga Valley SD Juniata County SD SESSION: Comprehensive Planning (Norma Hull and Jeff Byrem)
DIVISION ADMINISTRATION Renee Palakovic Erin Oberdorf Kelly Gallatin
REGIONAL COORDINATORS Susan McCrone Norma Hull Virginia Baker Donald McCrone JoBeth McKee
REGIONAL COORDINATORS (continued) Cindy Rhoads Jesse Fry Maria Garcia-Morales Karl Streckewald
TECHNICIANS Barbara Kuhn Erin Oberdorf Kelly Iorfida Yvonne Cobb Tracy Rapisarda Daniella Care
SUPPORT STAFF Karen Trissler Lennette Wilson Deborah Lau Katie Hodge Reba Kansiewicz