AcademyHealth Public Health Systems Research Interest Group Meeting Public Health Data Panel
National Association of Local Boards of Health Local Board of Health National Profile Charles E. Moon, Ph.D.
NALBOH Mission To prepare and strengthen boards of health, empowering them to promote and protect the health of their communities through education, training, and technical assistance.
Purpose of the Local Board of Health National Profile Updating demographic information Updating demographic information Summarizing the composition and organizational structures of boards Summarizing the composition and organizational structures of boards Identifying roles, responsibilities, and authorities of board members Identifying roles, responsibilities, and authorities of board members Determining boards’ telecommunication infrastructure Determining boards’ telecommunication infrastructure Identifying concerns and needs Identifying concerns and needs Charting changes and trends since the 1997 survey Charting changes and trends since the 1997 survey
Background and History NALBOH was created in 1992 NALBOH was created in 1992 Public Health Practice Program Office of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognized need for additional information about local boards of health Public Health Practice Program Office of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognized need for additional information about local boards of health CDC and NALBOH planned the National Profile of Local Boards of Health CDC and NALBOH planned the National Profile of Local Boards of Health CDC conducted the survey and the findings were reported by the CDC and NALBOH in 1997 CDC conducted the survey and the findings were reported by the CDC and NALBOH in 1997 NALBOH received grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to build an on-going data collection and analysis process for boards of health, including a 2 nd profile planned for 2008 NALBOH received grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to build an on-going data collection and analysis process for boards of health, including a 2 nd profile planned for 2008
Revision of the 1997 National Profile of Local Boards of Health Marie M. Fallon, NALBOH Executive Director, established Profile work group Marie M. Fallon, NALBOH Executive Director, established Profile work group Work group received charge to review 1997 Profile vis-à-vis purpose of 2008 Profile Work group received charge to review 1997 Profile vis-à-vis purpose of 2008 Profile Work group recommended additions, deletions, and changes via conference calls and s Work group recommended additions, deletions, and changes via conference calls and s Validity and reliability standards were used to evaluate retained, revised, and new items Validity and reliability standards were used to evaluate retained, revised, and new items Final draft of 2008 Profile reviewed by NALBOH staff and others as well as the work group Final draft of 2008 Profile reviewed by NALBOH staff and others as well as the work group
Number of Items in 2008 Profile by Purpose Demographics9 Demographics9 Composition/Organization 72 Composition/Organization 72 Roles, Responsibilities, Authorities 45 Roles, Responsibilities, Authorities 45 Telecommunications Infrastructure8 Telecommunications Infrastructure8 Concerns and Needs 46 Concerns and Needs 46 Changes and Trends 58 Changes and Trends 58
Example of Items: Demographics Which of the following best describes the geographic jurisdiction served by your board? (Check one) Which of the following best describes the geographic jurisdiction served by your board? (Check one) _County _City _Multi-County District/Region _City-County _Town/Township _Other (Specify)___________________________
Example of Items: Composition and Organization How often does your board meet? How often does your board meet? _Monthly _Quarterly _Other (Specify)_____ Are board vacancies publicly announced? Are board vacancies publicly announced? _Yes _No _Does not apply How does your board receive community input? (Check all that apply) How does your board receive community input? (Check all that apply) _Public hearings _Public comments at each board meeting _Citizen complaints _Other (Specify)____________
Example of Items: Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities Please answer the following questions about the functions and activities of your board. Does the board of health: Please answer the following questions about the functions and activities of your board. Does the board of health: a. Hire/fire the health director/officer/CEO? YesNo b. Approve health agency budget? YesNo c. Establish public health policies? YesNo
Example of Items: Telecommunications Infrastructure Does the board have an official website? Does the board have an official website? _Yes_No If yes, answer the following: If yes, answer the following: a. What is the web address? (e.g., b. Are addresses listed for all board members? b. Are addresses listed for all board members? _Yes_No _Yes_No
Example of Items: Concerns and Needs Indicate the degree to which your board needs training, information, or technical assistance in the following areas by checking the box that most accurately represents the degree of need. Indicate the degree to which your board needs training, information, or technical assistance in the following areas by checking the box that most accurately represents the degree of need. a. Conflict resolution and management a. Conflict resolution and management _No need _Some need _A lot of need b. Obesity prevention b. Obesity prevention _No need _Some need _A lot of need c. Creating a strategic plan c. Creating a strategic plan _No need _Some need _A lot of need
Time Line for 2008 Profile Project September 2007-February 2008: Profile revision and refinement September 2007-February 2008: Profile revision and refinement March 2008: Profile sent to all local board of health chairs in database March 2008: Profile sent to all local board of health chairs in database April-June 2008: Surveys processed/preliminary cleaning & screening of data/follow-up with non-respondents April-June 2008: Surveys processed/preliminary cleaning & screening of data/follow-up with non-respondents July-September 2008: Exploratory data analysis & data mining/interview random sample of non-respondents July-September 2008: Exploratory data analysis & data mining/interview random sample of non-respondents October-December 2008: Initial & final drafts of report October-December 2008: Initial & final drafts of report
Data Use Policy Requests for data from the 1997 National Profile of Local Boards of Health were processed by the CDC Requests for data from the 1997 National Profile of Local Boards of Health were processed by the CDC NALBOH has never had a copy of the 1997 Profile data file NALBOH has never had a copy of the 1997 Profile data file There has been no need for a data use policy until the 2008 Profile There has been no need for a data use policy until the 2008 Profile A data use policy is being written and should be ready by fall A data use policy is being written and should be ready by fall
Preliminary and Final Reports Preliminary report on the 2008 Profile will be given at NALBOH’s 16 th Annual Conference in Madison, WI July 2008 Preliminary report on the 2008 Profile will be given at NALBOH’s 16 th Annual Conference in Madison, WI July 2008 Final report will be available by December 2008 Final report will be available by December 2008