Using Multiple Synchronized Views Presenter: Teklu Urgessa Efficient Video Browsing
Authors Arnon Amir, Savitha Srinivasan and Dulce Ponceleon IBM Almaden Research Center
Key Words for Publication Video Retrieval Multimedia Browsing Video Browsing Synchronized Views Audio Time Scale Modification(TSM) Fast Playback Video Browser Anima-visualization Techniques Slide Show Adaptive Accelerating ……
Table of contents Introduction Traditional Methods Problems with Traditional Methods Advanced Technology/Methods Technology for Visual Technology for Audio Summary Reference
1. Introduction
Text Browsing Vs MMB Browsing Text Documents: Simple and fast Browsing multimedia documents is not as easy text browning It is complex and time consuming Production and application of video contents is increasing from time to me. The need for efficient way of video browsing is very crucial The paper deals with different methods of efficient video browsing.
Growth of Digital Contents
Increasing Demand in Video Content
Factors for the Fast Growth DC Digital Video Becomes common From Our Smart phones Notebooks Webcams Digital camera and camcorders Security and monitoring cameras Advanced Streaming Technology Fast Internet Access MPEG-4 format Diversity in the application areas of Video
Application Areas: Where Videos are Important Entertainment Education and Training Distance Learning: Online Distance Learning Medical and Technical Manuals Advertisements.
Problem/Challenges As the amount of video-rich (multimedia) data grows: Finding and accessing becomes critical problem from large video repositories Given Need of Users: Quick and Efficient Retrieval
Need of Research in the Area of the Efficient Video Retrieval Major research activities/efforts were underway in the last decade to find out best and efficient methods of video indexing, searching and retrieval.
Nature of Video Retrieval Research: Multidisciplinary Areas of research: Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Speech Recognition Information Retrieval …
Basic Concepts: Searching and Browsing Both Activities are tightly Coupled Searching: needs specific entries i.e. you can search for specific company or a person Browsing: A generic approach; Eg. Korean Foods or Houses A combination of both can also happen: First search the broader concept and the browse to reach at the specific concept and vice versa.
2.Traditional Methods Finding a Video Data Search through categories Similar to Internet shopping mall We search for big categories Then smaller categories …and so on… User should choose which to browse Should check whether the selected data matches what user needs Manual categorization and annotation One by one? Time consuming!
Problem with Traditional video search and browsing technologies The Authors stated that Too complicated Lack of efficient algorithm Time consuming Multimedia calculation are complex and demanding Inaccuracy Video data is increasing exponentially manual Cataloging is a big limitation Manual cataloging is error prone: lacks accuracy due subjectivity
3.Advanced Technologies for Image and Video retrieval MPEG-7 Standards Speech indexing Shot Boundary Detection Time Scale Modification of Audio Signals Storyboards, Moving Storyboards and Animation Adaptive Accelerating Fast Playback Streaming Synchronized Views
MPEG-7: Multimedia Description Standard Standardized by : International Standard Organization (ISO) International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) ISO/IEC (Multimedia content description interface) Not a video encoding format of moving pic like MPEG-1-4 MPEG uses XML to store metadata/description The description can be attached to timecode in multimedia in order to tag particular event. By this tag Able to index and search efficiently Yet, improvement is needed
Illustration: Independence between Description and Content Source :
How it works Source :
Speech Indexing Search through speech transcripts Finds familiar metaphor of free text search Automatic speech recognition (ASR) Indexed transcript → semantic information Main advantage : Representation Speech is built of words
Shot Boundary Detection Shot Boundary Detection(SBD) algorithm Completely automatic Key frames are selected and extracted Saved as JPEG files High Accuracy and Efficiency Still, fault detection problem is unsolved
Definitions Basic Concepts Frame: composed of picture elements just like a chess board Key frame: Represents shots Shot: Group of frames which represents similar frames Start key frame End key frame Animation
3 levels of Video Browsing Browsing a large Collection of Videos Browsing a ranked list of videos Browsing a single video to find relevant segments The concern is the second and the third one to extract the most important segment from the video content.
SBD Key to Efficient Video Visualization is accurate detection of boundaries A shot is continues Sequence of frames as captured by the camera Often represented by single key frame in the storyboard Shot Boundaries: Changes between shots Created during editing phase (Hard cut, Fade, Dissolves) Can be gradual or abrupt
SBD Algorithms Four shot boundary detection algorithms 1.Color Histogram Differences: the best and most balanced “older” algorithm: Hard Cut editing 2.Edge Change Ratio: the recently proposed algorithm: used for Hard cut, Fade and Editing 3. Standard Deviation of Pixel Intensities: For fade 4.Contrast: For dissolve
Time Scale Modification of Audio Signals Efficient video browsing needs efficient audio browsing Except images, most digital contents are audible Faster audio browsing is necessary TSM : allow speeding up or slowing down audio w/t noticeable distortion By skip pitch periods to speed up duplicate when you want to slow down Human speech signals are quasi-periodic Changing total play time: deleting or inserting small audio segment
Improvement of TSM Time Scale Modification (TSM) algorithm Waveform Synchronous Overlap(WSOLA) Time-Domain Harmonic Scaling(TDHS) technique Time-Domain, Pitch Synchronous Overlap Add Foundation and general formulation Simple time Domain Modern speech TSM algorithm Pointer Interval Controlled Overlap Add Optional and applicable to all MPEG4 audio coding Scheme Used in the paper
Synchronous Overlap-Add SOLA
Storyboards, Moving Storyboards and Animation Storyboard a set of one or more pages, each consists of a two dimensional array of key-frames, sorted in chronological order. Animation a quick slide show, where each of the key-frames is shown for a fixed short period (e.g., 0.6 seconds) Moving Storyboard (MSB) the animated key frames, fully synchronized with the original audio track. Each key-frame is shown for the entire duration of the associated shot. Example.
Example of Storyboard
Adaptive Accelerating Fast Playback Very fast video playback (without audio) Ordinary fast forward depends only on speed There is a chance to miss important scene Accelerates until new scene is met Requires less computation load
Conclusion Multimedia Browsing not as simple text browsing Studies on efficient video browsing is still underway Active accelerating fast playback Most useful at analyzing surveillance videos SBD: Useful for visual contents TSM: Useful for Audio contents Efficient Video retrieval implements the above technologies
Questions 1. Explain The different Levels of MPEG-7 description method of Visual Content 2. What Method is appropriate for Efficient Audio Retrieval 3. Is MPEG-7 a content compressing tool? If No why?, Who standardized it what is the name of its 4. What Method is efficient way visual content retrieval 5. Explain the difference that exists among Shot, Key frame and shot boundary
References Shot Boundary Detection Key frame Synchronous Overlap-Add Growth of Digital Information Created and Replicated MPEG-7 standard PSOLA (Pitch Synchronous Overlap and Add)