CCIH Working Groups Highlights
HIV Prevention and Health Behavior Co-Chairs: Allison Herling, & Emily Chambers, Board liaison: Dorothy Brewster-Lee,
Activities 2008/09 Organizing plenary and workshop sessions at the 2009 CCIH Conference on the following themes: Working with Pan African Christian AIDS Network (PACANet) to develop proposal for regional meetings for African pastors to address issue of multiple and concurrent partnerships
Activities PACANet/CCIH Collaboration Publishing and Dissemination “ABC II” book (yet to be named)
Community Health Co-Chairs: Bram Bailey, Connie Gates, and Nick Henwood, Board Liaison: Bram Bailey,
Disabilities Disabilities Chair: Jacqui Patterson, (temporary) Board Liaison: Jacqui Patterson,
Global Religious Health Assets Mapping (GRHAM) Chair: Scott Todd, Frank Baer, (not chair, but a Board Liaison: Bram Bailey,
Maternal and Child Health Chair: vacant (but promising!) Board Liaison: Jacqui Patterson,
Family Planning/Reproductive Health Co-Chairs: Douglas Huber, Linda Bales, Victoria Jennings, and Gloria Ekpo, Board Liaison: Douglas Huber,
Activities 2008/09 Conducted FBO Survey on FP Sharing the survey report with selected Congressional members advocating international FP to reduce abortions and improve maternal and child health– Final CCIH Family Planning Report UN Foundation concept paper FP/RH and HIV/AIDS Plenary at CCIH conference
Orphans and Vulnerable Children Chair: Dick Stellway, Board Liaison: Dorothy Brewster-Lee,
Description A moderated listserv to provide information on OVC issues from a Christian perspective and updates and notification of related events.
Activities for 2008/09 1. Notification of upcoming events. 2. Posting Requests for Employment Assistance 3. Sharing Other Requests for Assistance ( example: Jennifer Delaney (Global Action for Children) solicited comments on the PEPFAR OVC Guidance document. 4. Alerting Members to Significant Developments (The Better Care Network launches a new Faith-Based Care website. )
Activities 5. Calling Attention to New and Forthcoming Books relating to OVC 6. Featuring Additional Resources (Highlights of the 2008 CCIH OVC panel presentations) 7. Development of an on-line directory for cataloging OVC resource materials.
Transformation Goal: Define, promote and strengthen transformational health ministries
Activities in 2008/09 Convened meetings at various venues CCIH Preconference, Transformational Development Conference, Global Missions Conference inLouisville, Monthly newsletter sent out through Constant Contact to 45 people On-line Survey to learn about what organizations are doing in relationship to Transformation, invitations to nearly 1000 people (CCIH, AERDO, Communities First, (CRWRC). As of 5/21, 24 completed surveys.) Action: Need more to complete survey, need to draw some conclusions from the answers.
Global Fund Co-chairs: Milton Amayun, ;Nancy Harris, Board Liaison: Milton Amayun,
Activities 2008/09 1. With working group support: Amizero, a consortium of FBOs in Rwanda got approval for a malaria grant from the CCM/Global Fund. Amizero is a consortium ADRA, FH, World Relief and World Vision. 2. Milton presented at the Global Fund FBO consultation in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. 3. Milton participated in the GF Partnership Forum in Dakar, and networked with other FBO representatives in discussing how FBOs could engage more with the GF. 4. Friends of the Global Fight launched the second edition of the FBO Manual which Milton co-authored back in 2006.
Christian Hospitals Chair: vacant, Board Liaison: Howard Searle,
Conference Acknowledgements Bishop Claggett Conference Center Staff
Conference Planning Committee Milton Amayun Emily Chambers Evelyn Garland Douglas Huber Ray Martin Henry Mosley Jacqui Patterson Conference Coordinator: Sharon Franzen Conference Chairperson: Laura van Vuuren
Thanks to: Volunteers: Carolyn Boyd, David van Vuuren, Dick Stellway, Gregory Martin, Joel Ruark, Jono Quick, Joel Ruark, Pauline Muchina and many others !
Special Tribute Sharon Franzen Conference Coordinator Thank you Sharon!!!!! You are the heart of the conference, the show would not go on without you!!