The Medical Centre Patient Participation Group AGENDA 1.Introduction to the PPG members and Core Values 2.PPG constitution 3.PPG Chairs Report for Practice Priorities for the Year ahead 5.PPG Treasurers Report 6.Summary of Patient Questionnaire Feedback 7.PPG Priorities for the year ahead 8.Questions and Answers 9.Raffle Draw 10/09/20151Annual General Meeting 2013
PPG constitution Name The name of the Group is the Medical centre Patient Participation Group (The Group) Objectives The objective of the group shall be to facilitate the works of the medical Centre Group surgeries (“the Practice”) in its provision of services to patients as shall be determined from time to time by the partners of the Practice and by the group with a view to fostering an environment conducive within which the practice operates and to further the health and social needs of the patients. The group shall not undertake any activity without the consent of the Partners The Group is empowered to pursue aims in furtherance of these objectives The Group shall be non-party in politics, non sectarian in religion and non discriminatory in age, gender and ethnicity 10/09/2015Annual General Meeting 20132
Practice overview The Medical Centre has: – Surgeries at Downswood, Grove Green, Shepway and Senacre – 26 members of Staff 7 Doctors including 1 trainee 4 Nurses and 2 Health Care Assistants 13 Receptionist & Admin Staff – 8800 patients, including a high proportion of patients between 0-25 years – Last year achieved 997 out of 1000 Quality of Framework (measure of performance related to patient care) During the last year the surgery has focussed on improving: – Patient access – extended opening hours – Preventative care Age 40+ check ups Carotid Artery scans (CIMT) NHS health checks Mental Health Early detections of cancers Early detection of respiratory disease 10/09/2015Annual General Meeting 20133
PPG Chairs Report for 2012 Creation of Group Constitution Provided a patients voice / feedback through Patient Questionnaire and follow up Supported Medical Centre event at the Jubilee on the Green Fundraising to date raised £234 Have undertaken to provide Nebuliser for each surgery- Trial evaluation of first unit being undertaken at Shepway 10/09/2015Annual General Meeting 20134
How Does the Government initiative on CCG effect on the practice and patient care West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) 62 Practices- Maidstone, Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge, Sevenoaks Total PatientsApprox. 440,000 Budget £464M Board of CCG. 18 in total including 12 GP’s + Lay Member of Public Each Practice will have a Patient Participation Group. The Chairs of PPG’s meet regularly with Chair and Lay Member of CCG exchanging information. Our CCG is unique in setting up a co-design Group from Chairs of PPG to create an input from Patients in to Commissioning services from 2014 and each year on. Major difference from PCT-they commissioned services without reference to medical staff. 10/09/2015Annual General Meeting 20135
PPG Treasurer Report for 2012 PPG Bank account created October 2012 Fundraising for the benefit of the practice patients are an ongoing objective Opening balance of £ made up of £ raised by the Jubilee celebrations Tombola and £200 individual donation Purchase of the first nebuliser £63 and the hire of the hall for the AGM £27 Current balance stands at £ /09/2015Annual General Meeting 20136
Patient Survey feedback: Initial patient questionnaire, highlighted 4 areas the patients wished to see improve: Point 1- Improvements with handling calls To address this the Medical team have – Conducted additional training to Reception staff on how to improve telephone service. – To avoid Phone congestion the team have highlighted to patients there are alternative mechanisms for obtaining repeat prescriptions 10/09/2015Annual General Meeting Feedback from the latest Patient Survey 90% rated the service Excellent / Good
Patient Survey feedback: Initial patient questionnaire, highlighted 4 areas the patients wished to see improve : Point 2 - Appointment times To address this the Medical Team Have – Improved Patient information on wait times – Posters to be placed in waiting rooms requesting patients to notify reception if they have not been seen within 15minutes – Unfortunately due to emergencies and patients requiring extended appointment times it is not always possible to keep on schedule 10/09/2015Annual General Meeting Feedback from the latest Patient Survey 67% rated the service Excellent / Good
Patient Survey feedback: Initial patient questionnaire, highlighted 4 areas the patients wished to see improve Point 3 - Availability of Blood test appointments To address this the Medical team have – Raised awareness of how blood collection process is conducted and why there is a cut off time for blood testing. – Additional morning slots for blood tests have been added with the appointment of an additional health care assistant In the last review the issue of blood testing had not been raised as a concern 10/09/2015Annual General Meeting 20139
Patient feedback: Initial patient questionnaire, highlighted 4 areas the patients wished to see improve Point 4 - Obtaining Test results To address this the Medical Team Have – Ensured that patients are made aware that they can obtain their test results by telephone call after 11.15am – Monitored that patients have received their test results 10/09/2015Annual General Meeting Feedback from the latest Patient Survey Shows 75% are aware that they can obtain there results by phone
Practice Priorities for 2013 To review and improve on last years performance Promoting Healthy Living – Smoking – Healthy diet – Weight – Alcohol – Exercise Early detection of Dementia Support for “Patients at risk” Improving “Patients Experience” 10/09/2015Annual General Meeting
PPG Chairs Plans for 2013 Hold the first AGM To plan Patient well being events during the year Continue to increase Patient Participation with the Medical Practice 10/09/2015Annual General Meeting