Children and Family Services Reform of Special Educational Needs and Disability Chairs of Governors September 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Children and Family Services Reform of Special Educational Needs and Disability Chairs of Governors September 2014

Children and Family Services Radically different system to support better outcomes from 0-25 –Be independent –Be healthy –Have relationships in thriving communities –Be economically active –Be safe Have greater choice and control over their support The intent - recap

Children and Family Services Legislation – key highlights 0-25 for all settings Local Offer Streamlined assessment processes, co- ordinated, involving children and young people and their families throughout Education, Health and Care plans Joint commissioning and health duty Personal Budgets

Children and Family Services New rights/protection for year olds Preparation for adulthood Parent/carer forums Involvement of children and young people Transfer of power to professionals in the front line and local communities Legislation – key highlights Preparing for and managing young people’s transition to adulthood is a significant feature of the reforms

Children and Family Services Local Offer A website containing information about education, health and social care services for children and young people with SEND An initial local offer to be published in September 2014 and further developed over the coming months with partners and families Settings are completing templates outlining their local offer

Children and Family Services A co-ordinated approach for children and young people 0-25 Support plan approach –For those whose needs do not require an EHC plan Thresholds for assessment 20 week assessment pathway Converting existing statements Education Health and Care plans

Children and Family Services Personal Budgets An amount of money identified by the local authority and health services to deliver provision set out in the EHC plan Currently direct payments available for some services through adult and children’s social care Working to extend across education, health and social care

Children and Family Services The local authority must make arrangements for both disagreement resolution and mediation services to be available. Together Trust until March Further tender exercise across East Midlands to provide independent mediation and dispute resolution from April Mediation and Dispute Resolution

Children and Family Services Local authorities, NHS England and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s) will develop joint commissioning arrangements In Leicestershire we are working with key health partners to create a robust joint commissioning strategy in conjunction with the local offer Joint Commissioning

Children and Family Services Information, advice and support All local authorities, by law, have to provide children and young people with SEN or disabilities, and their parents, with information and advice Leicestershire’s Parent Partnership Service is being reconfigured to fulfil this requirement Independent supporters will be provided for Leicestershire through Core Assets

Children and Family Services Checklist for Governors Has your school: –Kept up to date with the expected changes. Completed the local offer template. –Review and refresh the school’s process for the early identification and assessment of SEND to follow the graduated approach. Review pupils currently on SA/SA+ by april 2015, engaging the child and parent in decision making and planning and being clear about the extra support that they need, what impact you expect support to have and by when. Review and refresh the schools procedures for effective engagement to ensure children, young people and parents are involved in decision making and planning. Review how the schools support pupils with SEN with their transition to post-16 education and preparing for adult life. SEN support isn’t about ‘compliance’ – it’s a cycle of continuous improvement

Children and Family Services Checklist for Governors Initiate a review of their school’s SEN Policy engaging governors and staff, parents and young people.. Tell parents about the reforms and explain to them how the transition will happen, make staff aware of the reforms and start essential training needs. Engage with LAs in relation to the process for transferring from statements to EHC plans through ‘transfer review’ Ensure the SENCO has the right qualifications and explore how the SENCO fits into strategic management of the school. Have arrangements in place to support pupils with medical conditions.

Children and Family Services Outcomes Positive outcomes for children, young people and their families Improved attainment and progression of pupils with SEN. Increase in the percentage of KS4 and KS5 SEN cohort going to, or remaining in, Education, Employment and Training. Reduction in percentage of pupils with SEN receiving one or more fixed period exclusions. Reduction in school absence of pupils with SEN.

Children and Family Services Outcomes Effective preparation for adulthood Better support received to prepare young people for a successful transition to adulthood. Positive experience of the system Planned and well managed transition at key points. Parents, children and young people get the right support at the right time and feel that they are listened to and in control of their support, choices, decisions and opportunities.

Children and Family Services Useful Links SEND code of practice